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100 lines (69 loc) · 4.56 KB

Atom TypeScript

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JavaScript developers can now just open a .ts file and start hacking away like they are used to. No grunt no Visual Studio. Just pure coding.

NOTE: This branch contains a major rewrite (v11) of the atom-typescript plugin that is lighter and faster, but lacks a few major features that you might miss. The previous version is still available in the legacy branch and will continue to receive minor bugfixes, but I wouldn't count on any new developments.


  1. Install atom.
  2. Install dependencies (see below)
  3. apm install atom-typescript (apm needs git in your path)
  4. Fire up atom. Open a TypeScript file.


Atom-TypeScript relies on some external packages for providing some of its GUI. You basically have two options.

Option 1: Install atom-ide-ui package.

Option 2: Install the following packages:

  • linter
  • linter-ui-default
  • hyperclick
  • intentions

Additional Notes: Some packages we love.


Featured on the TypeScript home page under tools and demoed by Anders Hejlsberg.

"I was shocked at how good it felt to poke around on the compiler with it." Jonathan Turner "And guess what, it worked perfectly. Like everything else! Faster than Visual Studio!" Daniel Earwicker "It's a thing of beauty - they had me at 'Type information on hover'. Discovering tsconfig.json support as well was just an enormous bonus." John Reilly "This may be your best option for editing TypeScript at the moment - very nice!" Rasmus Schultz

Add yours!


  • Autocomplete
  • Live error analysis
  • Type information on hover
  • Compile on save
  • Project Context Support (tsconfig.json)
  • Project Build Support
  • package.json Support
  • Goto Declaration
  • Find References
  • Block comment and uncomment
  • Rename refactoring
  • Common Snippets


Located online :

Feature Details

Auto Complete

Internally using AutoComplete+. Just start typing and hints will show up. Or you can explicitly trigger it using ctrl+space or cmd+space. Press tab to make a selection.

Type information on hover

Just hover

you definitely get the point

Compile on save

When "compileOnSave": true is set in tsconfig.json, Typescript files will be compiled and saved automatically. The compiler does its best to emit something, even if there are semantic errors in the file.

Project Support

atom-typescript supports all the same options the Typescript compiler does as it's using it behind the scenes to do all of the heavy lifting. In fact, atom-typescript will use the exact version of Typescript you have installed in your node_modules directory.

Format Code

Shortcut : ctrl+alt+l or cmd+alt+l. Will format just the selection if you have something selected otherwise it will format the entire file.

Go to Declaration

Shortcut : F12. Will open the first declaration of the said item for now. (Note: some people call it Go to Definition)

Find References

Shortcut shift+F12. Also called find usages.



f2 to initiate rename. enter to commit and esc to cancel.

Quick Fix

Shortcut : ctrl+enter on a Mac and alt+enter for Windows and Linux when using intentions, alt+a when using atom-ide-ui. Currently available codefixes:


Look at for curiosity. We work hard to keep the code as approachable as possible and are highly keen on helping you help us.


Breaking changes available online.