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Compiling Merkaartor

These are the instructions for compiling Merkaartor from git source. Here is the short version, given you have all the dependencies and are familiar with your build environment:

$ git clone && cd merkaartor
$ qmake -r
$ make -j8 release

And run it using:

$ binaries/bin/merkaartor

If this is not enough, here are more detailed instructions:


You will need the following packages installed:

  • Working C++ compiler
  • Qt 4.x (4.4.0 or newer) or Qt 5.x (5.3.1 or later)
  • Proj.4
  • GDAL (2.0.0 or newer for GDAL exports)
  • (For Windows Installer) NSIS-3

The OS specifics will be explained further down.


Install the above packages using your package manager. For Ubuntu, this would look like this:

 $ sudo apt-get -qq install libgdal-dev libproj-dev

For Qt4:

 $ sudo apt-get -qq install libqt4-xml libqt4-network libqt4-gui libqt4-svg libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev qt4-qmake

Or for Qt5:

 $ sudo apt-get -qq install libqt5xml5* libqt5network5* libqt5gui5* libqt5svg5* libqt5webkit5* libqt5quick5* qtdeclarative5-dev qttools5-dev qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qtchooser

Windows (32bit/64bit)

In both cases, you will need to download MSYS2 for your architecture, and install some packages from msys shell (msys2_shell.bat).

For 32bit, they are (the w64 is not a bug!):

$ pacman -S base-devel \
	msys/git \
	mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-gcc \
	mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-qt5 \
	mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-gdal \
	mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-proj \
	mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-openjpeg2 \

For 64bit, they are:

$ pacman -S base-devel \
	msys/git \
	mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc \
	mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 \
	mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-gdal \
	mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-proj \
	mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-openjpeg2 \

Done? Continue to the next step, but run a different msys shell, the mingw32 or mingw64, based on your architecture. Note that if you'll run mingw32 shell from 64bit msys installtion, strange stuff will happen, so don't do it.

Mac OS X

You will need functional xcode (or other c++ compiler), and libraries installed from homebrew.

brew install gdal proj qt

If you want to use qt5, you need to force link it, as homebrew guys consider Qt4 the default:

brew install qt5
brew link --force qt5

You can do without linking, but you will need to manually supply some paths to the build environment.


Clone the repository

$ git clone && cd merkaartor

By default, this is the latest development version. If you want to use an older one, you have to checkout the commit/tag:

$ git checkout 0.17.0

Please, use this only for testing (for example, if some feature does not work, but it did in older release and you want to check which one), never report bugs for older versions.

Run qmake

$ qmake -r

Note that you need the Qt4 or Qt5 version of qmake - running the Qt3 version will generate incorrect makefiles. If both are installed, take care to run the correct version. For example, on Fedora/Debian run

$ qmake-qt4

and on (K)ubuntu run

$ /usr/share/qt4/bin/qmake

There are some parameters you can pass to qmake to customize build:

Parameter Meaning
PREFIX= base prefix for installation (unix only)
TRANSDIR_MERKAARTOR= where will the Merkaartor translations be installed
TRANSDIR_SYSTEM= where your global Qt translation directory is
NODEBUG=1 release target
USEWEBENGINE=1 enable use of WebEngine (required for some external plugins)
SYSTEM_QTSA use system copy of qtsingleapplication instead of internal

Run make

On Windows: $ make release On other platforms: $ make Debug build: $ make debug

On Linux, make release fails, as the qmake does not generate proper goal in Makefiles, but release is the default. On most Windows installations, the debug is the default and we need to specify the release manually. Sorry about that.


If you are lucky, you'll find an executable in the binaries subdirectory. Otherwise, check our github page, especially check the issues and possibly report yours.


If you want to create installer package, read further.


Nothing special here, just follow your distribution's guidelines.


You first have to copy all dependencies of merkaartor to the binaries/bin directory. The windows/ script does just that:

$ ./windows/

Note that if you made a debug build, all the debug libraries will end up in binaries/bin, and there they take almost 1.1G (that's why I'm not publishing installer with debug symbols).

You can take the binaries/bin and distribute it as a zip, or create an executable installer by invoking NSIS:

$ makensis windows/installer.nsi

Mac OS X

Running macdeployqt should be enough, but for now, there is a bit more work to do:

$ cd binaries/bin
mv plugins
macdeployqt -dmg

This should give you merkaartor.dmg. Due to a bug in macdeployqt, you might need to create the archive manually:

$ hdiutil create "merkaartor.dmg" -srcfolder -format UDZO -volname merkaartor -verbose -size 130m

But you still need to run macdeployqt to copy all the dependencies.