This section describes on how to write a go test for cross version API compatibility and how the test case is processed by the framework to then invoke various Runtime APIs and perform validations.
Each test case command is transformed and written into temporary files which is consumed by the runtime-test-plugins-vX.XX.X
binaries build with specific versions of the runtime.
Each Test is of below type
package framework
// TestCase represents the list of commands to execute as part of test case
type TestCase struct {
Commands []*Command `json:"commands" yaml:"commands"`
// Command represents the list of apis to execute as part of command execution
type Command struct {
APIs []*API `json:"apis" yaml:"apis"`
// API represents the runtime API to execute
type API struct {
Name RuntimeAPIName `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
Version RuntimeVersion `json:"version" yaml:"version"`
Arguments map[string]interface{} `json:"arguments" yaml:"arguments"`
Output *Output `json:"output" yaml:"output"`
// Output represents the runtime API expected output for validation
type Output struct {
Result Result `json:"result" yaml:"result"`
Content string `json:"content" yaml:"content"`
ValidationStrategy ValidationStrategy `json:"validationstrategy" yaml:"validationstrategy"`
type Result string
const (
Success Result = "success"
Failed = "failed"
// RuntimeAPIVersion represents the runtime library version
type RuntimeAPIVersion struct {
RuntimeVersion RuntimeVersion `json:"runtimeVersion,omitempty" yaml:"runtimeVersion,omitempty"`
// RuntimeVersion Runtime library versions
type RuntimeVersion string
const (
Version0116 RuntimeVersion = "v0.11.6"
Version0254 = "v0.25.4"
Version0280 = "v0.28.0"
Version090 = "v0.90.0"
VersionLatest = "latest"
// NewTestCase creates an instance of TestCase
func NewTestCase() *TestCase {
return &TestCase{}
// Add series of commands to test case to be executed in sequence
func (t *TestCase) Add(command ...*Command) *TestCase {
t.Commands = append(t.Commands, command...)
return t
// APILog represents the logs/output/errors returned from runtime test plugin binaries
type APILog struct {
APIResponse *APIResponse `json:"apiResponse" yaml:"apiResponse"`
APIError string `json:"error" yaml:"error"`
// APIResponse represents the output response returned from runtime test plugin binaries
type APIResponse struct {
ResponseType ResponseType `json:"responseType" yaml:"responseType"`
ResponseBody interface{} `json:"responseBody" yaml:"responseBody"`
type ResponseType string
const (
MapResponse ResponseType = "map"
BooleanResponse = "bool"
StringResponse = "str"
IntegerResponse = "int"
Arguments Type
Map of key value pairs that needs to be specified for each API method. Each key is the name of the argument that the API accepts.
The content of arguments needs to be specified as per definition of API method.
The content of context
should be the yaml representation of the Context object that SetContext v1.0.0 accepts.
Keys will be predefined in the framework to help Test writers to construct the specific API test.
Possible keys for arguments map are :- context, server, isCurrent, name, discoverySources,val,repository,target,key, plugin,feature, patchStrategies etc.
Each Test Case accepts
Name of the Test Case specifying the various APIs and versions of runtime are being testedcommands
Each Command takes in array of versions and apis to be tested.- Each
API Method Name .arguments
API Method Arguments.output
API Method Expected Output for validation.
Running the testcase_1, the framework generates below commands internally to trigger specific runtime version libraries.
stdout, _, err := Exec("./runtime-test-plugin-1-00/runtime-test-plugin-1-00 test --test-file temp-tests-100.yaml")
- Exec() internally uses “os/exec” pkg
will have the []API to run for that specific runtime version
- name: SetContext
context: |-
name: test-mc
target: kubernetes
isManagementCluster: true
endpoint: old-test-endpoint
annotation: one
isCurrent: false
result: success
content: ""
stdout, _, err := Exec("./runtime-test-plugin-0-28/runtime-test-plugin-0-28 test --test-file temp-tests-028.yaml")
- Exec() internally uses “os/exec” pkg
will have the []API to run for that specific runtime version
- name: GetContext
contextName: test-bc
result: success
content: |-
name: test-mc
target: kubernetes
isManagementCluster: true
endpoint: old-test-endpoint
runtime-test-plugin-1-00 test –test-file temp-tests-100.yaml
- test command will parse the API method and arguments from –test-file flag temp-tests.yaml then triggers the runtime lib APIs.
- Validations or Assertions are done based on passed Output arguments.
// Call runtime SetContext() API function
err := SetContext(ctx, isCurrent)
// Print the log to stdout
runtime-test-plugin-0-28 test –test-file temp-tests-028.yaml
// Call runtime GetContext() API function
actualCtx := GetContext(ctxName) //i.e. test-bc
// Print the log to stdout