Use generic linux sdk package for raspberry pi3/4 with modern RaspberryPi OS
- Simple and powerful API set
- Cross platform: Windows(x86, arm), UWP, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS, visionOS, Raspberry Pi
- Hardware accelerated decoders
- 0-copy GPU rendering for all platforms and all renderers(Vulkan is WIP.)
- Dynamic OpenGL
- OpenGL, D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan and Metal rendering w/ or w/o user provided context
- Integrated with any platform native ui apps, gui toolkits or other apps via OpenGL, D3D11/12, Vulkan and Metal (WinUI3, OBS, Flutter, Qt, SDL, GLFW, SFML, .NET Avalonia etc.) easily
- HDR display, HDR to SDR and SDR to HDR tone mapping. You can use HDR display in Qt6(6.6+ for macOS, 6.x for windows), OBS Studio and more.
- Dolby Vision rendering, including Profile 5. Support HEVC and AV1.
- Seamless/Gapless media and bitrate switch for any media
- Optimized Continuous seeking. As fast as mpv, but much lower cpu, memory and gpu load. Suitable for timeline preview
- Subtitle rendering, including ass, plain text, bitmap, closed caption
- Smart FFmpeg runtime, dynamic load, binary compatible with 4.0~7.x
- Professional codecs: GPU accelerated HAP codec rendering, Blackmagic RAW, R3D
SDK is cross built by clang 19 with
- cmake toolchain file
- sysroot:
- ffmpeg:
- libc++ 17
SDK can be used by any C or C++11 compiler, e.g. g++, clang
pi 4: ALSA_DEVICE=sysdefault
clang >= 9 result dso can not be loaded on rpi1, maybe there is a bug in lld
- gapless playback hardware decoders may requires 256M GPU memory
- OpenGL
- OpenGL ES2/3
- mmal: builtin mmal decoder implementation
- MMAL: FFmpeg mmal decoder implementation
- V4L2: or "FFmpeg:hwaccel=v4l2m2m"
In legacy driver environment, hardware decoder (MMAL, mmal) supports zero copy rendering in GLES2 and has the best performance
- legacy driver gles2: ./window -c:v MMAL test.mp4
In mesa vc4/6 driver environment(fake/full kms), hardware decoder is available, but zero copy rendering is not
- vc4/6 egl+es2: ./window -c:v MMAL test.mp4 # if not link against libX11(except weak) or libpulse
- vc4/6 glx: GL_ES=0 ./window -c:v MMAL test.mp4 # if not link against libGL or libOpenGL
- vc4/6 wayland: ./window -c:v MMAL test.mp4 # assume weston is running in x11 or CLI mode via weston-launch
- vc4/6 gbm: ./window -surface gbm -c:v MMAL test.mp4 # assume weston is running # in CLI mode
Tested on rpi1 and rpi3.
Note: the latest sdk links against, so no need to set LD_PRELOAD.
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE mdk)
- some examples using mdk sdk
- OBS Studio plugin
- QtMultimedia plugin
- MFT decoder module
- dav1d decoder module
Copyright (c) 2016-2025 WangBin(the author of QtAV) Free for opensource softwares, non-commercial softwares, flutter, QtAV donors and contributors.