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Coding style guide

Jérémie Astori edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 13 revisions


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JavaScript Filenames

  • Filenames must be lowercase.
  • Words are separated by a dash -


# Good

Line length

  • Avoid lines longer than 80 characters.
  • Exception can be made for long strings or comments.
  • When breaking a line, place the break after an operator, not before.


// Good
foo() +

// Bad
+ bar();


  • Short lines are more readable that long lines.
  • This also allows for screen splitting edition without scrolling horizontally.
  • A break after an operator decreases the likelihood that a copy-paste error will be masked by semicolon insertion.


  • Always use the strict mode.
  • Always start a file with 'use strict'; on the very first line unless there is block comment at line 1. In that case, leave a blank between the block comment and the strict mode statement.


  • Strict mode helps detecting numerous bugs, such as a leaked variable.


  • The unit of indentation is 2 spaces.
  • Use spaces instead of tabs.


  • This leaves more room for the 80-char max length.
  • The performance overhead of the 2 spaces is not relevant.


  • Use inline comments for meaningful explanations.
  • Use block comments for formal documentation (and only for that)

Variable declarations

  • Use of global variables should be avoided.
  • All variables must be declared before used.
  • The variable declarations should be the first statement in the function body.
  • Declare one variable per line, in alphabetical order if possible.
  • Start each statement with var.


// Good
var bar = 'foo';
var foo = 'bar';

// Bad
var bar = 'foo'
,   foo = 'bar'

// Bad
var bar = 'foo',
    foo = 'bar';


  • Declaring variables helps to detect undeclared variables that may become implied globals.
  • A missing comma, due to semicolon insertion, will make the variable global instead of local, which is most likely a mistake.
  • Being explicit about var is the best way to avoid mistakes and to keep git from messing up the diff when a variable is changed or added.

Block statements

  • Opening braces go on the same line as the statement.
  • Insert one space before the opening curly brace.
// Good
if (condition) {
  /* ... */

// Good
function () {
  /* ... */

// Bad
if (true)

// Bad
function ()
  /* ... */

// Bad
  /* ... */

if statements

  • In the presence of a single statement:
    • If the condition and the statement are shorter than 80 character, have them on the same line
    • Otherwise, break it and make us of curly brackets
  • Always use curly brackets when the if body is made of multiple statements
  • if and the conditions must be separated by one space.
  • Use === and !== operators instead of == and !=.


// Good
if (foo) {

// Good
if (foo1) bar1();
else if (foo2) bar2();
else notBar();

// Bad
if (foo1) {
else if (foo2) {
else {


  • Short lines are preferred for readability.
  • Being able to compact an if statement helps having the entire outer block readable with no scroll.
  • == and != operators do type coercion and should not be used.

return statements

  • return statements should always be the last statement of a function.


  • This helps understanding the flow of a complex function and helps debugging.

Function declarations

  • All functions should be declared before they are used.
  • Inner functions should follow the var statements.
  • Do not insert spaces between the function name and the arguments.
  • If a function literal is anonymous, insert one space before the word function and the arguments.
  • Keep your functions short, about 15 lines maximum per function.
  • Closures should be named, as it produces better stack traces.
  • Short closures with a single statement can be one-liners as long as the max line length is respected.


// Good
function foo(bar) {
  // ...
var foo = function foo (bar) { return bar; };

// Sort of good
function (bar) {
  // ...

// Bad
function foo (bar) {
  // ...
function(bar) {
  // ...


  • Do not use international characters, $ or \ in names.
  • Do not use _ as the first of last character of a name.
  • Use lowerCamelCase for function and variable names.
  • Use UpperCamelCase for class names.
  • Use UPPERCASE for pseudo-constants.
  • Node.js supports the keyword const for global contants.
// Good
var myVar;
var MyClass;
var myFunction;

// Bad
var $;
var _iAmSoPublic;


  • JavaScript issues neither a compile-time warning nor a run-time warning if a required new is omitted. The capitalization convention is the only defense we have.


  • Put a semicolon at the end of every statement.


  • JavaScript allows any expression to be used as a statement. This can mask some errors, particularly in the presence of semicolon insertion. Therefore lines without semicolons at the end must be read as a typo.

Blank lines and whitespaces

  • Be reasonable with blank lines.
    • No blank lines before closing curly brackets.
    • No blank lines after a function declaration.
  • Add a blank line only to split big statement blocks, when it is necessary.
  • Leave an empty line at the end of each file.
  • Do not commit trailing whitespaces.


  • The shorter the better, as it helps reading more without scrolling back and forth.
  • Git will complain if an empty line at the end of file is missing.


  • Use single quotes rather than double quotes.

npm dependencies

  • Keep dependencies and devDependencies sorted alphabetically.
  • Versioning:
    • If major version M > 0, use the following: M.x.x
    • Otherwise, keep the minor version m fixed: 0.m.x


  • The sorted dependency list will match David's list, easier to update the dependencies.
  • According to man semver, "Many authors treat a 0.x version as if the x were the major 'breaking-change' indicator".