3.2.6 (2019-06-20)
- Authorization: atlassian change markup, fix auth screen (7b4e381)
3.2.5 (2019-06-19)
- Authorization: fix auth issue, conflict with atlassian sentry (b865f5c)
- Tracking: save worklogs duplicate (048c4db)
3.2.4 (2019-05-13)
- do not log windows events (86f4474)
3.2.2 (2019-04-24)
- Updating: replace setSettingsModalTab action (cb13a22)
- adjust start time (b39f579)
- do not send empty screenshots (8b37e0f)
- getBaseUrl in case of null pathname (5788faa)
- ability to choose screenshots period (ce0c9be)
3.2.1 (2019-04-23)
- display one screenshot (12868e3)
- fix issue label overflow (01e04a7)
- macos old version screenshots capture (d20efd4)
3.2.0 (2019-04-22)
3.1.0 (2019-04-04)
- Attachement Viever: styles broken af (8a325a6)
- Authorization: blank window and spinner (458b373)
- Authorization: sSO auth (53848e5)
- Browsing Issues: epic link (20ad823)
- add new issue, change type (777693b)
- Browsing Issues: linux issue add/edit window (e164c39)
- add new issue, change type (ee57707)
- add/edit worklog (7c50a69)
- Issue Detail View: update issue description (e17638a)
- Tracking: set worklog button (c1970dd), closes #163
- idle time popup (0f22906), closes #166
- initial accounts (aa392bd)
- min height 600 for small screens (6a5c31c), closes #168
- Browsing Issues: order issues (e09f63c), closes #106 #140
- Browsing Issues: save filters (4cdc5b4), closes #142
2.8.6 (2018-11-06)
- Auth: add os_cookie true for self-hosted (a89db94)
2.8.5 (2018-11-06)
- Auth: set infinite cookie expiration (885b676)
2.8.4 (2018-10-31)
2.8.3 (2018-10-30)
- hide devTools (ed35e3a)
2.8.2 (2018-10-30)
Authentication bug fixes
2.8.1 (2018-10-28)
2.8.0 (2018-10-26)
- Browsing Issues: fix empty string input handling in JQL field & default allowEmptyWorklog to tr (dacdabf)
- Browsing Issues: fix jql filters in recent tab (e1ceb13)
- Browsing Issues: search for parts of search terms (9b0c93b), closes #115
- Issue Detail View: fix date and time formatting in Worklogs tab (4a00be4), closes #82
- Tracking: fix adjustStartTime behaviour (ecc2dfb), closes #84
- Tracking: fix allow empty worklog comment (eb29e4c)
- Tracking: stop adjust start time switch from resetting date to today (5c351f5)
- Authorization: rewrite Authorization (96effe8), closes #119
- Browsing Issues: implement JQL filters search (415bb76), closes #57 #48 #85
- Tracking: display traking info progress bar (1995497), closes #74
- Tracking: make validation in add worklog modal (38bd43e)
2.7.1 (2018-04-05)
- Browsing Issues: fix empty string input handling in JQL field & default allowEmptyWorklog to tr (dacdabf)
2.7.0 (2018-04-05)
- Browsing Issues: fix jql filters in recent tab (e1ceb13)
- Tracking: stop adjust start time switch from resetting date to today (5c351f5)
- Browsing Issues: implement JQL filters search (415bb76), closes #57 #48 #85
- Tracking: make validation in add worklog modal (38bd43e)
2.6.4 (2018-03-27)
- Browsing Issues: fix for filter of issues for sprint (#102) (26b0608)
- Issue Detail View: fix too wide comments tab if there are comments with long strings (#100) (804bfb6), closes #83
- add adjust start time checkbox to worklog modal (#98) (0ce226d), closes #84
- Tracking: add checkbox to post comment also as issue comment (#99) (6f6c23a), closes #90
- Tracking: worklog comment as a required item (#101) (33043bd), closes #81
2.6.3 (2018-03-21)
2.6.2 (2018-03-19)
- Authorization: check if debug info exist (df86f22)
- double-import (f37beb7)
- yarn lock diff trash (0c1398b)
- rejectUnauthorized - false on ssl, for self-signed cerfificates (37b2adb)
2.6.1 (2018-03-19)
- rejectUnauthorized - false on ssl, for self-signed cerfificates (37b2adb)
2.6.0 (2018-03-15)
- accoutin deletion on logout (280ff32)
- feature acknowlegement (1721ffb)
- hide login to exiting account button if no accounts present (40956d3)
- issue form with multiple accounts (290ef83)
- keys warning (f146205)
- memoized resourceMap list selectors (54e00a2)
- recent workogs with just created new issue (4bcb9d4)
- retry on connection refused (db85971)
- Authorization: support multiple accounts (106d30a), closes #71
- make account step on login (9d9ade9)
- make new feature presentation component (ff76777)
2.5.20 (2018-03-07)
2.5.19 (2018-03-06)
