diff --git a/README-source.adoc b/README-source.adoc
index b9e5f271d3..dfa85d266b 100644
--- a/README-source.adoc
+++ b/README-source.adoc
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ NOTE: Some of these quickstarts use the H2 database included with {productNameFu
| link:cmt/README{outfilesuffix}[cmt]|EJB, CMT, JMS | Yes | The `cmt` quickstart demonstrates Container-Managed Transactions (CMT), showing how to use transactions managed by the container. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ee-security/README{outfilesuffix}[ee-security]|EE Security, Servlet, CDI | Yes | The `ee-security` quickstart demonstrates Jakarta EE security. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-multi-server/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-multi-server]|EJB, EAR | No | The `ejb-multi-server` quickstart shows how to communicate between multiple applications deployed to different servers using an EJB to log the invocation. | Advanced | _none_
-| link:ejb-remote/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-remote]|EJB, JNDI | Yes | The `ejb-remote` quickstart uses EJB and JNDI to demonstrate how to access an EJB, deployed to {productName}, from a remote Java client application. | Intermediate | _none_
+| link:ejb-remote/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-remote]|EJB, JNDI | No | The `ejb-remote` quickstart uses EJB and JNDI to demonstrate how to access an EJB, deployed to {productName}, from a remote Java client application. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-security-context-propagation/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-security-context-propagation]|EJB, Security | No | The `ejb-security-context-propagation` quickstart demonstrates how the security context can be propagated to a remote EJB using a remote outbound connection configuration | Advanced | _none_
| link:ejb-security-programmatic-auth/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-security-programmatic-auth]|EJB, Security | No | The `ejb-security-programmatic-auth` quickstart demonstrates how to programmatically setup different identities when invoking a remote secured EJB. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-throws-exception/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-throws-exception]|EJB, EAR | No | The `ejb-throws-exception` quickstart demonstrates how to throw and handle exceptions across JARs in an EAR. | Intermediate | _none_
diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc
index c3e50506c8..1882577f2d 100644
--- a/README.adoc
+++ b/README.adoc
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ NOTE: Some of these quickstarts use the H2 database included with {productNameFu
| link:cmt/README{outfilesuffix}[cmt]|EJB, CMT, JMS | Yes | The `cmt` quickstart demonstrates Container-Managed Transactions (CMT), showing how to use transactions managed by the container. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ee-security/README{outfilesuffix}[ee-security]|EE Security, Servlet, CDI | Yes | The `ee-security` quickstart demonstrates Jakarta EE security. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-multi-server/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-multi-server]|EJB, EAR | No | The `ejb-multi-server` quickstart shows how to communicate between multiple applications deployed to different servers using an EJB to log the invocation. | Advanced | _none_
-| link:ejb-remote/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-remote]|EJB, JNDI | Yes | The `ejb-remote` quickstart uses EJB and JNDI to demonstrate how to access an EJB, deployed to {productName}, from a remote Java client application. | Intermediate | _none_
+| link:ejb-remote/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-remote]|EJB, JNDI | No | The `ejb-remote` quickstart uses EJB and JNDI to demonstrate how to access an EJB, deployed to {productName}, from a remote Java client application. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-security-context-propagation/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-security-context-propagation]|EJB, Security | No | The `ejb-security-context-propagation` quickstart demonstrates how the security context can be propagated to a remote EJB using a remote outbound connection configuration | Advanced | _none_
| link:ejb-security-programmatic-auth/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-security-programmatic-auth]|EJB, Security | No | The `ejb-security-programmatic-auth` quickstart demonstrates how to programmatically setup different identities when invoking a remote secured EJB. | Intermediate | _none_
| link:ejb-throws-exception/README{outfilesuffix}[ejb-throws-exception]|EJB, EAR | No | The `ejb-throws-exception` quickstart demonstrates how to throw and handle exceptions across JARs in an EAR. | Intermediate | _none_
diff --git a/ejb-remote/README.adoc b/ejb-remote/README.adoc
index 49a70a7bbe..5904e94b74 100644
--- a/ejb-remote/README.adoc
+++ b/ejb-remote/README.adoc
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ endif::[]
:author: Jaikiran Pai, Mike Musgrove
:level: Intermediate
:technologies: EJB, JNDI
-:openshift: true
+:openshift: false
:portedToGlow: true
@@ -779,787 +779,13 @@ endif::[]
-:leveloffset: +1
-:cloud-platform: OpenShift
-:openshift: true
-:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
-= Building and running the quickstart application with OpenShift
-// The openshift profile
-:leveloffset: +1
-== Build the {productName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to {cloud-platform} with Helm Charts
-On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
-The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
-The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
- openshift
- org.wildfly.plugins
- wildfly-maven-plugin
- ${version.server}
- cloud
- ...
