- Web app / UI.
- Symbolic pattern learner.
- patterns.is_wildcard().
- Base class hypergraph.memory.keyvalue.KeyValue for key-value hypergraph databases, removing redundant code between LevelDB and SQLite.
- Tests for LevelDB (only the SQLite Hypergraph implementation was being directly tested).
- Hyperedge.is_unordered_pattern().
- Functional pattern: any.
- Parser-level inference of coreferences between proper nouns.
- Parser.parse_and_add() now adds token information to the main edge of a sentence: the attribute 'tokens' contains the list of tokens and 'tok_pos' a structure with the token position for each atom in the edge.
- Post-processing step improves parser.
- Python >=3.9 now required.
- Hypergraph.search(), .match() and .count() now working with functional patterns and argument role matching.
- Fixed bug on match_pattern(), variables were not correctly matched when argument roles were specified past the first position in an atoms functional pattern.
- Simplified default systems connectors (breaks hypergraph DB backwards compatibility).
- max_text argument in parser.parse_and_add().
- Matches from patterns with repeated variables are collected in lists.
- graphbrain.logic obsolete module.
- Hyperedge.replace_argroles() .insert_argrole() and .insert_edge_with_argrole() now works with functional patterns such as var.
- Fixed bug when matching patterns containing atoms functional pattern where no atom has argroles.
- interactive_case_generator() from graphbrain.notebook.
- Hyperedge.atom and .not_atom properties.
- Hyperedge.mtype() and .connector_mtype() methods.
- Hyperedge.t, .mt, .ct and .cmt type shortcut properties.
- Functional patterns: var, atoms, lemma.
- Moved all patterns functions to graphbrain.patterns.
- Hypergraph.text().
- Parser.parse_and_add().
- Parser.sentences().
- Hyperedge.normalized().
- New package graphbrain.readers, for text readers from various sources.
- New package graphbrain.processors, for miscellaneous processors.
- Processor class.
- Coreference resolution now using the new spaCy experimental model.
- Now using spaCy transformer GPU models by default, can fallback to CPU model.
- Hyperedge.is_atom() deprecated.
- Improved Hyperedge.main_concepts().
- Hyperedge.atom() renamed to .inner_atom().
- Sequences keep track of their size, no need to specify position when adding edge to sequence.
- Improved wikipedia reader.
- Improved coreference resolution.
- LevelDB included by default again.
- Old package graphbrain.meaning renamed to graphbrain.utils.
- Hyperedge.argroles() now also works at relation/concept level.
- graphbrain.patterns.normalize_edge().
- graphbrain.stats obsolete package.
- graphbrain.cognition obsolete package.
- graphbrain.op obsolete module.
- Hyperedge .predicate() and .predicate_atom().
- SQLite3 hypergraph database backend.
- Hypergraph.add_with_attributes().
- import and export commands.
- Hypergraph context manager for batch writes (with hopen(hg_locator) as hg ...).
- Main hypergraph database backend is now SQLite3.
- LevelDB backend becomes optional. (disabled by default)
- Neuralcoref becomes optional. (disabled by default)
- Hypergraph.atom_count().
- Hypergraph.edge_count().
- Hypergraph.primary_atom_count().
- Hypergraph.primary_edge_count().
- info command.
- corefs_unidecode agent.
- Fixed AlphaBeta bug related to temporary atoms being removed too soon from atom2tokens.
- Hypergraph.add_sequence() converts sequence name directly to atom.
- Parser level coreference resolution (neuralcoref) disabled by default, requires dedicated build.
- Solving wheel compilation issue.
- Solving issue with inclusion of auxiliary data file in non-binary distributions.
- Agents system.
- Conjunctions resolution agent.
- Number agent (singular/plural relations) and related meaning.number module.
- Wikipedia agent.
- Coreference resolution in the parser through local fork of neuralcoref.
- atom_gender(), atom_number(), atom_person(), atom_animacy() in parsers.
- Coreference inference: gender, number and animacy.
- Coreference inference:'X is Y' relationships.
- dir_parser agent (looks for text files in directory tree).
- Function meaning.concepts.has_common_or_proper_concept(edge).
- Function Hypergraph.add() now has optional 'count' parameter.
- Function Hypergraph.sequences().
- Function Hyperedge.replace_argroles().
- Function Hyperedge.insert_argrole().
- Function Hyperedge.insert_edge_with_argrole().
- Function Hyperedge.all_atoms().
- Function Hyperedge.size().
- Function Hyperedge.predicate().
- Function Hyperedge.predicate_atom().
- Function Hyperedge.simplify().
- Function Hyperedge.connector_atom().
- Utility functions to show colored edges in the terminal.
- Special characters in atoms are now percent-encoded.
- parse() now returns a dictionary that includes inferred edges.
- parse() now returns a dictionary of edges to text.
- New parser framework, improved English parser + scripts to help train and test new parsers.
- Hyperedge main type character codes become upercase (apple/C instead of apple/c).
- Conjunction hyperedge type, character code: "J" (e.g.: and/J).
- Modifier hyperedge type can now be applied to anything.
- Searching patterns can now include types, argument roles and other atom parts.
- Hypergraph.search_count() renamed to Hypergraph.count().
- corefs_names agent is simplified.
- corefs_onto agent is simplified.
- Tests now run with pytest instead of the deprecated './setup.py test'.
- Hyperedge.replace_atom() optional unique argument.
- Meta-modifier hyperedge type.
- Auxiliary, subpredicate and dependency hyperedge types.
- Obsolete Hyperedge.nest() method.
- simplify_role() on Atom objects produces an atom with only its simple type as role.
- Lemmas are now based on atoms with simplified roles.
- Improved actors agent (more accurate identification of actors, English only for now).
- German parser (experimental and incomplete).
- Documentation.
- Hyperedge sequences.
- Improved hyperedge visualization in notebooks.
- Agents receive language and sequence.
- txt_parser agent creates a sequence.
- Refactored parsers code.
- Catching and logging exceptions during parse.
- Improved conflict agent.
- Tests.
- Documentation.
- Graphbrain is now beta (main APIs considered stable).
- LevelDB edge attributes encoded in JSON.
- Renamed hypergraph() to hgraph() and moved function to jnit.
- Fixed notebook examples.
- Moved Hypergraph.lemma_degrees() to meaning.lemmas.
- Argroles location is normalized (first position in both predicates and builders).
- In the parsers package, create_parser() was moved to init and the factory module was removed.
- is_proper_concept() renamed to has_proper_concept() (meaning.concepts module).
- find_concept() renamed to strip_concept() (meaning.concepts module).
- Improved notebooks visualizations (show(), blocks(), vblocks()).
- graphbrain.funs module.
- txt_parser agent.
- MANIFEST.in to include VERSION file in distribution.
- Fixing 'pip install graphbrain' on Linux/Windows.
- claim_actors and corefs_dets agents.
- meaning.concepts module.
- Fixed example.
- hypergraph.sum_degree() and .sum_deep_degree().
- Parser improvements.
- Agent corefs_atoms is now corefs_unidecode.
- Improved docs.
- Obsolete 'work-in-progress' code.
- hg2json command.
- Primary entities and deep degrees.
- Hyperedges have their own class, deriving from tuple.
- Atoms have a special class, deriving from Hyperedge.
- Restructuring of code files tree.
- Created agent system + first agents.
- Parsers now have own package.
- Old experimental code.
- First release.