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File metadata and controls

1079 lines (835 loc) · 38.3 KB


Using the Workflow component inside a Symfony application requires to know first some basic theory and concepts about workflows and state machines. :doc:`Read this article </workflow/workflow-and-state-machine>` for a quick overview.


In applications using :ref:`Symfony Flex <symfony-flex>`, run this command to install the workflow feature before using it:

$ composer require symfony/workflow


To see all configuration options, if you are using the component inside a Symfony project run this command:

$ php bin/console config:dump-reference framework workflows

Creating a Workflow

A workflow is a process or a lifecycle that your objects go through. Each step or stage in the process is called a place. You do also define transitions to that describes the action to get from one place to another.


A set of places and transitions creates a definition. A workflow needs a Definition and a way to write the states to the objects (i.e. an instance of a :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\MarkingStore\\MarkingStoreInterface`.)

Consider the following example for a blog post. A post can have these places: draft, reviewed, rejected, published. You can define the workflow like this:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # config/packages/workflow.yaml
                    type: 'workflow' # or 'state_machine'
                        enabled: true
                        type: 'method'
                        property: 'currentPlace'
                        - App\Entity\BlogPost
                    initial_marking: draft
                        - draft
                        - reviewed
                        - rejected
                        - published
                            from: draft
                            to:   reviewed
                            from: reviewed
                            to:   published
                            from: reviewed
                            to:   rejected

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- config/packages/workflow.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <container xmlns=""

                <!-- or type="state_machine" -->
                <framework:workflow name="blog_publishing" type="workflow">
                    <framework:audit-trail enabled="true"/>
                    <framework:marking-store type="single_state">
                    <framework:transition name="to_review">
                    <framework:transition name="publish">
                    <framework:transition name="reject">

    .. code-block:: php

        // config/packages/workflow.php
        use App\Entity\BlogPost;
        use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

        return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
            $blogPublishing = $framework->workflows()->workflows('blog_publishing');
                ->type('workflow') // or 'state_machine'







If you are creating your first workflows, consider using the workflow:dump command to :doc:`debug the workflow contents </workflow/dumping-workflows>`.

The configured property will be used via its implemented getter/setter methods by the marking store:

// src/Entity/BlogPost.php
namespace App\Entity;

class BlogPost
    // the configured marking store property must be declared
    private $currentPlace;
    private $title;
    private $content;

    // getter/setter methods must exist for property access by the marking store
    public function getCurrentPlace()
        return $this->currentPlace;

    public function setCurrentPlace($currentPlace, $context = [])
        $this->currentPlace = $currentPlace;


The marking store type could be "multiple_state" or "single_state". A single state marking store does not support a model being on multiple places at the same time. This means a "workflow" must use a "multiple_state" marking store and a "state_machine" must use a "single_state" marking store. Symfony configures the marking store according to the "type" by default, so it's preferable to not configure it.

A single state marking store uses a string to store the data. A multiple state marking store uses an array to store the data.


The marking_store.type (the default value depends on the type value) and property (default value ['marking']) attributes of the marking_store option are optional. If omitted, their default values will be used. It's highly recommended to use the default value.


Setting the audit_trail.enabled option to true makes the application generate detailed log messages for the workflow activity.

With this workflow named blog_publishing, you can get help to decide what actions are allowed on a blog post:

use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception\LogicException;

$post = new BlogPost();

$workflow = $this->container->get('workflow.blog_publishing');
$workflow->can($post, 'publish'); // False
$workflow->can($post, 'to_review'); // True

// Update the currentState on the post
try {
    $workflow->apply($post, 'to_review');
} catch (LogicException $exception) {
    // ...