- package
- ...
-You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud context which enables a configuration tuned for {cloud-platform} environment.
-The plugin uses https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-glow[WildFly Glow] to discover the feature packs and layers required to run the application, and provisions a server containing those layers.
-If you get an error or the server is missing some functionality which cannot be auto-discovered, you can download the https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-glow/releases[WildFly Glow CLI] and run the following command to see more information about what add-ons are available:
-wildfly-glow show-add-ons
- openshift
- org.jboss.eap.plugins
- eap-maven-plugin
- ...
- org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
- org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
- ...
- package
- ...
-You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for the {cloud-platform} environment.
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Getting Started with Helm
-:leveloffset: +1
-= Getting Started with {xpaasproduct-shortname} and Helm Charts
-This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to {xpaasproduct-shortname} or {xpaasproductOpenShiftOnline-shortname} using Helm Charts.
-== Prerequisites
-* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
-* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on {cloud-platform}.
-Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
-$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
-"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo wildfly
-wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
-wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
-$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
-"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo jboss-eap
-{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
-$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
-"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo jboss-eap
-{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
-//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
-:leveloffset: +1
-// For use with nested Helm charts
-ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
-:helm_chart_values: charts
-:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
-:helm-set-build-enabled: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}build.enabled=false
-:helm-set-deploy-route-enabled: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}deploy.route.enabled=false
-:helm-set-image-name: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}image.name="localhost:5000/{artifactId}"
-:helm-extra-arguments: {helm-set-build-enabled} {helm-set-deploy-route-enabled} {helm-set-image-name}
-:cloud-cli: kubectl
-:cloud-cli: oc
-== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to {cloud-platform} with Helm Charts
-Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
-The backend will be built and deployed on {cloud-platform} with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
-Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
-Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following commands:
-mvn -Popenshift package wildfly:image
-This will use the `openshift` Maven profile we saw earlier to build the application, and create a Docker image containing the {productName} server with the application deployed. The name of the image will be `{artifactId}`.
-Next we need to tag the image and make it available to Kubernetes. You can push it to a registry like `quay.io`. In this case we tag as `localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest` and push it to the internal registry in our Kubernetes instance:
-# Tag the image
-docker tag {artifactId} localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest
-# Push the image to the registry
-docker push localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest
-In the below call to `helm install` which deploys our application to Kubernetes, we are passing in some extra arguments to tweak the Helm build:
-* `{helm-set-build-enabled}` - This turns off the s2i build for the Helm chart since Kubernetes, unlike OpenShift, does not have s2i. Instead, we are providing the image to use.
-* `{helm-set-deploy-route-enabled}` - This disables route creation normally performed by the Helm chart. On Kubernetes we will use port-forwards instead to access our application, since routes are an OpenShift specific concept and thus not available on Kubernetes.
-* `{helm-set-image-name}` - This tells the Helm chart to use the image we built, tagged and pushed to Kubernetes' internal registry above.
-$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s {helm-extra-arguments}
-NAME: {helm-app-name}
-STATUS: deployed
-This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
-{cloud-cli} get deployment {helm-app-name}
-The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
- uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
- contextDir: ejb-remote
- replicas: 1
- uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
- ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
- contextDir: {artifactId}
- replicas: 1
- route:
- tls:
- enabled: false
-This will create a new deployment on {cloud-platform} and deploy the application.
-If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
-$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
-Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
-$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
-Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
-To be able to connect to our application running in Kubernetes from outside, we need to set up a port-forward to the `{helm-app-name}` service created for us by the Helm chart.
-This service will run on port `8080`, and we set up the port forward to also run on port `8080`:
-kubectl port-forward service/{helm-app-name} 8080:8080
-The server can now be accessed via `http://localhost:8080` from outside Kubernetes. Note that the command to create the port-forward will not return, so it is easiest to run this in a separate terminal.