2.5.18 (2018-03-06)
2.5.17 (2018-03-06)
- can't add issue after first login (c144fe0)
- add/edit issue improvement (e264f92)
2.5.16-a (2018-02-28)
- can't add issue after first login (c144fe0)
2.5.15 (2018-02-28)
- flow-typing (e4a26f3)
2.5.14 (2018-02-27)
- devtools opened in production (f5455b5)
2.5.13 (2018-02-27)
- new issue window didn't closed on windows (bc50b17)
- Browsing Issues: request timeout + infiniteloader improvment (e1fd51e)
- new issue modal with Jira JS API (d313feb)
- webview for create new issue (5ad9555)
- Issue Detail View: edit issue (a31c77a)
2.5.12 (2018-02-22)
- Browsing Issues: getProjectsForBoard is not a function, because of wrong jira-connector version (79cf991)
2.5.11 (2018-02-20)
- Browsing Issues: extra fetch request (a705116)
- Browsing Issues: issuesFetching for header depends on sidebarType (94cecb1)
- Issue Detail View: critical bug during refetch tracking issue (b4e97f6)
- Tracking: fix empty worklogs (dd41d81)
- Issue Detail View: render comments properly (1964b07)
- Tracking: control remaining estimates (ebda033), closes #73
2.5.9 (2018-02-15)
- Authorization: show linux error about libsecret (aa26939), closes #70
- getPassword (4dc66db)
- Browsing Issues: do not clear issues if they don't have worklog object (fe0685f)
- Browsing Issues: normalize issues without worklog object (ebe345a)
- Browsing Issues: try to fetch statyses even if no issestypes (116c963)
- Issue Detail View: detailsView without required fields (ce9613d)
2.5.7 (2018-02-12)
2.5.4 (2018-02-09)
- mention about update only once (e01d7d6)
- Authorization: remove unsecure request on chronos backend (ee43fdc)
- Browsing Issues: fetch additionaly project info for boards in rare case (85d9d41), closes #68
- env vars in docker container (d3210ad)
- Browsing Issues: ability to search projects by key (ff30566), closes #67
2.5.3 (2018-02-08)
- Authorization: jira server auth fix (667c77e)
- notification on delete, edit, add worklog (f4a381f)
2.5.2 (2018-02-07)
- Browsing Issues: clear recent list after change project (c01870d)
- linux close window (dda0fd5)
- mixpanel throw err (da491e0)
- Browsing Issues: fix search input (#64) (52004e9)
- Issue Detail View: fix issue and timeline styles,add flow types (#63) (3da49c1)
- Tracking: stuch after idle popup (c5dfb17)
2.5.1 (2018-02-06)
- Browsing Issues: clear recent list after change project (c01870d)
- Issue Detail View: fix issue and timeline styles,add flow types (#63) (3da49c1)
- Tracking: stuch after idle popup (c5dfb17)
- linux close window (dda0fd5)
- mixpanel throw err (da491e0)
2.5.0 (2018-02-05)
- Authorization: filter on onBeforeSendHeaders (4b901c1)
- Authorization: jira browser auth in first login (0fae182)
- Tracking: clear worklogComment after save worklog (74b8353), closes #56
- focus on just added worklog (e14a128)
- recentIssues (6c6dd3e)
- refetch issues after transition done (4339550)
- remember issues filter (e0e2dc7), closes #18
- save timer before quit app (ed8136c)
- turn on mixpanel (94c4ada)
- white bg for NoWorklogsContainer (93e514d)
2.4.7 (2018-01-19)
- linux auto-updates (cd47fd1)
2.4.6 (2018-01-18)
- dev initMixpanel (a0f58cb)
- mixpanel init (9713921)
- store-credentials (b1735c7)
- Authorization: media for renderedFields (3fae957), closes #21
2.4.4 (2018-01-16)
2.4.3 (2018-01-15)
- Browsing Issues: show button on Recent worklogs (#40) (4ee4b5b), closes #28
- Browsing Issues: sort descending worklogs by date (#42) (2c512fb), closes #25
- Issue Detail View: constantly highlight selected worklog from recent worklogs (#39) (73a33c3), closes #27
- Issue Detail View: total logged not updated after loading worklog (#37) (eb66e86), closes #14
- Tracking: autofocus on worklog comment input (#38) (076554f), closes #15
- Tracking: clear worklog comment after log work action (#41) (17dfb29), closes #17
- Tracking: worklog start time is saved as if it had started when we hit the stop button. (#36) (a1ec27b), closes #35
2.4.0 (2017-11-29)
- Authorization: fix jiraAuth method arguments (9e1eb2a)
- Issue Detail View: fix "no worklogs" markup (0f9583e)
- Issue Detail View: fix edit worklog button (55d611e)
- popup styles (e537768)
- Authorization: ability to authorize for Jira servers (1e3c5a1)
