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Krzysztof Kotowicz edited this page May 4, 2019 · 17 revisions

Do we need Trusted Types when we have a Content Security Policy?

Most likely - yes.

The main difference between Trusted Types and Content Security Policy (CSP) is in that CSP is an exploit mitigation - it addresses symptoms of the vulnerability. It does not remove the underlying bug from the code (e.g. injection of unsanitized untrusted data into HTML markup), but rather attempts to prevent its exploitation. Depending on the nature of the specific injection, there can still be security issues (see

Trusted Types on the other hand addresses the root cause. They help developers build applications that are fundamentally free of underlying injection bugs to a high degree of confidence.

That said, CSP is a valuable complementary mitigation. For example, Trusted Types can not address server-side injections (reflected / stored XSS), but CSP targets those as well. Given a web framework that helps with setting up and maintaining policies, it's very little effort to deploy, and there's really no reason not to use it in addition to Trusted Types.

Note that it is easy to deploy a CSP that ends up being ineffective (see e.g. CSP Is Dead, Long Live CSP whitepaper or script gadgets research). Please follow the most up-to-date recommendations from this presentation if you want to add CSP to your application.

See also #116.

Do Trusted Types prevent DOM XSS?

In principle - no; in practice - yes.

Trusted Types aim to lock down the insecure-by-default parts of the DOM API, that end up causing DOM XSS bugs for web applications out there. Additionally it allows to design applications in a way that isolates the security-relevant code into an orders-of-magnitude smalller, reviewable and controllable fragments. While it is possible that those (user-defined) functions are insecure and introduce DOM XSS, the task of preventing, detecing and fixing them becomes manageable, even for very large applications. And this is what may in practice prevent DOM XSS.

Why 'Trusted' and not 'Safe'?

Trusted in this context signifies the fact that the application author is confident that a given value can be safely used with an injection sink - she trusts it does not introduce a vulnerability. That does not imply that the value is indeed safe - that property might be provided by a sanitizer or a validator (that might be used in Trusted Type policies internally; in fact - that's very much a recommended approach).

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