// See all the available transitions for the post in the current state
$transitions = $workflow->getEnabledTransitions($post);
// See a specific available transition for the post in the current state
$transition = $workflow->getEnabledTransition($post, 'publish');

Accessing the Workflow in a Class

You can use the workflow inside a class by using :doc:`service autowiring </service_container/autowiring>` and using camelCased workflow name + Workflow as parameter name. If it is a state machine type, use camelCased workflow name + StateMachine:

use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\WorkflowInterface;

class MyClass
    private $blogPublishingWorkflow;

    // this injects the blog_publishing workflow configured before
    public function __construct(WorkflowInterface $blogPublishingWorkflow)
        $this->blogPublishingWorkflow = $blogPublishingWorkflow;

    public function toReview(BlogPost $post)
        // Update the currentState on the post
        try {
            $this->blogPublishingWorkflow->apply($post, 'to_review');
        } catch (LogicException $exception) {
            // ...
        // ...

Alternatively, use the registry:

use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Registry;

class MyClass
    private $workflowRegistry;

    public function __construct(Registry $workflowRegistry)
        $this->workflowRegistry = $workflowRegistry;

    public function toReview(BlogPost $post)
        $blogPublishingWorkflow = $this->workflowRegistry->get($post);

        // ...


You can find the list of available workflow services with the php bin/console debug:autowiring workflow command.

Using Events

To make your workflows more flexible, you can construct the Workflow object with an EventDispatcher. You can now create event listeners to block transitions (i.e. depending on the data in the blog post) and do additional actions when a workflow operation happened (e.g. sending announcements).

Each step has three events that are fired in order:

  • An event for every workflow;
  • An event for the workflow concerned;
  • An event for the workflow concerned with the specific transition or place name.

When a state transition is initiated, the events are dispatched in the following order:


Validate whether the transition is blocked or not (see :ref:`guard events <workflow-usage-guard-events>` and :ref:`blocking transitions <workflow-blocking-transitions>`).

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.guard
  • workflow.[workflow name].guard
  • workflow.[workflow name].guard.[transition name]

The subject is about to leave a place.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.leave
  • workflow.[workflow name].leave
  • workflow.[workflow name].leave.[place name]

The subject is going through this transition.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.transition
  • workflow.[workflow name].transition
  • workflow.[workflow name].transition.[transition name]

The subject is about to enter a new place. This event is triggered right before the subject places are updated, which means that the marking of the subject is not yet updated with the new places.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.enter
  • workflow.[workflow name].enter
  • workflow.[workflow name].enter.[place name]

The subject has entered in the places and the marking is updated.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.entered
  • workflow.[workflow name].entered
  • workflow.[workflow name].entered.[place name]

The object has completed this transition.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.completed
  • workflow.[workflow name].completed
  • workflow.[workflow name].completed.[transition name]

Triggered for each transition that now is accessible for the subject.

The three events being dispatched are:

  • workflow.announce
  • workflow.[workflow name].announce
  • workflow.[workflow name].announce.[transition name]

You can avoid triggering those events by using the context:

$workflow->apply($subject, $transitionName, [Workflow::DISABLE_ANNOUNCE_EVENT => true]);
.. versionadded:: 5.1

    The ``Workflow::DISABLE_ANNOUNCE_EVENT`` constant was introduced in Symfony 5.1.

.. versionadded:: 5.2

    In Symfony 5.2, the context is accessible in all events::

        // $context must be an array
        $context = ['context_key' => 'context_value'];
        $workflow->apply($subject, $transitionName, $context);

        // in an event listener
        $context = $event->getContext(); // returns ['context']


The leaving and entering events are triggered even for transitions that stay in same place.


If you initialize the marking by calling $workflow->getMarking($object);, then the workflow.[workflow_name].entered.[initial_place_name] event will be called with the default context (Workflow::DEFAULT_INITIAL_CONTEXT).

Here is an example of how to enable logging for every time a "blog_publishing" workflow leaves a place:

// src/App/EventSubscriber/WorkflowLoggerSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event\Event;

class WorkflowLoggerSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    private $logger;

    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function onLeave(Event $event)
            'Blog post (id: "%s") performed transition "%s" from "%s" to "%s"',
            implode(', ', array_keys($event->getMarking()->getPlaces())),
            implode(', ', $event->getTransition()->getTos())

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'workflow.blog_publishing.leave' => 'onLeave',

Guard Events

There are a special kind of events called "Guard events". Their event listeners are invoked every time a call to Workflow::can(), Workflow::apply() or Workflow::getEnabledTransitions() is executed. With the guard events you may add custom logic to decide which transitions should be blocked or not. Here is a list of the guard event names.