- Browsing Issues: show only available statuses and issuetypes in filters (444b9d7)
- Issue Detail View: render Jira markdown in issue details (b59f334)
- Tracking: repair socket (1174588)
- fix storage flow types (426d49f)
2.3.3 (2017-11-22)
- Authorization: fix oAuth authorization flow (ef0d6ed)
2.3.1 (2017-11-21)
- Issue Detail View: fix description width (6d6371e)
- Tray: fix start and stop buttons (fb62f7e)
- add missing font (d7e5224)
- Issue Detail View: fill real data in Issue Report (f5a14c4)
2.2.2 (2017-11-13)
- Tracking: fix bug when new worklog didn't add to recent if lauched tracking from search (01e766c)
- Browsing Issues: ass link to Jira Software permission problem solution (95b2b80)
- Issue Detail View: implement comments (b2ae983)
2.2.0 (2017-11-07)
- fixed flow errors and idle time (b3f9b81)
- Browsing Issues: finally fix worklogs crashing (891b60e)
- Browsing Issues: fix manual worklog adding when issue is gone bug (5d7cc86)
- Browsing Issues: fix recent issues don't refetch on project change (6857ae2)
- Browsing Issues: fix worklog deleting (1c6ed26)
- Build: fix terminal-notifier on production (eccc0c3)
- Socket: fix socket connect (07a9e0c)
- Tracking: fix app crash when issue don't have worklogs (9879816)
- Tracking: fix screenshot reject (2bab117)
- Tracking: fix screenshots (7e7fd6c)
- Authorization: fix error messages (49aa881)
- Authorization: fix sentry and mixpanel identifying + some refactoring (dc33c87)
- Browsing Issues: fix boards selection and fetching (8303738)
- Browsing Issues: fix fetch additional worklogs logic (7c67c43)
- Browsing Issues: fixed wrong labels in sidebar (0a037ba)
- Flow: add missing board type (8ff12e3)
- Issue Detail View: added padding between buttons in issue view heade (112c9ad)
- Issue Detail View: fix assign to me button crashes app when assignee is null (dbeb287)
- Issue Detail View: fix selected issue not updating if issues refreshed (96ba7c5)
- Issue Detail View: fixed bug where issue status could not be seen (dcde17c)
- Issue Detail View: fixed hardcoded color for issue status (a7bc4ec)
- package-json: fix linter script (17ba2db)
- Settings: fix local settings not requested in OAuth login flow (650b9cd)
- Tracking: fix activity not caclulating (fa3b306)
- Tracking: fix DismissIdleTime typings (04c151e)
- Tracking: fix idle time dismissing (a004842)
- Tracking: fix screenshots (dd59a78)
- Updating: fix automatic update checking (a260d26)
- Utility: fix app crash if userData folder is not present in fs (0619f7e)
- Authorization: add human readable error on JWT check saga (842663b)
- Authorization: add human-readable errors for OAuth flow and Basic Auth flow (a0e432d)
- Browsing Issues: implement assign to me button (2d4b070)
- Browsing Issues: implement deleting worklogs (fd97565)
- Browsing Issues: implement worklog history (0c4d084)
- Browsing Issues: implement worklog update feature (d372004)
- Browsing Issues: send notification when unable to load projects (3481bee)
- Issue Detail View: add epic link to issue detail view (58a991d)
- Issue Detail View: add error notify when issue transition fails (b4b9a13)
- Issue Detail View: disable tab changing to worklogs if recent clicked (58bec5b)
- Issue Detail View: implement smooth scrolling and blinking worklog selected from recent tab (379022a)
- Issue Detail View: implement workflow changing feature (667507d)
- Issue Detail View: remove spinner from workflow dropdown menu (1a9a4e5)
- Issue Detail View: virtualize worklogs (95eee26)
- Tracking: don't upload less-than-a-minute worklogs (66efe0f)
- Tray: remove logged today (5b6c669)
- Updating: add Linux auto-update placeholder (5a37d9d)
- Utility: add logging to uploadWorklog (2bb76ba)
- CDESKTOP-70, CDESKTOP-80 jira issues (22d75b1)
- implement worklog modal validation (6e826f6)
- Utility: fix high memory usage (64b25d7)
- Browsing Issues: fix fetch additional worklogs logic (7c67c43)
- Browsing Issues: fixed wrong labels in sidebar (0a037ba)
- Flow: add missing board type (8ff12e3)
- Issue Detail View: added padding between buttons in issue view heade (112c9ad)
- Issue Detail View: fix assign to me button crashes app when assignee is null (dbeb287)
- Issue Detail View: fix selected issue not updating if issues refreshed (96ba7c5)
