To Do -> Security
- Add addtional security roles for user accounts (i.e. admins vs commenters)
- Add new client side security such that only admin roles can hit the edit pages for articles
-> UI
- Create new views and sidebar naviagation for articles
- create a new aggregate method for month/year + count
- create directive to render this into a tree/list that expands collapses
- update blogs root page to render only the latest blog post
- create a new blog liesting page for all/year/year+month
- Create comment editor
- create a secured directive for creating comments
clean up home page so that the blog is the home - it really doesn't need to be there
modify the log-in so its not that stupid admin@admin thing. make it more private and out of the box
deploy to opeshift. its wonky. condsider putting it on heuroku
provide dropbox integration for images or some other way to put in image content?
incorporate social feeds....
- twitter, linkedin, sharred/starred content
- github profile information
- how to mind me on twitter/github/linkedin/etc.
- put this thing on github.. should do this sooner than later. would be bad to lost transparency into code changes. would be bad