A Conviva analytics connector for @theoplayer/react-native
npm install @theoplayer/react-native-analytics-conviva
Create the connector by providing the THEOplayer
instance, some initial metadata and a config
import { useConviva } from '@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-conviva';
const convivaMetadata: ConvivaMetadata = {
['Conviva.applicationName']: 'THEOplayer',
['Conviva.viewerId']: 'your_viewer_id'
const convivaConfig: ConvivaConfiguration = {
customerKey: 'your_customer_key',
debug: true,
gatewayUrl: 'https://[account]-test.testonly.conviva.com'
const App = () => {
const [conviva, initConviva] = useConviva(convivaMetadata, convivaConfig);
const onPlayerReady = (player: THEOplayer) => {
// Initialize connector
return (<THEOplayerView config={playerConfig} onPlayerReady={onPlayerReady}/>);
The convivaMetada
object contains key-value pairs that are passed directly to the Conviva SDK.
Most media related properties, such as its streamURL, duration or whether it is a live or vod
stream, are passed by the connector itself.
Any metadata related properties can be passed through the open key-value map:
Key | Value |
'Conviva.assetName' |
Asset name of the next program. |
'customTag' |
Any custom value. |
The connector allows passing or updating the current asset's metadata at any time:
const onUpdateMetadata = () => {
const metadata: ConvivaMetadata = {
['customTag1']: "customValue1",
['customTag2']: "customValue2",