A Youbora analytics connector for @theoplayer/react-native
npm install @theoplayer/react-native-analytics-youbora
Create the connector by providing the THEOplayer
instance, the appId
provided by Youbora, and instanceName
that describes the player or site, and an optional set of YouboraOptions
import { useYoubora } from '@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-youbora';
const youboraOptions: youbora.Options = {
'accountCode': 'powerdev',
// 'username': 'dev',
// 'parse.HLS': true,
// 'parse.CDNNode': true,
// 'network.ip': '',
// 'network.isp': 'MyISP',
// 'network.connectionType': 'dialup',
// 'content.transactionCode': 'myTransCode',
// 'content.resource': 'mysrc.mp4',
'content.isLive': true,
'content.title': 'My Title',
// 'content.title2': 'My Title2',
// 'content.duration': 100,
// 'content.fps': '100',
// 'content.bitrate': 1000000,
// 'content.throughput': 8000000,
// 'content.rendition': 'My Rendition',
// 'content.cdn': 'NICE264',
// 'content.metadata': {
// custom_info: 'info'
// },
// 'ad.metadata': {
// custom_info: 'info'
// },
// 'extraparam.1': 'myExtraParam1',
// 'extraparam.2': 'myExtraParam2'
const App = () => {
const [youbora, initYoubora] = useYoubora(youboraOptions, youbora.Log.Level.DEBUG);
const onPlayerReady = (player: THEOplayer) => {
// Initialize Youbora connector
return (<THEOplayerView config={playerConfig} onPlayerReady={onPlayerReady}/>);
As outlined on the native iOS connector's git repository, the app's Podfile still needs to include a dependency to the THEOplayerSDK by adding a pre-install script:
pre_install do |installer|
ios_youbora_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter-iOS" }
ios_theoplayer_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "THEOplayerSDK-core-iOS"}
puts "Adding THEOplayerSDK-core-iOS as a target dependency to YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter-iOS"
ios_youbora_target.dependent_targets <<= ios_theoplayer_target
tvos_youbora_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter-tvOS"}
tvos_theoplayer_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "THEOplayerSDK-core-tvOS"}
puts "Adding THEOplayerSDK-core-tvOS as a target dependency to YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter-tvOS"
tvos_youbora_target.dependent_targets <<= tvos_theoplayer_target
If you are using a single target project this reduces to
pre_install do |installer|
youbora_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter" }
theoplayer_target = installer.pod_targets.find { |t| t.name == "THEOplayerSDK-core"}
puts "Adding THEOplayerSDK-core as a target dependency to YouboraTHEOPlayerAdapter"
youbora_target.dependent_targets <<= theoplayer_target