Voicedotbit is a GUI for namecoin written in c++ using gtkmm-2.4 for the user interface. Eventually it will be a voice onion router using namecoin for identity management. The namecoin related features are fully functional. It connects to namecoind using JSON-RPC calls. On the first startup, it tries to self-configure by reading USER/.namecoin/bitcoin.conf. Failing this, it guesses default values.
- Register names
- Update names
- Send NMC
- View addresses
- Manage/update names
- View transactions
- View network info
- Configure namecoind connection
- Buddy List (doesn't do anything right now)
So far, it has only been tested on Ubuntu 10.04. Other Linux distributions should work. See the INSTALL file for details.
- libssl (openssl)
- libcurl
- libasio c++ networking library
- boost c++ libraries (1.40 - linking to 1.42 doesn't work)
- sqlite3
- gtkmm
(This is a work in progress. Comments are welcome on the discussion page.)
It's probably impossible to enforce a namespace since transaction confirmation doesn't care about whether the namespace has an appropriate value. Informally, "v/" will be used.
The value type would vary slightly, depending on the type of user.
{ "version": 1, "subtype": "user", "public_signing_key": "MWRmN3M3Nmp2OGEzbnY0MDF2TlJTMFBzNTY1MVZma3M=", "public_encryption_key": "TVdSbU4zTTNObXAyT0dFemJuWTBNREYyVGxKVE1GQno=", "relays": [ "v/egalitarian" , "d/niceguy" , "v/charity" ] }
Note: The number of relays is variable.
{ "version": 1, "subtype": "relay", "public_signing_key": "MWRmN3M3Nmp2OGEzbnY0MDF2TlJTMFBzNTY1MVZma3M=", "public_encryption_key": "TVdSbU4zTTNObXAyT0dFemJuWTBNREYyVGxKVE1GQno=", "address": "", "btc_address": "1FhMcuy9nYGgNtgb7Rf4CgEYZe6asfJboU", "nmc_address": "NDc579WNW9TTsayZ7K25bgrfAQ1v3ncoFz" }
Note: A single entry cannot contain both relay and user information. Publishing an address would compromise a user's identity. A user and a relay could both operate some the same host. If Alice wants to be both a user and a relay, she could register two names: d/alice and d/princealbert. She would configure d/alice as a user, d/princealbert as a relay and keep her ownership of the d/princealbert confidential.
Deb package: http://jailcity.com/voicedotbit/voicedotbit_0.1_i386.deb
GitHub: https://github.com/teathsch/voicedotbit
Project Web site: http://jailcity.com/voicedotbit/
Please send any feedback to [email protected]