A simple command line tool to check if there are any processes running in a schroot session. Created to check if a schroot session can be safely ended.
To use this as a normal user, setguid and setgid can be used.
Assuming the binary's location is /usr/bin/schroot-process-check
# chown root:wheel /usr/bin/schroot-process-check
# chmod 6711 /usr/bin/schroot-process-check
This is the output of the tool when called without any argument:
-p PID format, outputs the PIDs only.
-q Quiet mode, avoid all output.
-v Verbose mode, prints IDs of processes running in the given schroot session.
Additionally, the result can be gathered from the tool's return code:
Active Processes Found | Return Code |
no | 0 |
yes | 3 |