#Requirements React router should be applied - 3-4 hours React Redux should be applied( Optional ) 5-6hours
- / (main page)
- /ticket/ticketId (detail page)
- User can press Enter/click Add button to Add new ticket
- If this is a real system with backend api, there will be a delay before new ticket is added. ( Optional : -Try Simulating this behavior using ES6 Promise, delay 1 or 2 seconds then add new ticket) UI-wise, Add button should be disabled, three dot "..." should be displayed. After ticket has been added, revert UI back to normal
- If value is empty, new ticket should not be created
- Once new ticket is created, textbox value should be removed
- User should be able to move ticket from IN-PROGRESS <-> DONE <-> CLOSE
- By default, new ticket will go to IN-PROGRESS with actions [Done,Close]
- If ticket status is Done, available actions are [Not Fix, Close]
- If ticket status is Close, there will be no actions
- If ticket status is DONE. After 5 seconds, ticket should be automatically moved to CLOSE (this is per ticket) (Should take care of potential memory leak)
- User can click on ticket (main page) to go to detail
- There must be input validations (check for empty)
- Once user updated the ticket, user should be redirected back to main page
- Updated ticket should be in correct column (In-Progress, Done, Close)
- Create Routes and use Home and Ticket Components.
- Accepted solution should fullfil above requirements.
- Code cleaniness should be taken into account
And finally, GOOD LUCK!