- Entity
Create an entity in the src/AppBundle/Entity
directory of your project:
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use DateTime;
* Employee entity.
class Employee {
* Age.
* @var integer
private $age;
* Id.
* @var integer
private $id;
* Name.
* @var string
private $name;
* Office.
* @var string
private $office;
* Position.
* @var string
private $position;
* Salary.
* @var integer
private $salary;
* Start date.
* @var DateTime
private $startDate;
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
* Get the age.
* @return integer Returns the age.
public function getAge() {
return $this->age;
* Get the id.
* @return integer Returns the id.
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* Get the name.
* @return string Returns the name.
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* Get the office.
* @return string Returns the office.
public function getOffice() {
return $this->office;
* Get the position.
* @return string Returns the position.
public function getPosition() {
return $this->position;
* Get the salary.
* @return integer Returns the salary.
public function getSalary() {
return $this->salary;
* Get the start date.
* @return DateTime Returns the start date.
public function getStartDate() {
return $this->startDate;
* Set the age.
* @param integer $age The age.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setAge($age) {
$this->age = $age;
return $this;
* Set the name.
* @param string $name The name.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
* Set the office.
* @param string $office The office.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setOffice($office) {
$this->office = $office;
return $this;
* Set the position.
* @param string $position The position.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setPosition($position) {
$this->position = $position;
return $this;
* Set the salary.
* @param integer $salary The salary.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setSalary($salary) {
$this->salary = $salary;
return $this;
* Set the start date.
* @param DateTime $startDate The start date.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setStartDate($startDate) {
$this->startDate = $startDate;
return $this;
- Repository
Create a repository in the src/AppBundle/Repository
directory of your project:
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Repository\DefaultDataTablesRepository;
* Employee repository.
class EmployeeRepository extends DefaultDataTablesRepository {
- Provider
Create a provider in the src/AppBundle/Provider
directory of your project:
namespace AppBundle\Provider;
use AppBundle\Entity\Employee;
use DateTime;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Api\DataTablesColumnInterface;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Api\DataTablesResponseInterface;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Factory\DataTablesFactory;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Provider\DataTablesCSVExporterInterface;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Provider\DataTablesEditorInterface;
use WBW\Bundle\JQuery\DataTablesBundle\Provider\DataTablesProviderInterface;
* Employee DataTables provider.
class EmployeeDataTablesProvider implements DataTablesProviderInterface, DataTablesCSVExporterInterface, DataTablesEditorInterface {
* {@inheritDoc}
public function editColumn(DataTablesColumnInterface $dtColumn, $entity, $value) {
switch ($dtColumn->getData()) {
case "age":
case "name":
case "office":
case "position":
case "salary":
case "startDate":
$entity->setStartDate(new DateTime($value));
* {@inheritDoc}
public function exportColumns() {
return [
"Start date",
* {@inheritDoc}
public function exportRow($entity) {
$output = [];
$output[] = $entity->getId();
$output[] = $entity->getName();
$output[] = $entity->getPosition();
$output[] = $entity->getOffice();
$output[] = $entity->getAge();
if (null !== $entity->getStartDate()) {
$output[] = $entity->getStartDate()->format("Y-m-d");
} else {
$output[] = "";
$output[] = $entity->getSalary();
return $output;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getColumns() {
$dtColumns = [];
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("name", "Name");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("position", "Position");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("office", "Office");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("age", "Age");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("startDate", "Start date");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("salary", "Salary");
$dtColumns[] = DataTablesFactory::newColumn("actions", "Actions")
return $dtColumns;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getCSVExporter() {
return $this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getEditor() {
return $this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getEntity() {
return Employee::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getMethod() {
return "POST";
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getName() {
return "employee";
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getOptions() {
return null;
// Custom options with the following code :
// $dtOptions = DataTablesFactory::newOptions();
// $dtOptions->addOption("language", ["url" => DataTablesWrapperHelper::getLanguageUrl("French")]);
// $dtOptions->addOption("responsive", true);
// $dtOptions->addOption("searchDelay", 1000);
// return $dtOptions;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getPrefix() {
return "e";
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getView() {
return null;
// Custom template can be use with the following code :
// return "@App/Employee/index.html.twig";
* {@inheritDoc}
public function renderColumn(DataTablesColumnInterface $dtColumn, $entity) {
$output = null;
switch ($dtColumn->getData()) {
case "actions":
$output = "";
case "age":
$output = $entity->getAge();
case "name":
$output = $entity->getName();
case "office":
$output = $entity->getOffice();
case "position":
$output = $entity->getPosition();
case "salary":
$output = $entity->getSalary();
case "startDate":
if (null !== $entity->getStartDate()) {
$output = $entity->getStartDate()->format("Y-m-d");
return $output;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function renderRow($dtRow, $entity, $rowNumber) {
$output = null;
switch ($dtRow) {
case DataTablesResponseInterface::DATATABLES_ROW_ATTR:
case DataTablesResponseInterface::DATATABLES_ROW_CLASS:
$output = (0 === $rowNumber % 2 ? "even" : "odd");
case DataTablesResponseInterface::DATATABLES_ROW_DATA:
$output = ["pkey" => $entity->getId()];
case DataTablesResponseInterface::DATATABLES_ROW_ID:
$output = "employee_" . $entity->getId();
return $output;
Add this provider in the app/config/services.yml
file of your project:
