- Add sort on files in path to ensure the alphabetical order is maintained.
- Use a tempfile for the cover option. Fixes bug where using system ruby on OSX gets write error.
- Add --cover option for creating cover with markdown file #48 Thanks @k0kubun
- Use the -q parameter instead of --quiet. #52 Thanks @nelsonsar
- Bugfix with UTF-8 characters. Thanks @toshi-kawanishi
- Merge fixes for gemfile and gitignore. Thanks @docwhat
- Support for autolinks and tables using PHP-Markdown style. This version monley patches github/markup to use redcarpet directly in order to be able to pass in extensions.
- Fix bug with wkhtmltopdf arguments not being passed to said command #38 (@apognu)
- Adds debug flag to output generated html to stdout
- Add css styling to fix issue #36
Add utf-8 meta tag to fix display of utf-8 characters
- Remove some markup gems as dependencies. Install them outside of gimli to use them. Like all other more "unkommon" markup languages.
- Code refactorings
- Removed support for gollum's "tags" eg. [[File]]. Use markup to create links
- Use coderay instead of albino and pygments. This fixes issues with pygments not being installed and simplifies testing.
- Remove flags for table of contents and page numbering. Add flag for wkhtmltopdf parameters instead to give more flexibility.
This version changes the way you use gimli if you are using the -t or -p flags. Use the -w flag instead to send the parameters directly to wkhtmltopdf.
- Bugfix: Transcode to ISO-8859-1 in 1.9 also (@svendahlstrand)
- Add support for table of contents
- Bugfix: Fix incompatible character encodings with code fragments (@ebeigarts)
- Remove warning of iconv being depricated
- Add support for printing out page numbers
- Add the ability to remove yaml front matter from documents before they are converted (@clowder)