Releases: vletroye/Mods
Quick Build
Quick Rebuild - Non official version - without installer
Beta 7.3
Basis to Edit "privilege" (mandatory to run installation as 'package' on DSM 7.0)
Add menu to edit and
Fix issue with calculation of checksum with the latest MODS.exe
Release Candidate 7.2
Menu Refactoring
All Files stored now as Ansi
Support various "conf" settings
New Setup file (MSI)
Release Candidate
Fix bug preventing to add an item in a package without saving pending changes first.
Fine tuning of the Installer Project.
First release with a setup package for windows
Yet extra features in the Editors
Add support to resize and crop the snapshots
Add support to search and replace in the Script Editor
Add support to add WebApp as symbolic link in a Package Folder instead of copying files
Many more features and a lot of code refactoring
Support for default User settings via a Parameter Screen
Support to Edit items in WizardUI
Support for Validators in WizardUI
Support to open SPK/Package Folders by Drag&Drop on Mods
Support to open SPK via Windows Explorer's context menu
Support to edit Package's dependencies (install_dep, install_conflict, install_break, ...)
Support to add ChangeLogs & Screenshot to be used by SSPKS
Support for Shortcuts on most menus
Support to edit admin's protocol, port and url
Use RecycleBin for important delete
CleanUp bin/obj/references/NuGetPackages
Various deep refactoring of the code
Several fixes
Several bugs have been found by users since the previous release or while writing some documentation for the wiki... Also, support for a few new INFO parameters has been added
Mods with support for more features
Added support for INFO parameters:
- Offline Install,
- Silent Install,
- Silent Upgrade,
- Silent Uninstall,
- Startable,
- Precheck Start-Stop,
- Install Reboot,
- Arch, [double click the text box to open a list of existing arch/models]
- Excluded Arch,
- Model, ...
Added support for config parameters:
- Choice between legacy (embedded) and url (open in new tab/window)
- Enable Privilege configuration with Grant Privilege and Advanced Grant Privilege
Improved support to import existing SPK.
Support to move the folder with an existing package to another location.
Support to switch from Single App (Package with only only Url/Script/WebApp ) to a Mutliple App (Package with
various Url/Scripts/WebApps)
Improved support for Script/WebApp's url parts: "protocol", "port" and "path"
Improved support to make transparent icons with Magick.Net
Add Help "Links" for the Script/Wizards/Etc...
Support to publish the packages into "Simple SPK Server"'s package folder (SSPKS)
Few minor fixes (resizing windows, Package without Displayname, ...)
Mods with support to import existing Package
This version comes with support to open any existing Package.
Use the menu File > Import and pick a SPK.
This SPK will be deflated in a temporary folder. User the Menu Package > Open Folder to access that temp folder.
When opening a SPK you will get a popup displaying the features (element of the INFO file) not yet supported; I.e.: info not currently editable in the UI of Mods. Simply use the button "Advanced" to edit those features.
Notice that the syno signature is e.g. no yet supported at all... So, you won't be able to recreate a valid spk which used to contain such a signature.