- Stricter email validation on User object
- User associations for use with third-party logins
- Add roles to User entity
- Case-insenstive postcode validation
- Postcode validation on Personal Details
- Allow PersonalDetails to be created with null Date of Birth
- Always serialize a date of birth field in Personal Details
- Email address support in PersonalDetails entity
- Upped minimum stability for Composer dependencies
- Extra validation group for deleting a user
- Remove DateTimeInterface to maintain PHP 5.4 compatibility
- Personal details moved from an assoc. array to a class
- Validation now contained in YAML file, not on the entities themselves
- ID property on the User entity
- NullHasher to side-step password hashing in unit tests
- Password confirm property now included in User denormalization
- Standard timezones to stop user birthdays from moving back a day
Initial tagged release.