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Title: Writing Assistance APIs
Shortname: writing-assistance
Level: None
-Status: w3c/UD
-Repository: explainers-by-googlers/writing-assistance-apis
-URL: https://explainers-by-googlers.github.io/writing-assistance-apis
+Status: CG-DRAFT
+Group: WICG
+Repository: WICG/writing-assistance-apis
+URL: https://wicg.github.io/writing-assistance-apis
Editor: Domenic Denicola, Google https://www.google.com/, d@domenic.me, https://domenic.me/
Abstract: The summarizer, writer, and rewriter APIs provide high-level interfaces to call on a browser or operating system's built-in language model to help with writing tasks.
Markup Shorthands: markdown yes, css no
Complain About: accidental-2119 yes, missing-example-ids yes
Assume Explicit For: yes
-Die On: warning
Default Biblio Status: current
Boilerplate: omit conformance
+Indent: 2
+Die On: warning
+spec:infra; type:dfn; text:user agent
-Introduction {#intro}
For now, see the [explainer]([REPOSITORYURL]).
+Shared AI APIs and infrastructure
+partial interface WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
+ [Replaceable, SecureContext] readonly attribute AI ai;
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface AI {};
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface AICreateMonitor : EventTarget {
+ attribute EventHandler ondownloadprogress;
+callback AICreateMonitorCallback = undefined (AICreateMonitor monitor);
+enum AICapabilityAvailability { "readily", "after-download", "no" };
+Each {{WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope}} has an AI namespace, an {{AI}} object. Upon creation of the {{WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope}} object, its [=WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/AI namespace=] must be set to a [=new=] {{AI}} object created in the {{WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope}} object's [=relevant realm=].
+The ai getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/AI namespace=].
+[=Tasks=] queued by this specification use the AI task source.
+The following are the [=event handlers=] (and their corresponding [=event handler event types=]) that must be supported, as [=event handler IDL attributes=], by all {{AICreateMonitor}} objects:
+ [=Event handler=]
+ | [=Event handler event type=]
+ |
+ ondownloadprogress
+ | downloadprogress
+ |
+The summarizer API
+partial interface AI {
+ readonly attribute AISummarizerFactory summarizer;
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface AISummarizerFactory {
+ Promise create(optional AISummarizerCreateOptions options = {});
+ Promise capabilities();
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface AISummarizer {
+ Promise summarize(
+ DOMString input,
+ optional AISummarizerSummarizeOptions options = {}
+ );
+ ReadableStream summarizeStreaming(
+ DOMString input,
+ optional AISummarizerSummarizeOptions options = {}
+ );
+ readonly attribute DOMString sharedContext;
+ readonly attribute AISummarizerType type;
+ readonly attribute AISummarizerFormat format;
+ readonly attribute AISummarizerLength length;
+ undefined destroy();
+[Exposed=(Window,Worker), SecureContext]
+interface AISummarizerCapabilities {
+ readonly attribute AICapabilityAvailability available;
+ AICapabilityAvailability createOptionsAvailable(
+ optional AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions options = {}
+ );
+ AICapabilityAvailability languageAvailable(DOMString languageTag);
+dictionary AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions {
+ AISummarizerType type = "key-points";
+ AISummarizerFormat format = "markdown";
+ AISummarizerLength length = "short";
+dictionary AISummarizerCreateOptions : AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions {
+ AbortSignal signal;
+ AICreateMonitorCallback monitor;
+ DOMString sharedContext;
+dictionary AISummarizerSummarizeOptions {
+ AbortSignal signal;
+ DOMString context;
+enum AISummarizerType { "tl;dr", "key-points", "teaser", "headline" };
+enum AISummarizerFormat { "plain-text", "markdown" };
+enum AISummarizerLength { "short", "medium", "long" };
+Each {{AI}} has an summarizer factory, an {{AISummarizerFactory}} object. Upon creation of the {{AI}} object, its [=AI/summarizer factory=] must be set to a [=new=] {{AISummarizerFactory}} object created in the {{AI}} object's [=relevant realm=].