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Testing on Openshift
-:leveloffset: +1
-= Run the Integration Tests with OpenShift
-The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
-The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin.
-Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
-$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=https://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-test-arguments-openshift}
-$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://$(oc get route {helm-app-name} --template='{{ .spec.host }}') {extra-test-arguments-openshift}
-The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from.
-:leveloffset: 1
-//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
+// This quickstart is not openshift compatible
:leveloffset: +1
-== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from {cloud-platform} with Helm Charts
+= {xpaasproduct-shortname} Incompatibility
-$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
-To stop the port forward you created earlier use:
-$ kubectl port-forward service/{helm-app-name} 8080:8080
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Unset the attribute
+This quickstart is not compatible with {xpaasproduct-shortname}.
-// Kubernetes
-:leveloffset: +1
-:cloud-platform: Kubernetes
-:kubernetes: true
-:helm-app-name: {artifactId}
-= Building and running the quickstart application with Kubernetes
-// The openshift profile
-:leveloffset: +1
-== Build the {productName} Quickstart to Kubernetes with Helm Charts
-For Kubernetes, the build with Apache Maven uses an `openshift` Maven profile to provision a {productName} server, suitable for running on Kubernetes.
-The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
-The server provisioning functionality is provided by the EAP Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart `pom.xml`:
- openshift
- org.wildfly.plugins
- wildfly-maven-plugin
- ${version.server}
- cloud
- ...
- package
- ...
-You may note that unlike the `provisioned-server` profile it uses the cloud context which enables a configuration tuned for {cloud-platform} environment.
-The plugin uses https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-glow[WildFly Glow] to discover the feature packs and layers required to run the application, and provisions a server containing those layers.
-If you get an error or the server is missing some functionality which cannot be auto-discovered, you can download the https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-glow/releases[WildFly Glow CLI] and run the following command to see more information about what add-ons are available:
-wildfly-glow show-add-ons
- openshift
- org.jboss.eap.plugins
- eap-maven-plugin
- ...
- org.jboss.eap:wildfly-ee-galleon-pack
- org.jboss.eap.cloud:eap-cloud-galleon-pack
- ...
- package
- ...
-You may note that it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for the {cloud-platform} environment.
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Getting Started with Helm
-:leveloffset: +1
-= Getting Started with Kubernetes and Helm Charts
-This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to Kubernetes using Helm Charts.
-== Install Kubernetes
-In this example we are using https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube[Minikube] as our Kubernetes provider. See the https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/[Minikube Getting Started guide] for how to install it. After installing it, we start it with 4GB of memory.
-minikube start --memory='4gb'
-The above command should work if you have Docker installed on your machine. If, you are using https://podman-desktop.io[Podman] instead of Docker, you will also need to pass in `--driver=podman`, as covered in the https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/config/[Minikube documentation].
-Once Minikube has started, we need to enable its https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/registry/[registry] since that is where we will push the image needed to deploy the quickstart, and where we will tell the Helm charts to download it from.
-minikube addons enable registry
-In order to be able to push images to the registry we need to make it accessible from outside Kubernetes. How we do this depends on your operating system. All the below examples will expose it at `localhost:5000`
-# On Mac:
-docker run --rm -it --network=host alpine ash -c "apk add socat && socat TCP-LISTEN:5000,reuseaddr,fork TCP:$(minikube ip):5000"
-# On Linux:
-kubectl port-forward --namespace kube-system service/registry 5000:80 &
-# On Windows:
-kubectl port-forward --namespace kube-system service/registry 5000:80
-docker run --rm -it --network=host alpine ash -c "apk add socat && socat TCP-LISTEN:5000,reuseaddr,fork TCP:host.docker.internal:5000"
-== Prerequisites
-* You must be logged in OpenShift and have an `oc` client to connect to OpenShift
-* https://helm.sh[Helm] must be installed to deploy the backend on {cloud-platform}.
-Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for {productName}.