  • workflow.guard
  • workflow.[workflow name].guard
  • workflow.[workflow name].guard.[transition name]

This example stops any blog post being transitioned to "reviewed" if it is missing a title:

// src/App/EventSubscriber/BlogPostReviewSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event\GuardEvent;

class BlogPostReviewSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public function guardReview(GuardEvent $event)
        /** @var BlogPost $post */
        $post = $event->getSubject();
        $title = $post->title;

        if (empty($title)) {
            $event->setBlocked(true, 'This blog post cannot be marked as reviewed because it has no title.');

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'workflow.blog_publishing.guard.to_review' => ['guardReview'],
.. versionadded:: 5.1

    The optional second argument of ``setBlocked()`` was introduced in Symfony 5.1.

Choosing which Events to Dispatch

.. versionadded:: 5.2

    Ability to choose which events to dispatch was introduced in Symfony 5.2.

If you prefer to control which events are fired when performing each transition, use the events_to_dispatch configuration option. This option does not apply to :ref:`Guard events <workflow-usage-guard-events>`, which are always fired:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # config/packages/workflow.yaml
                    # you can pass one or more event names
                    events_to_dispatch: ['workflow.leave', 'workflow.completed']

                    # pass an empty array to not dispatch any event
                    events_to_dispatch: []

                    # ...

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- config/packages/workflow.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <container xmlns=""
                <framework:workflow name="blog_publishing">
                    <!-- you can pass one or more event names -->

                    <!-- pass an empty array to not dispatch any event -->

                    <!-- ... -->

    .. code-block:: php

        // config/packages/workflow.php
        use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

        return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
            // ...

            $blogPublishing = $framework->workflows()->workflows('blog_publishing');

            // ...
            // you can pass one or more event names

            // pass an empty array to not dispatch any event

            // ...

You can also disable a specific event from being fired when applying a transition:

use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception\LogicException;

$post = new BlogPost();

$workflow = $this->container->get('workflow.blog_publishing');

try {
    $workflow->apply($post, 'to_review', [
        Workflow::DISABLE_ANNOUNCE_EVENT => true,
        Workflow::DISABLE_LEAVE_EVENT => true,
} catch (LogicException $exception) {
    // ...

Disabling an event for a specific transition will take precedence over any events specified in the workflow configuration. In the above example the workflow.leave event will not be fired, even if it has been specified as an event to be dispatched for all transitions in the workflow configuration.

.. versionadded:: 5.1

    The ``Workflow::DISABLE_ANNOUNCE_EVENT`` constant was introduced in Symfony 5.1.

.. versionadded:: 5.2

    The constants for other events (as seen below) were introduced in Symfony 5.2.

    * ``Workflow::DISABLE_LEAVE_EVENT``
    * ``Workflow::DISABLE_ENTER_EVENT``
    * ``Workflow::DISABLE_ENTERED_EVENT``

Event Methods

Each workflow event is an instance of :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\Event`. This means that each event has access to the following information:

Returns the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Marking` of the workflow.
Returns the object that dispatches the event.
Returns the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Transition` that dispatches the event.
Returns a string with the name of the workflow that triggered the event.
Returns a metadata.

For Guard Events, there is an extended :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\GuardEvent` class. This class has these additional methods:

Returns if transition is blocked.
Sets the blocked value.
Returns the event :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\TransitionBlockerList`. See :ref:`blocking transitions <workflow-blocking-transitions>`.
Add a :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\TransitionBlocker` instance.

Blocking Transitions

The execution of the workflow can be controlled by calling custom logic to decide if the current transition is blocked or allowed before applying it. This feature is provided by "guards", which can be used in two ways.