+The summarizer getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=AI/summarizer factory=].
+ The
create(|options|) method steps are:
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=] is a {{Window}} whose [=associated Document=] is not [=Document/fully active=], then return [=a promise rejected with=] an "{{InvalidStateError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. If |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"] [=map/exists=] and is [=AbortSignal/aborted=], then return [=a promise rejected with=] |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]'s [=AbortSignal/abort reason=].
+ 1. Let |fireProgressEvent| be an algorithm taking two arguments that does nothing.
+ 1. If |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/monitor}}"] [=map/exists=], then:
+ 1. Let |monitor| be a [=new=] {{AICreateMonitor}} created in [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. [=Invoke=] |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/monitor}}"] with « |monitor| » and "`rethrow`".
+ If an exception |e| is thrown, return [=a promise rejected with=] |e|.
+ 1. Set |fireProgressEvent| to an algorithm taking arguments |loaded| and |total|, which performs the following steps:
+ 1. [=Assert=]: this algorithm is running [=in parallel=].
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. [=Fire an event=] named {{AICreateMonitor/downloadprogress}} at |monitor|, using {{ProgressEvent}}, with the {{ProgressEvent/loaded}} attribute initialized to |loaded|, the {{ProgressEvent/total}} attribute initialized to |total|, and the {{ProgressEvent/lengthComputable}} attribute initialized to true.
+ 1. Let |abortedDuringDownload| be false.
This variable will be written to from the [=event loop=], but read from [=in parallel=].
+ 1. If |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"] [=map/exists=], then [=AbortSignal/add|add the following abort steps=] to |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]:
+ 1. Set |abortedDuringDownload| to true.
+ 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=] created in [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. [=In parallel=]:
+ 1. Let |availability| be the [=current summarizer create options availability=] given |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"], and |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"].
+ 1. Switch on |availability|:
+ : null
+ ::
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "{{UnknownError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ : "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}"
+ ::
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with a "{{NotSupportedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ : "{{AICapabilityAvailability/readily}}"
+ ::
+ 1. If [=initializing the summarization model=] given |promise| and |options| returns false, then abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |totalBytes| be the total size of the previously-downloaded summarization capabilities, in bytes.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |totalBytes| is greater than 0.
+ 1. Perform |fireProgressEvent| given 0 and |totalBytes|.
+ 1. Perform |fireProgressEvent| given |totalBytes| and |totalBytes|.
+ 1. [=Finalize summarizer creation=] given |promise| and |options|.
+ : "{{AICapabilityAvailability/after-download}}"
+ ::
+ 1. Initiate the download process for everything the user agent needs to summarize text according to |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"], or |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"].
+ 1. Run the following steps, by [=abort when=] |abortedDuringDownload| becomes true:
+ 1. Wait for the total number of bytes to be downloaded to become determined, and let that number be |totalBytes|.
+ 1. Let |lastProgressTime| be the [=monotonic clock=]'s [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=].
+ 1. Perform |fireProgressEvent| given 0 and |totalBytes|.
+ 1. While true:
+ 1. If one or more bytes have been downloaded, then:
+ 1. If the [=monotonic clock=]'s [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=] minus |lastProgressTime| is greater than 50 ms, then:
+ 1. Let |bytesSoFar| be the number of bytes downloaded so far.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |bytesSoFar| is greater than 0 and less than or equal to |totalBytes|.
+ 1. Perform |fireProgressEvent| given |bytesSoFar| and |totalBytes|.
+ 1. If |bytesSoFar| equals |totalBytes|, then [=iteration/break=].
+ 1. Set |lastProgressTime| to the [=monotonic clock=]'s [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=].
+ 1. Otherwise, if downloading has failed and cannot continue, then:
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=] to [=reject=] |promise| with a "{{NetworkError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. [=If aborted=], then:
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]'s is [=AbortSignal/aborted=].
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]'s [=AbortSignal/abort reason=].
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. If [=initializing the summarization model=] given |promise| and |options| returns false, then abort these steps.
