Add the user @BotFather to your telegram account or access the address
and follow the steps below:
- /newbot - create a new bot
- Type a name for your bot. Example: Bacula Test Bot
- Type a username for your bot. It must end in 'bot' Example: (bacula_test_bot)
Get the API KEY:
- Replace the url with your API KEY${API_TOKEN}/getUpdates
Open in browser the URL. You will receive a JSON output, get the 'id' value.
"message":{"message_id":3,"from":{"id":123456789,"first_name":"Some Name","last_name":"Some Last Name",
"username":"someusername"},"chat":{"id":123456789,"first_name":"Some Name","last_name":"Some Last Name",
Or send a message to the @userinfobot bot that it will return the value of your id
JobDefs {
RunScript {
Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/ %i"
RunsWhen = After
RunsOnFailure = yes
RunsOnClient = no
RunsOnSuccess = yes # default, you can drop this line
Catalog {
dbdriver = "mysql" or dbdriver = "pgsql"
### Debian ###
apt-get install curl bc
### CentOS ###
yum -y install curl bc