First, you can listen to :ref:`the guard events <workflow-usage-guard-events>`. Alternatively, you can define a guard configuration option for the transition. The value of this option is any valid expression created with the :doc:`ExpressionLanguage component </components/expression_language>`:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # config/packages/workflow.yaml
                    # previous configuration
                            # the transition is allowed only if the current user has the ROLE_REVIEWER role.
                            guard: "is_granted('ROLE_REVIEWER')"
                            from: draft
                            to:   reviewed
                            # or "is_anonymous", "is_remember_me", "is_fully_authenticated", "is_granted", "is_valid"
                            guard: "is_authenticated"
                            from: reviewed
                            to:   published
                            # or any valid expression language with "subject" referring to the supported object
                            guard: "is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') and subject.isRejectable()"
                            from: reviewed
                            to:   rejected

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- config/packages/workflow.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <container xmlns=""

                <framework:workflow name="blog_publishing" type="workflow">

                    <!-- ... previous configuration -->

                    <framework:transition name="to_review">
                        <!-- the transition is allowed only if the current user has the ROLE_REVIEWER role. -->

                    <framework:transition name="publish">
                        <!-- or "is_anonymous", "is_remember_me", "is_fully_authenticated", "is_granted" -->

                    <framework:transition name="reject">
                        <!-- or any valid expression language with "subject" referring to the post -->
                        <framework:guard>is_granted("ROLE_ADMIN") and subject.isStatusReviewed()</framework:guard>



    .. code-block:: php

        // config/packages/workflow.php
        use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

        return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
            $blogPublishing = $framework->workflows()->workflows('blog_publishing');
            // ... previous configuration

                    // the transition is allowed only if the current user has the ROLE_REVIEWER role.

                    // or "is_anonymous", "is_remember_me", "is_fully_authenticated", "is_granted"

                    // or any valid expression language with "subject" referring to the post
                    ->guard('is_granted("ROLE_ADMIN") and subject.isStatusReviewed()')

You can also use transition blockers to block and return a user-friendly error message when you stop a transition from happening. In the example we get this message from the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\Event`'s metadata, giving you a central place to manage the text.

This example has been simplified; in production you may prefer to use the :doc:`Translation </translation>` component to manage messages in one place:

// src/App/EventSubscriber/BlogPostPublishSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event\GuardEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\TransitionBlocker;

class BlogPostPublishSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public function guardPublish(GuardEvent $event)
        $eventTransition = $event->getTransition();
        $hourLimit = $event->getMetadata('hour_limit', $eventTransition);

        if (date('H') <= $hourLimit) {

        // Block the transition "publish" if it is more than 8 PM
        // with the message for end user
        $explanation = $event->getMetadata('explanation', $eventTransition);
        $event->addTransitionBlocker(new TransitionBlocker($explanation , '0'));

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'workflow.blog_publishing.guard.publish' => ['guardPublish'],

Usage in Twig

Symfony defines several Twig functions to manage workflows and reduce the need of domain logic in your templates:

Returns true if the given object can make the given transition.
Returns an array with all the transitions enabled for the given object.
Returns a specific transition enabled for the given object and transition name.
Returns an array with the place names of the given marking.
Returns true if the marking of the given object has the given state.
Returns :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\TransitionBlockerList` for the given transition.

The following example shows these functions in action:

<h3>Actions on Blog Post</h3>
{% if workflow_can(post, 'publish') %}
    <a href="...">Publish</a>
{% endif %}
{% if workflow_can(post, 'to_review') %}
    <a href="...">Submit to review</a>
{% endif %}
{% if workflow_can(post, 'reject') %}
    <a href="...">Reject</a>
{% endif %}

{# Or loop through the enabled transitions #}
{% for transition in workflow_transitions(post) %}
    <a href="...">{{ }}</a>
{% else %}
    No actions available.
{% endfor %}

{# Check if the object is in some specific place #}
{% if workflow_has_marked_place(post, 'reviewed') %}
    <p>This post is ready for review.</p>
{% endif %}

{# Check if some place has been marked on the object #}
{% if 'reviewed' in workflow_marked_places(post) %}
    <span class="label">Reviewed</span>
{% endif %}

