Model Name | Model Type (Encoder-Decoder, etc.) | Pre-train Objective | Tokenization | Vocab Size | OOV Handling | Embeddings | Attention | Activations | Parameters | Training | Pre-Train Data | Batch Size |
The current state of the art of NLP is to first pre-train a model on an auxiliary task and then fine-tune to a specific problem using cross-entropy.
Cross-entropy has a number of problems:
- Poor generalization: Models trained using CE are shown to display poor generalization performance + robustness to noise. The current best practices suggested by people include label smoothing or knowledge distillation or self-training.
- Unstable across runs: CE also shows instability in the face of few shot learning. Currently empirical evidence suggests fine-tuning for more iterations, re-initing the top layers, etc. makes the fine-tuning stage more stable.
In the context of few-shot learning, the authors propose adding a Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCL) term to the fine-tuning objective. It's intuitive to think of different classes being separated in an embedding space- this loss function would partition the space futher.
Result: By including this term in their loss function, the authors found they were able to beat RoBERTa(Large) on a number of GLUE benchmarks, particularly those in a few-shot learning context (<=1000) and in the presence of noise.
SCL Loss: The inclusion of this loss takes the encoding output of any particular datapoint in a batch (the representation prior to the final softmax layer) and attempts to minimize the distance of the [CLS]
between 2 datapoints of similar class membership. Temperature as a hyper-parameter can be thought to influence the boundary - lower temps usually means creating harder negatives / more margin-based training, similar to triplet loss, except this objective only focuses on positive cases. Note: Recall in triplet loss that this is achieved by comparing both postive and negative cases (as in self-supervised contrastive loss).
Setup: GLUE benchmarks are used with the ROBERTa(Large) model as the workbench.
(from original paper)
(from original paper)
(from original paper)
Glad to see standard deviations for once in a table!!!
(from original paper)
(from original paper)