# ...
class: AppBundle\Provider\EmployeeDataTablesProvider
- { name: "wbw.jquery.datatables.provider" }
You can add as many providers as you want as long as the name of the providers are different.
- Template (for custom rendering)
Create a template in the src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Employee
directory of your project:
{# src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Employee/index.html.twig #}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
{% include "@WBWCore/assets/_stylesheets.html.twig" %}
{% include "@WBWBootstrap/assets/_stylesheets.html.twig" %}
{% include "@WBWJQueryDataTables/assets/_stylesheets.html.twig" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ renderDataTables(dtWrapper) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
{% include "@WBWCore/assets/_javascripts.html.twig" %}
{% include "@WBWBootstrap/assets/_javascripts.html.twig" %}
{% include "@WBWJQueryDataTables/assets/_javascripts.html.twig" %}
{{ jQueryDataTables(dtWrapper) }}
{% endblock %}
- Enjoy
Open you browser at http://localhost:8000/app_dev.php/datatables/employee/index.
- Join column
Create a new entity in the src/AppBundle/Entity
directory of your project:
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use DateTime;
* Office entity.
class Office {
* Id.
* @var integer
private $id;
* Name.
* @var string
private $name;
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
* Get the id.
* @return integer Returns the id.
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* Get the name.
* @return string Returns the name.
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
* Set the name.
* @param string $name The name.
* @return Office Returns this office.
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
return $this;
Modify the entity in the src/AppBundle/Entity/Employee.php
file of your project like this:
class Employee {
// ...
* Office.
* @var Office
private $office;
// ...
* Get the office.
* @return Office Returns the office.
public function getOffice() {
return $this->office;
// ...
* Set the office.
* @param Office $office The office.
* @return Employee Returns this employee.
public function setOffice(Office $office) {
$this->office = $office;
return $this;
// ...
Modify the repository in the src/AppBundle/Repository/EmployeeRepository.php
file of your project like this:
class EmployeeRepository extends DefaultDataTablesRepository {
* {@inheritDoc}
public function dataTablesCountFiltered(DataTablesWrapperInterface $dtWrapper) {
// Create a query builder.
$qb = $this->buildDataTablesCountFiltered($dtWrapper);
$qb->leftJoin("e.office", "o");
// Return the result.
return intval($qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult());
* {@inheritDoc}
public function dataTablesCountTotal(DataTablesWrapperInterface $dtWrapper) {
// Create a query builder.
$qb = $this->buildDataTablesCountTotal($dtWrapper);
$qb->leftJoin("e.office", "o");
// Return the result.
return intval($qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult());
* {@inheritDoc}
public function dataTablesFindAll(DataTablesWrapperInterface $dtWrapper) {
// Create a query builder.
$qb = $this->buildDataTablesFindAll($dtWrapper);
$qb->leftJoin("e.office", "o")
// Return the result.
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
Modify the provider in the src/AppBundle/Provider/EmployeeDataTablesProvider.php
file of your project like this:
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getColumns() {
// Initialize the columns.
$dtColumns = [];
// ...
// Returns the columns.
return $dtColumns;
// ...
* {@inheritDoc}
public function renderColumn(DataTablesColumnInterface $dtColumn, $entity) {
// Initialize the output.
$output = null;
// Switch into column data.
switch ($dtColumn->getData()) {
// ...
case "office":
$output = $entity->getOffice()->getName();
// ...
// Return the output.
return $output;