Try out this basic scene made using the A-Frame VR. Simply copy the following code into a file and name it index.html. Next, save it and open it in your favorite browser (ours is Firefox) to experience the Virtual Reality right there on the web.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello world! - A-frame</title>
<script src=""></script>
<a-sphere position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere>
<a-box position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0" width="1" height="1" depth="1" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
<a-cylinder position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5" color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder>
<a-plane position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="4" height="4" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
<a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>
- Introduction
- What is a scene ?
- Components ( basic one's to understand )
- position
- rotation
- scale
- more..
- What are assets?
- Primitive tags
- more...
- Animations
Have you contributed (blog,events and media footprint) to the A-Frame VR/ WebVR? Report it on our Github issue
How to report your contributions?
- Visit volunteer contributions issue
- Find the relevant issue label ( Projects/Scenes/Media )
- Open up the issue and report your work in the comment ( Please follow the format specified there )