+ 1. [=Finalize summarizer creation=] given |promise| and |options|.
+ 1. Return |promise|.
+ To initialize the summarization model, given a {{Promise}} |promise| and an {{AISummarizerCreateOptions}} |options|:
+ 1. [=Assert=]: these steps are running [=in parallel=].
+ 1. Perform any necessary initialization operations for the AI model backing the [=user agent=]'s summarization capabilities.
+ This could include loading the model into memory, loading |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/sharedContext}}"] into the model's context window, or loading any fine-tunings necessary to support |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"], or |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"].
+ 1. If initialization failed for any reason, then:
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given |promise|'s [=relevant global object=] to [=reject=] |promise| with an "{{OperationError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Return false.
+ 1. Return true.
+ To
finalize summarizer creation, given a {{Promise}} |promise| and an {{AISummarizerCreateOptions}} |options|:
+ 1. [=Assert=]: these steps are running [=in parallel=].
+ 1. [=Assert=]: the [=current summarizer create options availability=] for |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"], and |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"] is "{{AICapabilityAvailability/readily}}".
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given |promise|'s [=relevant global object=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. If |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"] [=map/exists=] and is [=AbortSignal/aborted=], then:
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]'s [=AbortSignal/abort reason=].
+ 1. Abort these steps.
This check is necessary in case any code running on the [=agent/event loop=] caused the {{AbortSignal}} to become [=AbortSignal/aborted=] before this [=task=] ran.
+ 1. Let |summarizer| be a new {{AISummarizer}} object, created in |promise|'s [=relevant realm=], with
+ : [=AISummarizer/shared context=]
+ :: |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/sharedContext}}"]
+ : [=AISummarizer/summary type=]
+ :: |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"]
+ : [=AISummarizer/summary format=]
+ :: |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"]
+ : [=AISummarizer/summary length=]
+ :: |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"]
+ 1. If |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"] [=map/exists=], then [=AbortSignal/add|add the following abort steps=] to |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]:
+ 1. [=AISummarizer/Destroy=] |summarizer| with |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateOptions/signal}}"]'s [=AbortSignal/abort reason=].
+ 1. [=Resolve=] |promise| with |summarizer|.
+ The
capabilities() method steps are:
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=] is a {{Window}} whose [=associated Document=] is not [=Document/fully active=], then return [=a promise rejected with=] an "{{InvalidStateError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=] created in [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=].
+ 1. [=In parallel=]:
+ 1. Let |availableCreateOptions| be a new [=map=] from [=tuples=] of ({{AISummarizerType}}, {{AISummarizerFormat}}, {{AISummarizerLength}}) values to {{AICapabilityAvailability}} values, initially empty.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |type| of {{AISummarizerType}}'s [=enumeration values=]:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |format| of {{AISummarizerFormat}}'s [=enumeration values=]:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |length| of {{AISummarizerLength}}'s [=enumeration values=]:
+ 1. Set |availableCreateOptions|[(|type|, |format|, |length|)] to the [=current summarizer create options availability=] given |type|, |format|, and |length|.
+ 1. Let |availableLanguages| be the [=current summarizer language availability map=].
+ 1. If |availableLanguages| is null, or |availableCreateOptions|'s [=map/values=] [=list/contains=] null, then [=queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given [=this=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "{{UnknownError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ 1. Otherwise, [=queue a global task=] on the [=AI task source=] given [=this=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |capabilitiesObject| be a new {{AISummarizerCapabilities}} object, created in [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=], with
+ : [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available create options=]
+ :: |availableCreateOptions|
+ : [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available languages=]
+ :: |availableLanguages|
+ 1. [=Resolve=] |promise| with |capabilitiesObject|.
+Every {{AISummarizerCapabilities}} has an available create options, a [=map=] from [=tuples=] of ({{AISummarizerType}}, {{AISummarizerFormat}}, {{AISummarizerLength}}) values to {{AICapabilityAvailability}} values, set during creation.
