To use a custom THEOplayerSDK xcframework for iOS, you need to change the dependency of the react-native-package on the THEOplayerSDK-basic pod into a dependency on a custom xcframework build.
The easiest approach te prevent undoing your work with a later npm install is to create a local module dependency (npm local paths).
Generate a custom xcframework with the required features on, and copy the downloaded xcframework for iOS to [YourLocalModulesFolder]/react-native-theoplayer/ios/custom/Frameworks/ios/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework in your local module's folder.
Replace the content of react-native-theoplayer.podspec in [YourLocalModulesFolder]/react-native-theoplayer.podspec with the contents of [YourLocalModulesFolder]/react-native-theoplayer/ios/custom/react-native-theoplayer_custom_ios.podspec.
> cd [YourLocalModulesFolder]/react-native-theoplayer
> cp ./ios/custom/react-native-theoplayer_custom_ios.podspec ./react-native-theoplayer.podspec
Make sure that after copying the paths in the updated podspec of your module point to your downloaded xcframeworks. (Should be ok by default)
In the updated podspec file link to the SDK's on which your custom xcframework build depends. The example .podspec file in the custom folder contains for example:
s.ios.dependency "GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK", "3.14.1" <-- required for iOS Google IMA or DAI
s.tvos.dependency "GoogleAds-IMA-tvOS-SDK", "4.4.1" <-- required for tvOS Google IMA
s.ios.dependency "google-cast-sdk-dynamic-xcframework-no-bluetooth" <-- required for iOS Chromecast
Run pod install to update the SDK dependencies in your application. This will regenerate the pod project for your application that now depends on the generated xcframework
> cd [YourProjectFolder]/ios
> pod install