{# Loop through the transition blockers #}
{% for blocker in workflow_transition_blockers(post, 'publish') %}
    <span class="error">{{ blocker.message }}</span>
{% endfor %}

Storing Metadata

In case you need it, you can store arbitrary metadata in workflows, their places, and their transitions using the metadata option. This metadata can be only the title of the workflow or very complex objects:

.. configuration-block::

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # config/packages/workflow.yaml
                        title: 'Blog Publishing Workflow'
                    # ...
                                max_num_of_words: 500
                        # ...
                            from: draft
                            to:   review
                                priority: 0.5
                            from: reviewed
                            to:   published
                                hour_limit: 20
                                explanation: 'You can not publish after 8 PM.'

    .. code-block:: xml

        <!-- config/packages/workflow.xml -->
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <container xmlns=""
                <framework:workflow name="blog_publishing">
                        <framework:title>Blog Publishing Workflow</framework:title>
                    <!-- ... -->
                    <framework:place name="draft">
                    <!-- ... -->
                    <framework:transition name="to_review">
                    <framework:transition name="publish">
                            <framework:explanation>You can not publish after 8 PM.</framework:explanation>

    .. code-block:: php

        // config/packages/workflow.php
        use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

        return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework) {
            $blogPublishing = $framework->workflows()->workflows('blog_publishing');
            // ... previous configuration

                'title' => 'Blog Publishing Workflow'

            // ...

                    'max_num_of_words' => 500,

            // ...

                        'priority' => 0.5,

                        'hour_limit' => 20,
                        'explanation' => 'You can not publish after 8 PM.',

Then you can access this metadata in your controller as follows:

// src/App/Controller/BlogPostController.php
use App\Entity\BlogPost;
use Symfony\Component\Workflow\WorkflowInterface;
// ...

public function myAction(WorkflowInterface $blogPublishingWorkflow, BlogPost $post)
    $title = $blogPublishingWorkflow
        ->getWorkflowMetadata()['title'] ?? 'Default title'

    $maxNumOfWords = $blogPublishingWorkflow
        ->getPlaceMetadata('draft')['max_num_of_words'] ?? 500

    $aTransition = $blogPublishingWorkflow->getDefinition()->getTransitions()[0];
    $priority = $blogPublishingWorkflow
        ->getTransitionMetadata($aTransition)['priority'] ?? 0

    // ...

There is a getMetadata() method that works with all kinds of metadata:

// get "workflow metadata" passing the metadata key as argument
$title = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getMetadata('title');

// get "place metadata" passing the metadata key as the first argument and the place name as the second argument
$maxNumOfWords = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getMetadata('max_num_of_words', 'draft');

// get "transition metadata" passing the metadata key as the first argument and a Transition object as the second argument
$priority = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getMetadata('priority', $aTransition);

In a :ref:`flash message <flash-messages>` in your controller:

// $transition = ...; (an instance of Transition)

// $workflow is a Workflow instance retrieved from the Registry or injected directly (see above)
$title = $workflow->getMetadataStore()->getMetadata('title', $transition);
$this->addFlash('info', "You have successfully applied the transition with title: '$title'");

Metadata can also be accessed in a Listener, from the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Workflow\\Event\\Event` object.

In Twig templates, metadata is available via the workflow_metadata() function:

<h2>Metadata of Blog Post</h2>
    <code>{{ workflow_metadata(blog_post, 'title') }}</code>
    <strong>Current place(s)</strong>
        {% for place in workflow_marked_places(blog_post) %}
                {{ place }}:
                <code>{{ workflow_metadata(blog_post, 'max_num_of_words', place) ?: 'Unlimited'}}</code>
        {% endfor %}
    <strong>Enabled transition(s)</strong>
        {% for transition in workflow_transitions(blog_post) %}
                {{ }}:
                <code>{{ workflow_metadata(blog_post, 'priority', transition) ?: 0 }}</code>
        {% endfor %}
    <strong>to_review Priority</strong>
            <code>{{ workflow_metadata(blog_post, 'priority', workflow_transition(blog_post, 'to_review')) }}</code>

Learn more

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
