diff --git a/evaluations/tokenguard_1_piewol.md b/evaluations/tokenguard_1_piewol.md
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+# Evaluation
+- **Status:** accepted
+- **Application Document:** https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program/blob/master/applications/Tokenguard.md
+- **Milestone:** 1
+- **Previously successfully merged evaluation:** All evaluations by PieWol
+**Milestone Number:** 1
+| Number | Deliverable | Accepted | Link | Evaluation Notes |
+| ------ | ----------- | -------- | ---- |----------------- |
+| 0a | License |
| https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/blob/v2.0.4/LICENSE | ok |
+| 0b | Documentation || https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/blob/v2.0.4/README.md |good|
+| 0c | Testing and Testing Guide ||https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/tree/v2.0.4/TESTING| great testing guide |
+| 0d | Dockerfile || https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/blob/v2.0.4/Dockerfile | works |
+| 1 | Metrics Visualization || https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/tree/v2.0.4/ | all visualization types work |
+| 2 | Dashboard Layout || https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/tree/v2.0.4/ | ok |
+| 3 | Metric Catalogue || https://github.com/tokenguardio/dashboard-creator-client/tree/v2.0.4/ | thanks for making this testable |
+## General notes
+Thanks for improving the testing guide.
+## Unit Tests
+All passing
+Test Suites: 6 passed, 6 total
+Tests: 20 passed, 20 total
+Snapshots: 0 total
+Time: 4.273 s