Here is one way to run a CLI process in a new window, make closing that window kill that process, yet wait for the user when said process exits, e.g. not to loose some start-up error message:
gnome-terminal -- bash -c 'ls / ; read -p "Press Enter to close..."'
I used this as follows for qemu-system-x86_64
in this script:
export KERNEL
gnome-terminal -- bash -c '\
qemu-system-x86_64 \
-serial stdio -nographic -display none \
-kernel "$KERNEL" ; \
read -p "QEMU has exited - press any key to close this window..."'
Note the export
- that's needed for those environment variables to work as arguments to the process in the gnome-terminal.
PS: I'm using this to see a VM's output to the serial bus, for which I cannot use QEMU own GUI Window because a particulat VM I'm launching does not initialize a console. Of course you could also keep it in your main working console, but because the VM is "long running" in the background, it's "in the way" if it's in the foreground.