diff --git a/elytron/WFLY-14984-encrypted-expression-for-client-config.adoc b/elytron/WFLY-14984-encrypted-expression-for-client-config.adoc
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+++ b/elytron/WFLY-14984-encrypted-expression-for-client-config.adoc
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+= Add support for encrypted expressions in the wildfly-config.xml
+:author:            Prarthona Paul
+:email:             prpaul@redhat.com
+:toc:               left
+:icons:             font
+:idseparator:       -
+== Overview
+WildFly includes a common configuration framework that can be used to configure multiple clients, rather than relying on each client having their own configuration file. The configuration can be defined using a `wildfly-config.xml` file, where there are multiple configuration sections containing elements whose values determine the configuration of the WildFly clients. 
+Attribute values for client configuration can include sensitive information. And while credential references can be used for some of them, others still need to be defined using plaintext. As a result, those elements are still exposed and make the application vulnerable. Additionally, the password for the credential store needs to be defined as clear-text, which is not ideal. 
+This feature adds support for encrypted expressions for elements in `wildfly-config.xml` file, which allows users to avoid specifying sensitive information using plaintext. Instead, encrypted expressions can be used to specify these information. A configuration section named `encrypted-expression` would be added, which would reference a `secret-key-credential-store` to convert plaintext to encrypted expressions and vice versa. The secret-key-credential-store would be indicated by the `credential-store` tag with the `type` being `PropertiesCredentialStore`. It would also have a expression-resolver, which would be backed by one of the secret key aliases from the the secret-key-credential-store. The `credential-store` can be created using the wildfly-elytron tool using the `credential-store` command and the `--create` option.
+== Issue Metadata
+=== Issue
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-14984[WFLY-14984]
+=== Related Issues
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ELY-2711[ELY-2711]
+=== Dev Contacts
+* mailto:{email}[{author}]
+=== QE Contacts
+=== Testing By
+// Put an x in the relevant field to indicate if testing will be done by Engineering or QE. 
+// Discuss with QE during the Kickoff state to decide this
+* [x] Engineering
+* [ ] QE
+=== Affected Projects or Components
+=== Other Interested Projects
+=== Relevant Installation Types
+// Remove the x next to the relevant field if the feature in question is not relevant
+// to that kind of WildFly installation
+* [x] Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)
+* [x] Managed domain
+* [x] OpenShift s2i
+* [x] Bootable jar
+== Requirements
+=== Hard Requirements
+* The ability to specify attribute values as encrypted expressions should be added to wildfly-config.xml. 
+* Parsing for client configuration needs to be separate from parsing server configuration.
+* Configurations may not depend on components created for server configuration, such as `expression-resolvers` or `elytron/expression`. The expression-resolver for the encrypted expression on the client side should be configured through the client configuration. 
+* The `encrypted-expression` would be a new configuration block added to the client config under the new schema. The new elements added include <expression-resolvers>, with elements called <expression-resolver> under it. Additionally, <credential-stores> attribute would be added to the schema with the <credential-store> elements added to it. The structures of this attribute would be the same as the one one under the `authentication-client` schema. 
+** There may be multiple `expression-resolver` attribute listed under <expression-resolvers>, and there may be multiple <credential-store> elements added under <credential-stores>.
+** The configuration for this block can be specified as follows: 
+	<credential-stores>
+        <credential-store name="my-credential-store" type="PropertiesCredentialStore">
+            <attributes>
+                <attribute name="location" value="${credstore-path.env}"/>
+            </attributes>
+            <protection-parameter-credentials>
+                <clear-password password="password"/>
+            </protection-parameter-credentials>
+        </credential-store>
+    </credential-stores>
+    <expression-resolvers>
+        <expression-resolver name= “expression-resolver-name” credential-store= “credential-store-name" alias=“key”/>
+        <expression-resolver name= “expression-resolver-name-2” credential-store= “credential-store-name" alias=“example”/>
+    </expression-resolvers>
+    <default-expression-resolver name=expression-resolver-name>
+Note that the initial password for the credential-store used for the expression-resolver would need to be specified in clear-text if it is a keystoreCredentialStore. However, if it is of PropertiesCredentialStore type, then the password would no longer need to be specified. 
+Once parsing is done, the expression-resolver would need to be created programmatically and be connected with the associated secret-key alias from a credential-store. 