+Every {{AISummarizerCapabilities}} has an available languages, a [=map=] of strings representing BCP 47 language tags to {{AICapabilityAvailability}} values, set during creation. The [=map/values=] will never be "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}".
+ The available getter steps are:
+ 1. If [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available languages=] [=map/is empty|are empty=], then return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}".
+ 1. If [=this=]'s all of [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available create options=] [=map/values=] are "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}", then return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}".
+ 1. If all of [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available create options=]'s [=map/values=] or all of [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available languages=]'s [=map/values=] are "{{AICapabilityAvailability/after-download}}", then return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/after-download}}".
+ 1. Return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/readily}}".
+ The createOptionsAvailable(|options|) method steps are:
+ 1. Return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available create options=][(|options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/type}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/format}}"], |options|["{{AISummarizerCreateCoreOptions/length}}"])].
+ The
languageAvailable(|languageTag|) method steps are:
+ 1. Return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizerCapabilities/available languages=][|languageTag|], or "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}" if no such [=map/entry=] [=map/exists=].
Per WICG/translation-api#11 it seems we're supposed to do something more complex than just straight string comparison for language tags, but it's not clear what.
+ The current summarizer create options availability, given a {{AISummarizerType}} |type|, {{AISummarizerFormat}} |format|, and an {{AISummarizerLength}} |length|, is given by the following steps. They return an {{AICapabilityAvailability}} value or null.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: this algorithm is running [=in parallel=].
+ 1. If the user agent supports summarizing text into the type of summary described by |type|, in the format described by |format|, and with the length guidance given by |length| without performing any downloading operations, then return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/readily}}".
+ 1. If the user agent believes it can summarize text according to |type|, |format|, and |length|, but only after performing a download (e.g., of an AI model or fine-tuning), then return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/after-download}}".
+ 1. If there is some error attempting to determine whether the user agent supports summarizing text, which the user agent believes to be transient (such that re-querying the [=current summarizer create options availability=] could stop producing such an error), then return null.
+ 1. Otherwise, return "{{AICapabilityAvailability/no}}".
+ The current summarizer language availability map is given by the following steps. They return a [=map=] from strings representing BCP 47 language tags to {{AICapabilityAvailability}} values, or null. [[!RFC5646]]
+ 1. [=Assert=]: this algorithm is running [=in parallel=].
+ 1. If there is some error attempting to determine whether the user agent supports summarizing text, which the user agent believes to be transient (such that re-querying the [=current summarizer create options availability=] could stop producing such an error), then return null.
+ 1. Let |availableLanguages| be an empty [=map=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] human language for which the user agent supports summarizing text written in that language, without performing any downloading operations:
+ 1. Let |languageTag| be that language, represented as a BCP 47 language tag string. Describe how to handle subtags.
+ 1. Set |availableLanguages|[|languageTag|] to "{{AICapabilityAvailability/readily}}".
+ 1. [=list/For each=] human language for which the user agent believes it can summarize text written in that language, but only after performing a download (e.g., of an AI model or fine-tuning):
+ 1. Let |languageTag| be that language, represented as a BCP 47 language tag string. Describe how to handle subtags.
+ 1. Set |availableLanguages|[|languageTag|] to "{{AICapabilityAvailability/after-download}}".
+ 1. Return |availableLanguages|.
+Every {{AISummarizer}} has a shared context, a [=string=], set during creation.
+Every {{AISummarizer}} has a summary type, an {{AISummarizerType}}, set during creation.
+Every {{AISummarizer}} has a summary format, an {{AISummarizerFormat}}, set during creation.
+Every {{AISummarizer}} has a summary length, an {{AISummarizerLength}}, set during creation.
+The sharedContext getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizer/shared context=].
+The type getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizer/summary type=].
+The format getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizer/summary format=].
+The length getter steps are to return [=this=]'s [=AISummarizer/summary length=].
+The destroy() method steps are to [=AISummarizer/destroy=] [=this=] given a new "{{AbortError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+ To destroy an {{AISummarizer}} |summarizer|, given a JavaScript value |exception|:
+ 1. TODO use |summarizer| and |exception|.