diff --git a/undertow/WFLY-14748_Add_Async_Context_Timeout_Option.adoc b/undertow/WFLY-14748_Add_Async_Context_Timeout_Option.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bff15458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/undertow/WFLY-14748_Add_Async_Context_Timeout_Option.adoc
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+ - undertow
+stability-level: preview
+issue: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/issues/672
+= [WFLY-14748] Hard-coded timeout for asynchronous HTTP requests - add async context timeout undertow option
+:author: Richard Opalka
+:email: ropalka@redhat.com
+:toc: left
+:icons: font
+:idseparator: -
+== Overview
+At present the default asynchronous context timeout for Undertow asynchronous operations is hard coded.
+There is a high demand from users to make it configurable. To achieve this we need to
+add default asynchronous context timeout option for Servlet container in Undertow subsystem.
+== Issue
+* https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-14748[WFLY-14748]
+=== Stability Level
+// Choose the planned stability level for the proposed functionality
+* [ ] Experimental
+* [*] Preview
+* [ ] Community
+* [ ] Default
+=== Dev Contacts
+* mailto:ropalka@redhat.com[Richard Opalka]
+=== QE Contacts
+=== Testing By
+// Put an x in the relevant field to indicate if testing will be done by Engineering or QE.
+// Discuss with QE during the Kickoff state to decide this
+* [*] Engineering
+* [ ] QE
+=== Affected Projects or Components
+* WildFly
+=== Other Interested Projects
+=== Relevant Installation Types
+// Remove the x next to the relevant field if the feature in question is not relevant
+// to that kind of WildFly installation
+* [x] Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)
+* [ ] Managed domain
+* [ ] OpenShift s2i
+* [ ] Bootable jar
+== Requirements
+=== Hard Requirements
+Optional "default-async-context-timeout" attribute will be added to the
+ element in the Undertow subsystem.
+If the attribute will not set it will default to "30000" miliseconds
+which is current hardcoded value.
+The resulting resource will look like:
+ "outcome" => "success",
+ "result" => {
+ "allow-non-standard-wrappers" => false,
+ "allow-orphan-session" => false,
+ "default-async-context-timeout" => 60000,
+ "default-buffer-cache" => "default",
+ "default-cookie-version" => 0,
+ "default-encoding" => undefined,
+ "default-session-timeout" => 30,
+ "directory-listing" => undefined,
+ "disable-caching-for-secured-pages" => true,
+ "disable-file-watch-service" => false,
+ "disable-session-id-reuse" => false,
+ "eager-filter-initialization" => false,
+ "file-cache-max-file-size" => 10485760,
+ "file-cache-metadata-size" => 100,
+ "file-cache-time-to-live" => undefined,
+ "ignore-flush" => false,
+ "max-sessions" => undefined,
+ "preserve-path-on-forward" => false,
+ "proactive-authentication" => true,
+ "session-id-length" => 30,
+ "stack-trace-on-error" => "local-only",
+ "use-listener-encoding" => false,
+ "mime-mapping" => undefined,
+ "setting" => {
+ "jsp" => undefined,
+ "websockets" => undefined
+ },
+ "welcome-file" => undefined
+ }
+When persisted to the configuration file the resulting XML will look like:
+=== Nice-to-Have Requirements
+=== Non-Requirements
+=== Future Work
+No future work is planned.
+== Backwards Compatibility
+=== Default Configuration
+There will be no changes in default server configs - default will apply.
+=== Importing Existing Configuration
+=== Deployments
+=== Interoperability
+== Admin Clients
+New attribute in preview mode will be added in "servlet-container" management model.
+== Security Considerations
+This feature will not introduce new security issues.
+== Test Plan
+Single test will be created to test default and newly configured value and will check if asynchronous context timeout will be changed accordingly.
+== Community Documentation
+No additional documentation is needed. New attribute will be documented in Undertow subsystem schema document.
+== Release Note Content