Fonts is still considered BETA quality and we still reserve the rights to change the API shapes.
Fonts is a font loading and layout library built primarily to provide text drawing support to ImageSharp.Drawing.
Built against .NET Standard 1.3, Fonts can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.
Fonts is licensed under under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0. Commercial support licensing options are available in addition to this license, see https://sixlabors.com/pricing for details.
Fonts is installed via NuGet with nightly builds available on MyGet.
PM > Install-Package SixLabors.Fonts -Version VERSION_NUMBER
dotnet add package SixLabors.Fonts --version VERSION_NUMBER
<PackageReference Include="SixLabors.Fonts" Version="VERSION_NUMBER" />
paket add SixLabors.Fonts --version VERSION_NUMBER
Prerelease versions installed via the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager require the "include prerelease" checkbox to be checked.