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File metadata and controls

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Internal Field Separator (IFS)

In this chapter I briefly introduce the Internal Field Separator variable (or IFS). The IFS is how Bash splits fields into words. This is important in creating Bash Arrays — Bash will use IFS to tokenize a string into array elements. For example (using the files.txt in this directory):

$ cat files.txt
file D

Note the last line has a space. Look what happens if we load these values into a Bash array:

$ all_files=($(cut -d"  " -f1 files.txt)) # -d "	" is a literal tab character
                                          # created with control-v <tab>

$ for file in "${all_files[@]}"; do echo $file; done;

file D was tokenized into file and D. This is because IFS includes space (here are a few ways of looking at $IFS):

$ echo -n "$IFS" | hexdump -c # use echo -n to not append newline
0000000      \t  \n

$ printf %q "$IFS"
$' \t\n'

The best way to avoid this is to not have filenames with spaces in them. Still, in some cases you may need to process poorly named files (this is bioinformatics, after all), so you can temporarily set IFS to just tabs and newlines (or better, just newlines). Remember to restore the default IFS! Here's an example:

$ OFS="$IFS" # store original field separator to restore later
$ IFS="\n" # set new IFS
$ all_files=($(cut -d"  " -f1 files.txt))
$ for file in "${all_files[@]}"; do echo $file; done;
file D
$ IFS="$OFS"

You can also set IFS to commas or semicolons where appropriate.

On the Danger of Command Substitution and Looping over Files

In this chapter, to loop through files with a Bash for loop, I first load files into an array using command substitution, and then loop through with ${bash_array[@]}. As with anything in computing, there are more than one ways to do this. And as with anything in Bash, there are numerous pitfalls you should be aware of. Here's why the book teaches the approach it does;

Using direct command substitution in a for loop like:

for file in $(ls *.fastq); do
  echo $file

is a common Bash pitfall. I like to explicitly load these values into an array using a quoted command substitution, and loop through each element with "${bash_array[@]}". I find being explicit indicates what's going on — Bash is using word splitting with the IFS, and this could lead to unsafe behavior if you have files with filenames containing spaces, newlines, tabs, or globbing characters.

However, this is not universally robust against all filenames; only more explicit. In general, this is only safe with clean filenames: filenames cannot contain spaces, newlines, tabs, or globbing charcters like *!. For example, if you have spaces in your filename, you may need to set IFS:

$ OFS="$IFS"
$ all_files=($(cut -f1 files.txt))
$ IFS="\n"; all_files=($(cut -f1 files.txt))
$ for file in "${all_files[@]}"; do echo $file; done;
file D
$ IFS="$OFS" # restore IFS

Note that we now also need to quote "${all_files[@]}" (which we didn't in the book because our filenames don't have spaces) to make this work correctly! Try this without quotes to see for yourself.

Many Bash experts will suggest not using command substitution at all to get files to loop over. I don't disagree, but at a certain point we need to move forward with work and get the job done rather than worrying about all corner cases. Most sysadmins write Bash scripts that need to process files in users' directories and they cannot make any assumptions about filenames. In bioinformatics, we usually working with data files we name or can rename, so we can exercise more control over filenames to prevent these corner cases. Still, we are making an assumption about our data that could break code, so beware! Bash's design is bad here; note this difficulty and keep it in the back of your head.

Overall, Bash is meant for quick and dirty scripts; if you need more safety, use Python.

More on this topic:

  • A StackOverflow post about ${bash_array[@]} versus ${bash_array[*]}.

  • A nice LinuxJournal post about quoting in Bash.

  • You can also use read with null-delimited lines (as we do in the chapter with find and xargs) but I believe this is too confusing to teach in the book. New versions of Bash also have the mapfile and readarray commands for this.

Bash's set -e

There's a lot to Bash's set -e which I don't have the space to cover in the book. Not all commands obey set -e, with the most clear example being commands in the if conditional. More on this can be found on the Bash FAQ page.

Extended Test Syntax

I don't mention this in the book (to keep things simple), but Bash versions greater than 2.02 support an extended test syntax based on double brackets like [[ ... ]]. This syntax has support for common operators like <, >, && and ||.

Makefile Example

If you want to checkout another Makefile example see chapter-11-alignment/celegans-reads/Makefile for an example of how a read-creating pipeline.