diff --git a/undertow/WFLY-18082_WebSocket_timeouts.adoc b/undertow/WFLY-18082_WebSocket_timeouts.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00752024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/undertow/WFLY-18082_WebSocket_timeouts.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ - core
+ - management
+stability-level: default
+issue: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/issues/633
+// Provide the github ids of the members of the feature team, organized by role.
+// Provide a single id for the 'assignee' role. Use a yaml list for the 'sme' and
+// 'outside-perspective' roles, even if there is only one person in a role.
+ developer: baranowb
+ sme:
+ - ropalka
+ - mmiura
+ outside-perspective:
+ - thofman
+ - lgao
+// If this issue tracks the promotion to a higher stability level of a previously
+// completed feature, provide the URL of the https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/issues
+// issue that was used to track the previous feature.
+// This should be blank during initial development of a feature. It may be used
+// after the feature is completed if a subsequent issue is field to track promotion
+// of this feature to a higher stability level
+= [Default] Allow to specify WebSocket timeout per listener irrespective of listener general r/w timeouts
+:author: Bartosz Baranowski
+:email: bbaranow@redhat.com
+:toc: left
+:icons: font
+:idseparator: -
+== Overview
+== Issue Metadata
+=== Issue
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-18082[WFLY-18082]
+=== Related Issues
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/UNDERTOW-2333[UNDERTOW-2333]
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBEAP-28281[JBEAP-28281]
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBEAP-28280[JBEAP-28280]
+=== Stability Level
+// Choose the planned stability level for the proposed functionality
+* [ ] Experimental
+* [ ] Preview
+* [ ] Community
+* [x] default
+=== Dev Contacts
+* mailto:{email}[{author}]
+=== QE Contacts
+* mailto:msvehla@redhat.com[Martin Svehla]
+=== Testing By
+// Put an x in the relevant field to indicate if testing will be done by Engineering or QE.
+// Discuss with QE during the Kickoff state to decide this
+* [x] Engineering
+* [ ] QE
+=== Affected Projects or Components
+Undertow integration
+=== Other Interested Projects
+=== Relevant Installation Types
+// Remove the x next to the relevant field if the feature in question is not relevant
+// to that kind of WildFly installation
+* [x] Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)
+* [x] Managed domain
+* [x] OpenShift s2i
+* [x] Bootable jar
+== Requirements
+Add ability to specify timeout(r/w) values for websockets irrespective of general values specified for transport.
+=== Hard Requirements
+=== Nice-to-Have Requirements
+// Requirements in this section do not have to be met to merge the proposed functionality.
+// Note: Nice-to-have requirements that don't end up being implemented as part of
+// the work covered by this proposal should be moved to the 'Future Work' section.
+=== Non-Requirements
+// Use this section to explicitly discuss things that readers might think are required
+// but which are not required.
+=== Future Work
+None predicted
+== Backwards Compatibility
+Shouldnt be any problem. web-socket-x-timeout should have no default value, so default/configured values for regular timeout will take precedence.
+=== Default Configuration
+No need given above. However, user should be able to configure different timeouts based on needs, general for each listener and possibly specific for WebSocket on given transport
+ ....
+ ....
+=== Importing Existing Configuration
+Shouldnt be a problem. WebSocket r/w timeouts have no default values.
+=== Deployments
+=== Interoperability
+//== Implementation Plan
+Delete if not needed. The intent is if you have a complex feature which can
+not be delivered all in one go to suggest the strategy. If your feature falls
+into this category, please mention the Release Coordinators on the pull
+request so they are aware.
+== Security Considerations
+None. If not specified, WebSockets will use default IO timeouts.
+== Test Plan
+Unit test exist in undertow code/PR.
+== Community Documentation
+Good to mention. Should be self explanatory via CLI/model attribute description.
+== Release Note Content
+Draft verbiage for up to a few sentences on the feature for inclusion in the
+Release Note blog article for the release that first includes this feature.
+Example article: http://wildfly.org/news/2018/08/30/WildFly14-Final-Released/.
+This content will be edited, so there is no need to make it perfect or discuss
+what release it appears in. "See Overview" is acceptable if the overview is
+suitable. For simple features best covered as an item in a bullet-point list
+of features containing a few words on each, use "Bullet point: "