+* Once this has been configured, secret keys can be added to the credential store under different aliases and be used for client configuration as follows: 
+<credential-store name="credential-store-name" type="JCEKS" provider="provider-name" >
+    <attributes>
+        <attribute name="location" value="path/to/credential-store-name.cs" />
+    </attributes>
+    <protection-parameter-credentials>
+	    <clear-password password={ENC::expression-resolver-name:encrypted-expression} />
+    </protection-parameter-credentials>
+* The secret keys that would be used to encrypt expressions would be created using the `--generate-secret-key` command and can be read using the `--export-secret-key` command as follows: 
+$ bin/elytron-tool.sh credential-store --generate-secret-key example --location=standalone/configuration/mycredstore.cs
+* In order to encrypt a clear-text expression, `--encrypt` option in the wildfly-elytron tool can be used as follows: 
+$ bin/elytron-tool.sh credential-store --location standalone/configuration/store-one.cs --type PropertiesCredentialStore --encrypt key
+Clear text value:
+Confirm clear text value:
+Clear text encrypted to token 'RUxZAUMQvGzk6Vaadp2cahhZ6rlPhHOZcWyjXALlAthrENvRTvQ=' using alias 'key'.
+* expression-resolvers can also be backed by a `credential-store`, which is a KeyStoreCredentialStore. However, when using a KeyStoreCredentialStore type credential store, the protection parameter, which is the password needs to be specified in clear-text inside the <encrypted-expression> tag. 
+=== Nice-to-Have Requirements
+* The parsing of the encrypted expression could be added as a separate namespace in the schema and should be added at the top of the xml file. 
+** While parsing the xml file, the section for encrypted expression and its expression-resolver would need to be parsed before any other sections that reference it. 
+* Encrypted expressions can be added to different client configurations in addition to `authentication-client`. As a result, the parsing rules and sequences should be configured to be compatible with those schemas as well. 
+=== Non-Requirements
+* In the future, the ability to specify multiple encrypted expressions for one attribute or the ability to specify part of the value for an attribute may be added. 
+== Backwards Compatibility
+* Passwords and other sensitive information should still have the ability to be specified using clear-text or masked passwords for backwards compatibility. 
+* Credential stores may still be used to specify passwords for client config. 
+=== Default Configuration
+* If the configuration section for adding encrypted expression is not added, the passwords and other sensitive information can be specified using older methods, including clear-text, credential stores and masked passwords. 
+=== Importing Existing Configuration
+=== Deployments
+=== Interoperability
+//== Implementation Plan
+Delete if not needed. The intent is if you have a complex feature which can 
+not be delivered all in one go to suggest the strategy. If your feature falls 
+into this category, please mention the Release Coordinators on the pull 
+request so they are aware.
+== Security Considerations
+Identification if any security implications that may need to be considered with this feature
+or a confirmation that there are no security implications to consider.
+The elytron client would be configurable using the new support for encrypted expression, which would make clients more secure. 
+== Test Plan
+* Parsing for the xml file would be tested for the WildFly client. 
+* Parsing tests would also be added to the elytron client test suite. 
+* Tests would be added to the elytron test suite for testing elytron clients for expected functionalities. 
+* Tests may be added to other projects to test for expected behavior. 
+** Alternatively, integration tests would be added to the WildFly test suite for other projects as well.
+* Components of WildFly and the Elytron projects would be tested for functionality using integrated tests in the WildFly test suite. 
+== Community Documentation
+Generally a feature should have documentation as part of the PR to wildfly master, or as a follow up PR if the feature is in wildfly-core. In some cases though the documentation belongs more in a component, or does not need any documentation. Indicate which of these will happen.
+Documents for the new support for encrypted expression would be added to https://docs.wildfly.org/30/Client_Guide.html[WildFly Client Configuration].
+== Release Note Content
+Draft verbiage for up to a few sentences on the feature for inclusion in the
+Release Note blog article for the release that first includes this feature. 
+Example article: http://wildfly.org/news/2018/08/30/WildFly14-Final-Released/.
+This content will be edited, so there is no need to make it perfect or discuss
+what release it appears in.  "See Overview" is acceptable if the overview is
+suitable. For simple features best covered as an item in a bullet-point list 
+of features containing a few words on each, use "Bullet point: <The few words>" 
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