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380 lines (299 loc) · 10.9 KB

Android HTTP Restless

High performance Android HTTP Client Library. Create a Request and assign to RequestThreadPool. The RequestThreadPool manages worker threads to process the request. The worker thread handles caching, network request, data parsing, retry, and finally provides callback to the caller.


  • Asynchronous HTTP Request
  • Handle multiple concurrent requests with ThreadPool
  • Schedule request with delay
  • Customizable and extensible interceptor to intercept request
  • Simple and extensible caching model to cache request and response
  • Automatic retry: can be configured with number of retry and retry interval
  • Guarantees your response callback will never be called when the request is cancelled or the ThreadPool is purged
  • A small library with high performance and simple architecture. The aar is only ~40K
  • Build in response parsing to JSONObject, JSONArray, Bitmap, String, byte[]. Can be extended to support any data type.
  • Flexible callback: callback can be on current or UI thread.
  • Handle request in sequence or concurrent multiple requests
  • Design for API request, not design for large download and upload



Edit your build.gradle file and add below dependency:

    dependencies {
        compile ''

Use new RequestThreadPool

    RequestThreadPool requestThreadPool = new RequestThreadPool.Builder().build();

    Uri uri = (new Uri.Builder()).scheme("http").encodedAuthority("localhost:" + port).appendPath("test").build();
    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)
        .onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<JSONObject>() {
            public void onSuccess(JSONObject body, HttpResponse httpResponse) {

        }).onError(new Request.ErrorCallback() {
            public void onError(Throwable t, HttpResponse httpResponse) {



Enable Caching

Cache 100 request/response with LRU Memory Cache and enable request caching

    RequestThreadPool requestThreadPool = new RequestThreadPool.Builder().setCache(new LRUCache(100)).build();

    //Enable cache for the request.
    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)

Cache 10MB with FileCache

    Cache cache = FileCache(context, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
    RequestThreadPool requestThreadPool = new RequestThreadPool.Builder().setCache(cache).build();

Request retry

Retry 3 times with interval 1 Second

    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)

Schedule a request

Schedule a request to run after 5 seconds

    Uri uri = (new Uri.Builder()).scheme("http").authority("").build();
    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri).build();
    requestThreadPool.schedule(request, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Cancel Request or Purge the RequestThreadPool

In your activity onStop() method, cancel single request


or cancel all pending request


The callback will not be invoked after cancel.

Send a post request

Post a JSONObject

    JSONObject postData = new JSONObject("{\"name\":\"value\"}");
    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)

Post a URL Encoded form

    LinkedHashMap<String, String> form = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    form.put("key1", "value1");
    form.put("key2", "value2");
    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)

Response parsing

Use response content-type to determine which DataMarshaller to transform the data. Not necessary to define response object type for standard content-type.

Response as JSONObject

    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri)
        .onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<JSONObject>() {
            public void onSuccess(JSONObject body, HttpResponse httpResponse) {


Response as JSONArray

    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONArray>(uri)
        .onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<JSONArray>() {
            public void onSuccess(JSONArray body, HttpResponse httpResponse) {


Response as Bitmap

    Request request = new Request.Builder<Bitmap>(uri)
        .onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<Bitmap>() {
            public void onSuccess(Bitmap body, HttpResponse httpResponse) {


Custom Response

    Request request = new Request.Builder<Person>(uri)
                .onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<Person>() {
                    public void onSuccess(Person body, HttpResponse httpResponse) {

                .setResponseMarshaller(new PersonDataMarshaller())

    class PersonDataMarshaller implements DataMarshaller<Person> {

        public Person unmarshal(byte[] content) throws Exception {
            //Transform the content to Person object
            return new Person();

        public byte[] marshal(Person data) throws Exception {
            return new byte[0];

        public Class<Person> getType() {
            return Person.class;

        public String requestContentType() {
            return null;

        public String[] responseContentType() {
            return new String[0];

    class Person {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        private int age;

Singleton Pattern

Singleton class that wrap the RequestThreadPool

    public class Singleton {

        private static RequestThreadPool instance = new RequestThreadPool.Builder().build();
        private Singleton() {

        public static RequestThreadPool getInstance() {
            return instance;

        public void purge() {

        public void execute(Request request) {

        public void schedule(Request request, long delay, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
            instance.schedule(request, delay, timeUnit);

Sending request with Singleton class

    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri).build();

Architecture Design




Mock response for development

Sample Mock Cache

    public class MockCache implements Cache<Request, HttpResponse> {

        static Map<Uri, HttpResponse> mock;

        static {
            mock = new HashMap<>();

            mock.put(new Uri.Builder().scheme("http").authority("localhost").appendPath("test").build(),
                new HttpResponse(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, "application/json", null, "{\"test\":\"value\"}".getBytes()));

            mock.put(new Uri.Builder().scheme("http").authority("localhost").appendPath("test2").build(),
                new HttpResponse(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, "application/json", null, "{\"test\":\"value\"}".getBytes()));

        public HttpResponse get(Request key) {
            return mock.get(key.getUri());

        public void put(Request key, HttpResponse value) {

        public void clear() {

Set Mock Cache to RequestThreadPool

    requestThreadPool = new RequestThreadPool.Builder().setCache(new MockCache()).build();

Enable Cache on Request

    Request request = new Request.Builder<JSONObject>(uri).onSuccess(new Request.SuccessCallback<JSONObject>() {
            public void onSuccess(JSONObject body, HttpResponse response) {

Logging with duration and traffic stat

Add LoggingInterceptor with log TAG

    RequestThreadPool.Builder builder = new RequestThreadPool.Builder();
    requestThreadPool = builder.setCorePoolSize(10)
                    new RequestInterceptor[]{
                            new CacheRequestInterceptor(),
                            new ResponseInterceptor(),
                            new LoggingInterceptor()})

Enable logging

adb shell setprop log.tag.HTTP-ThreadPoolExecutor VERBOSE  

Sample log in console

D/HTTP-ThreadPoolExecutor: http://localhost:43701/test duration=3ms transmitted=60bytes received=40bytes


A simple performance test

Library Test Case Server Result
Android Volley 100 Concurrent Requests Local Mock Server 1017 ms
Android Restless (5 Threads) 100 Concurrent Requests Local Mock Server 795 ms
Android Restless (10 Threads) 100 Concurrent Requests Local Mock Server 422 ms
Android Restless (20 Threads) 100 Concurrent Requests Local Mock Server 295 ms


  1. Simple DB Cache
  2. Secure DB Cache with data encryption
  3. OAuth Support