- Issue Detail View: fixed bug where issue status could not be seen (dcde17c)
- Issue Detail View: fixed hardcoded color for issue status (a7bc4ec)
- package-json: fix linter script (17ba2db)
- Settings: fix local settings not requested in OAuth login flow (650b9cd)
- Tracking: fix activity not caclulating (fa3b306)
- Tracking: fix DismissIdleTime typings (04c151e)
- Tracking: fix idle time dismissing (a004842)
- Updating: fix automatic update checking (a260d26)
- Utility: fix app crash if userData folder is not present in fs (0619f7e)
- Authorization: add human readable error on JWT check saga (842663b)
- Authorization: add human-readable errors for OAuth flow and Basic Auth flow (a0e432d)
- Browsing Issues: implement assign to me button (2d4b070)
- Browsing Issues: implement deleting worklogs (fd97565)
- Browsing Issues: implement worklog history (0c4d084)
- Browsing Issues: implement worklog update feature (d372004)
- Issue Detail View: add error notify when issue transition fails (b4b9a13)
- Issue Detail View: implement smooth scrolling and blinking worklog selected from recent tab (379022a)
- Issue Detail View: implement workflow changing feature (667507d)
- Tracking: don't upload less-than-a-minute worklogs (66efe0f)
- Updating: add Linux auto-update placeholder (5a37d9d)
- Utility: add logging to uploadWorklog (2bb76ba)
- CDESKTOP-70, CDESKTOP-80 jira issues (22d75b1)
- implement worklog modal validation (6e826f6)
- Utility: fix high memory usage (64b25d7)
- Browsing Issues: fixed wrong labels in sidebar (0a037ba)
- Flow: add missing board type (8ff12e3)
- Issue Detail View: added padding between buttons in issue view heade (112c9ad)
- Issue Detail View: fix selected issue not updating if issues refreshed (96ba7c5)
- Issue Detail View: fixed bug where issue status could not be seen (dcde17c)
- Issue Detail View: fixed hardcoded color for issue status (a7bc4ec)
- package-json: fix linter script (17ba2db)
- Settings: fix local settings not requested in OAuth login flow (650b9cd)
- Tracking: fix activity not caclulating (fa3b306)
- Tracking: fix DismissIdleTime typings (04c151e)
- Tracking: fix idle time dismissing (a004842)
- Updating: fix automatic update checking (a260d26)
- Utility: fix app crash if userData folder is not present in fs (0619f7e)
- Authorization: add human readable error on JWT check saga (842663b)
- Authorization: add human-readable errors for OAuth flow and Basic Auth flow (a0e432d)
- Issue Detail View: add error notify when issue transition fails (b4b9a13)
- Issue Detail View: implement workflow changing feature (667507d)
- Tracking: don't upload less-than-a-minute worklogs (66efe0f)
- Updating: add Linux auto-update placeholder (5a37d9d)
- Utility: add logging to uploadWorklog (2bb76ba)
- CDESKTOP-70, CDESKTOP-80 jira issues (22d75b1)
- Utility: fix high memory usage (64b25d7)
2.1.0-beta.1 (2017-10-27)
- Browsing Issues: fix recent items not refreshing on project change (eb37a78)
- Browsing Issues: fixed wrong labels in sidebar (317a0a8)
- Flow: add missing board type (45912ad)
- Issue Detail View: added padding between buttons in issue view heade (377fd1c)
- Issue Detail View: fix selected issue not updating if issues refreshed (8d3e9c2)
- Issue Detail View: fixed bug where issue status could not be seen (f2bd048)
- Issue Detail View: fixed hardcoded color for issue status (981c515)
- package-json: fix linter script (b69ca4f)
- Settings: fix local settings not requested in OAuth login flow (d49bb3f)
- Tracking: fix activity not caclulating (d16ddeb)
- Tracking: fix DismissIdleTime typings (769b6c9)
- Tracking: fix idle time dismissing (2e7bc7d)
- Utility: fix app crash if userData folder is not present in fs (289b90d)
- Authorization: add human readable error on JWT check saga (1de05e4)
- Authorization: add human-readable errors for OAuth flow and Basic Auth flow (f750a02)
- Issue Detail View: add error notify when issue transition fails (2b5b98f)
- Issue Detail View: implement workflow changing feature (30377cd)
- Tracking: don't upload less-than-a-minute worklogs (45e22b4)
- Updating: add Linux auto-update placeholder (5ed100a)
- Utility: add logging to uploadWorklog (35506ac)
- Utility: fix high memory usage (41d21ff)