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Piece Movements

Nick Slerts edited this page Dec 30, 2015 · 5 revisions

Bitwise Operations

  • The use of bitboards enables the use of bit operations for movement generation
>>n    shifts bits n of bits to the right (keeps left most bit as is, use >>> to force 0)
<<n    shifts bits n of bits to the left
n & m    bits in n **AND** m that are both 1 are retained as 1s in result
n | m    bits in n **OR** m that are both 1 are retained as 1s in result
n ^ m    bits in n **OR** m that are 1 **BUT NOT BOTH** are retained as 1s in result (exclusive-or)

Bitboards Required


  • 6 white: pawn, knights, bishops, rooks, queen, king
  • 6 black: pawn, knights, bishops, rooks, queen, king

Board Control

  • 2 Files: A & H
    • prevent bad pawn moves (File H -> File A)
    • hold 1's for each bit contained in given file
  • 4 Ranks
    • 1 & 8
      • used for pawn promotion
      • hold 1's for each bit contained in given rank
    • 4 & 5
      • used for en passant
      • hold 1's for each bit contained in given rank
  • 1 empty spaces
    • hold 1's for each bit that does not have a pc

Captures & Not Captures

  • 1 for spaces with black pcs that white can capture
    • bP, bN, bB, bR, bQ
  • 1 for spaces with white pcs that black can capture
    • wP, wN, wB, wR, wQ
  • 1 for spaces of pcs that white can't capture
    • wP, wN, wB, wR, wQ, wK, bK (because you should never capture the opposing king)
  • 1 for spaces of pcs that black can't capture
    • bP, bN, bB, bR, bQ, bK, wK (because you should never capture the opposing king)

Piece moves

  • 1 for pawns
    • incl: attack left + attack right + fwd move 1 space + fwd move 2 space
  • 1 for knights
  • 1 for bishops
  • 1 for rooks
  • 1 for queen
  • 1 for king

Move generation

  • concatinate list of all possible moves
  • maintain history of moves made
  • search can be optimized by only looking between first and last destinations
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