{% embed url="https://testnet-explorer.publicawesome.dev/stargaze" %} Ping Explorer {% endembed %}
Join our Discord and request tokens in the #faucet
channel. You will need the developer role from #pick-a-role
RPC: https://rpc.elgafar-1.stargaze-apis.com
LCD: https://rest.elgafar-1.stargaze-apis.com
GRPC: http://grpc-1.elgafar-1.stargaze-apis.com:26660
GRPC2 : http://grpc-2.elgafar-1.stargaze-apis.com:26660
git clone [email protected]:public-awesome/stargaze.git
cd stargaze
make install
Stargaze testnet is permissionless and does not require a governance proposal to deploy new contracts. You may use Stargaze Studio web interface or the CLI to deploy new contracts
1. Create a new wallet or import an existing one through the wallet extension on your browser
2. Request testnet STARS to the wallet address through the #faucet
channel on Discord
3. Visit https://studio.publicawesome.dev/contracts/upload/ to deploy your contract on testnet
4. Upon successful deployment of your contract, a summary containing the code ID, transaction hash and other data will be displayed.
1. Create a stars address
starsd keys add testnet-key
- name: testnet-key
type: local
address: stars1e9rf2y807g32jv88j9ydpe7082rk9ck8w79xtz
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Aidseu5Pl9DYHGZpCE2CkqLckQ6KSgC5IJvLL1yc+lpo"}'
mnemonic: ""
2. Request funds through the #faucet
3. Configure RPC endpoint and Chain ID
starsd config node https://rpc.elgafar-1.stargaze-apis.com:443
starsd config chain-id elgafar-1
4. Check your account has balance
starsd query bank balances [address]
5. Deploy a contract
starsd tx wasm store contract.wasm --from testnet-key --gas-prices 0.025ustars --gas-adjustment 1.7 --gas auto
After executing this transaction you will have a code id that you can use to instantiate the contract.
starsd q tx [hash] | jq
# or use sed to return just the code_id
starsd q tx [hash] | sed -n 's/.*"key":"code_id","value":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'
# or check the block explorer
You may use the CLI to instantiate the deployed contract with the custom instantiation message the contract expects.
"contract_param": "something"
starsd tx wasm instantiate [code_id] $INSTANTIATE_MSG --label "StargazeContract" --admin [my-address] --from testnet-key --amount "100000000ustars" --gas-prices 0.025ustars --gas-adjustment 1.7 --gas auto