-$ helm repo add wildfly https://docs.wildfly.org/wildfly-charts/
-"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo wildfly
-wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
-wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
-$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
-"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo jboss-eap
-{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP {productVersion} applications
-$ helm repo add jboss-eap https://jbossas.github.io/eap-charts/
-"jboss-eap" has been added to your repositories
-$ helm search repo jboss-eap
-{helmChartName} ... ... A Helm chart to build and deploy EAP XP {productVersion} applications
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Additional steps needed before deploying in Helm
-//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
-:leveloffset: +1
-// For use with nested Helm charts
-ifeval::[{useHelmChartDir} == true]
-:helm_chart_values: charts
-:helm_chart_values: -f charts/helm.yaml {helmChartName}
-:helm-set-build-enabled: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}build.enabled=false
-:helm-set-deploy-route-enabled: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}deploy.route.enabled=false
-:helm-set-image-name: --set {helmSetWildFlyArgumentPrefix}image.name="localhost:5000/{artifactId}"
-:helm-extra-arguments: {helm-set-build-enabled} {helm-set-deploy-route-enabled} {helm-set-image-name}
-:cloud-cli: kubectl
-:cloud-cli: oc
-== Deploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart to {cloud-platform} with Helm Charts
-Log in to your OpenShift instance using the `oc login` command.
-The backend will be built and deployed on {cloud-platform} with a Helm Chart for {productName}.
-Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
-Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following commands:
-mvn -Popenshift package wildfly:image
-This will use the `openshift` Maven profile we saw earlier to build the application, and create a Docker image containing the {productName} server with the application deployed. The name of the image will be `{artifactId}`.
-Next we need to tag the image and make it available to Kubernetes. You can push it to a registry like `quay.io`. In this case we tag as `localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest` and push it to the internal registry in our Kubernetes instance:
-# Tag the image
-docker tag {artifactId} localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest
-# Push the image to the registry
-docker push localhost:5000/{artifactId}:latest
-In the below call to `helm install` which deploys our application to Kubernetes, we are passing in some extra arguments to tweak the Helm build:
-* `{helm-set-build-enabled}` - This turns off the s2i build for the Helm chart since Kubernetes, unlike OpenShift, does not have s2i. Instead, we are providing the image to use.
-* `{helm-set-deploy-route-enabled}` - This disables route creation normally performed by the Helm chart. On Kubernetes we will use port-forwards instead to access our application, since routes are an OpenShift specific concept and thus not available on Kubernetes.
-* `{helm-set-image-name}` - This tells the Helm chart to use the image we built, tagged and pushed to Kubernetes' internal registry above.
-$ helm install {helm-app-name} {helm_chart_values} --wait --timeout=10m0s {helm-extra-arguments}
-NAME: {helm-app-name}
-STATUS: deployed
-This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
-{cloud-cli} get deployment {helm-app-name}
-The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
- uri: https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git
- ref: main
- contextDir: ejb-remote
- replicas: 1
- uri: {githubRepoCodeUrl}
- ref: {WildFlyQuickStartRepoTag}
- contextDir: {artifactId}
- replicas: 1
- route:
- tls:
- enabled: false
-This will create a new deployment on {cloud-platform} and deploy the application.
-If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
-$ helm show readme {helmChartName}
-Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
-$ oc get route {helm-app-name} -o jsonpath="{.spec.host}"
-Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
-To be able to connect to our application running in Kubernetes from outside, we need to set up a port-forward to the `{helm-app-name}` service created for us by the Helm chart.
-This service will run on port `8080`, and we set up the port forward to also run on port `8080`:
-kubectl port-forward service/{helm-app-name} 8080:8080
-The server can now be accessed via `http://localhost:8080` from outside Kubernetes. Note that the command to create the port-forward will not return, so it is easiest to run this in a separate terminal.
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Testing on Openshift
-:leveloffset: +1
-= Run the Integration Tests with Kubernetes
-The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on Kubernetes.
-The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on Kubernetes before you begin.
-Run the integration tests using the following command to run the `verify` goal with the `integration-testing` profile activated and the proper URL:
-$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing -Dserver.host=http://localhost:8080 {extra-test-arguments-kubernetes}
-:leveloffset: 1
-//Prepare Helm for Quickstart Deployment
-:leveloffset: +1
-== Undeploy the {ProductShortName} Source-to-Image (S2I) Quickstart from {cloud-platform} with Helm Charts
-$ helm uninstall {helm-app-name}
-To stop the port forward you created earlier use:
-$ kubectl port-forward service/{helm-app-name} 8080:8080
-:leveloffset: 1
-// Unset the attribute