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DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter


| Model Name| Model Type (Encoder-Decoder, etc.) | Pre-train Objective | Tokenization | Vocab Size | OOV Handling | Embeddings | Attention | Activations | Parameters | Training| Pre-Train Data | Batch Size | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |:----: | | DistilBERT | Encoder-Only (Distilled version of BERT) | Triplet loss: (1) MLM + (2) Distillation + (3) Cosine-Distance (No NSP)| Same as BERT | Same as BERT | Same as BERT | Embeddings are similar to BERT, except the segment embeddings are removed | Same as BERT | Same as BERT | 66M parameters | Same as BERT (I think) | Same as BERT | 4096 batch size |


DistilBERT is the brainchild of Huggingface and uses knowledge distillation to capture the pre-training phase of BERT. Typically, a classification model's objective function attempts to minimize the cross entropy between the predicted distribution and the one-hot empirical distribution. A good model in theory will predict high probabilities on the correct class and close to 0 on all others (yet, this is often not the case). In the distillation paradigm, there is a student (distilBERT) and teacher (BERT). There is a distillation loss in the objective where instead of the one-hot used in a typical cross entropy, there is instead the teacher's predicted probability multiplied by the student's surprisal function. On top of the normal "masked language model" cross-entropy loss, there is a cosine embedding loss to align hidden vectors.

Prior to this paper, most prior work explored distillation in the context of fine-tuning/ task-specific models. To achieve this goal, a triplet loss was used (mlm, distillation, cosine-distance). Ultimately, this model has 40% fewer parameters than BERT base, runs 60% faster and still ~ 97% of BERT's performance on GLUE. Further, this smaller model doesn't suffer from the same inference time issues that large language models such as BERT, RoBERTa, XLNet require - it can even be run on mobile devices.

Other differences to note:

  • distilBERT used huge batch sizes ~4k with gradient accumulation where BERT used batch sizes on the order of 8-128. They took the idea from RoBERTa paper.
  • Architecture modifications:

Dynamic masking as opposed to static masking.
Reduced number of layers by factor x2.
Discarded the Next Sentence Prediction and segment embeddings (similar to RoBERTa).

Note: Google Research also wrote a paper on knowledge distillation titled Well-Read Students Learn Better: On the Importance of Pre-Training Compact Models. Also, if you look on the BERT github page, .there are several contributions of much smaller language models ("tiny", etc.)


Table 1: DistilBERT performance

table 1

(from original paper)

Table 3: DistilBERT inference time

Note: These times are 1 batch size on a CPU

table 3

(from original paper)