MobulaOP is a simple and flexible cross framework operators toolkit. You can create custom C++/C operators without rebuilding the source of deep learning framework. In addition, a code is enough to implement custom operators on CPU and GPU.
- Simplification
The code of MobulaOP is tiny and easy to compile. You don't need rebuild the deep learning framwork to create custom C++/C operators any more.
- Write once, run anywhere
Writting a code is enough to launch custom C++/C operators on different devices such as CPU/GPU, different deep learning frameworks like MXNet, PyTorch, and numerical computation libraries like NumPy.
- Focus on high-level calculation for users
MobulaOP encapsulates the detail of low-level calculation. For users, they don't need to care about the detail, and they will focus on the core of algorithm.
- Better for MXNet Custom Operator
There are more support for MXNet. You can create custom operators conveniently with MobulaOP.
Open a terminal and input the following commands:
# Clone MobulaOP
git clone
# Enter the project directory
cd MobulaOP
# Install MobulaOP
pip install -v -e .
If installation success, there will be no prompt when inputting the command python -c "import mobula"
outside the project directory.
After installation, it's available to write custom C++/C operators.
We call calculation function in parallel Kernel Function.
Taking element-wise product as an example:
template <typename T>
MOBULA_KERNEL mul_elemwise_kernel(const int n, const T* a, const T* b, T* out) {
parfor(n, [&](int i) {
out[i] = a[i] * b[i];
The six lines of code implement a element-wise product calculation on CPU and GPU.
To be specific, the macro MOBULA_KERNEL
declares this function as a kernel function. Kernel Function doesn't need returned value, and the suffix name of the function is _kernel
For parameters list of kernel function, the first parameter must be the number of threads in parallel. The constant pointer const T*
declares input tensors, and the variant pointer T*
means the output tensors. The declaration of input/output tensors will affect the computation performance.
In the kernel function, parfor
is a parallel for-loop. The first parameter of parfor
is the number of iteration, and the second parameter is a function whose input is the subscript index of for-loop. We use a lambda function here. The subscript index i
starts at 0, and 0 <= i < n
. MobulaOP will unroll the parfor-loop in different approaches for different devices. For example, MobulaOP will unroll the code in CPU device:
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
out[i] = a[i] * b[i];
MobulaOP will use multi-threads, OpenMP, CUDA, etc to execute the loop in parallel.
kernel function, the first element in the parameters list should be the number of threads in parallel. -
The body of the parfor-loop will execute in parallel, so it's worth to notice thread-safe problem. MobulaOP provides
function for the atomic addition of CPU/GPUfloat32
type. -
In a kernel function, it's valid to call
multiple times. It allows to use different number of iteration ofparfor
s, but the numbers of threads are the same. -
should be called in kernel functions. -
If you want to call other function in kernel functions, the called function should be declared as
, and own the returned type.
Example: Return the maximal value of two numbers
template <typename T>
MOBULA_DEVICE T maximum(const T a, const T b) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
We will call the aforementioned kernel function :)
MobulaOP will analyze kernel function, generate the corresponding code, and compile the code into dynamic link libraries.
Let us save the aforementioned kernel function into the file MulElemWise.cpp
, and put the file into the following directory:
└── MulElemWise
└─── MulElemWise.cpp
Then create a file called
in the directory tutorial
, and write codes in this file.
import mobula
import mxnet as mx
a = mx.nd.array([1,2,3])
b = mx.nd.array([4,5,6])
out = mx.nd.empty(a.shape)
mobula.func.mul_elemwise(a.size, a, b, out)
print (out) # [4, 10, 18]
Enter the command python
in the terminal.
The output is [4, 10, 18]
The lines 1, 2, 8 of the code are important.
Line 1: Importing MobulaOP library.
Line 2: Loading the module MulElemWise
. MobulaOP will search files <module name>.cpp
, <module name>.py
. if one of these files exists, these files will be compiled or loaded. It's available to pass an absolute path for mobula.op.load
, e.g. mobula.op.load('MulElemWise', os.path.dirname(__file__))
Line 8: Calling the kernel function mul_elemwise
. It's noticed that there is no the postfix _kernel
comparing with the function's declaration MOBULA_KERNEL mul_elemwise_kernel(const int n, const T* a, const T* b, T* out)
Kernel functions will be added into mobula.func
, and calling mobula.func.<the name of kernel function>
means calling the C++/C kernel function.
MobulaOP can pre/post-processes the parameters automatically, such as getting the pointer of data, template instantiation, memory non-continuous tensor, calling wait_to_read
or wait_to_write
for tensors.
After writting a kernel function, we can encapsulate it into a custom operator. MobulaOP provides a simple method to declare it.
In the directory tutorial/MulElemWise
, create the file
and write the following code in it:
import mobula
class MulElemWise:
def forward(self, a, b):
mobula.func.mul_elemwise(a.size, a, b, self.y)
def backward(self, dy):
self.dX[0][:] = self.F.multiply(dy, self.X[1])
mobula.func.mul_elemwise(dy.size, dy, self.X[0], self.dX[1])
def infer_shape(self, in_shape):
assert in_shape[0] == in_shape[1]
return in_shape, [in_shape[0]]
In line 3, @mobula.op.register
is a Python decorator, registering the class as an operator.
In an operator, it's necessary to declare forward
, backward
, and infer_shape
For the parameters list of the forward
function, a
and b
are the inputs when feed-forwarding. For the parameters list of the backward
function, dy
is the input gradient when feed-backwarding.
MobulaOP will infer the number of inputs from forward
function, and infer the number of outputs from backward
The infer_shape
function accepts a tuple list, whose element is the shape of each input. There are two returned values, with the first value being the shape list of inputs, the second value being the shape list of outputs. the infer_shape
function is similar with that in MXNet Python custom operator.
There are some built-in variables in the two functions forward
and backward
Variable Name | Description |
self.F | context. e.g. self.F = mx.nd if using MXNet |
self.X[k] | the k-th input |
self.Y[k] | the k-th output |
self.dX[k] | the k-th input gradient |
self.dY[k] | the k-th output gradient |
self.x | the first input |
self.y | the first output |
self.dx | the first input gradient |
self.dy | the first output gradient |
self.req[k] | the assignment mode of the k-th tensor (null/write/add/replace) |
It's noticed that [:]
should be added when assigning a tensor, like self.X[0][:] = data
It's available to use the built-in function assign
to assign a tensor, like self.assign(self.X[0], self.req[0], data)
, which is consistent with with MXNet.
Let's test the custom operator MulElemWise
we write!
In the directory tutorial
, create the file
and write the following code:
import mobula
import mxnet as mx
a = mx.nd.array([1,2,3])
b = mx.nd.array([4,5,6])
with mx.autograd.record():
c = mobula.op.MulElemWise(a, b)
print (c) # [4, 10, 18]
print ('a.grad = {}'.format(a.grad.asnumpy())) # [4, 5, 6]
print ('b.grad = {}'.format(b.grad.asnumpy())) # [1, 2, 3]
Enter python
in the terminal, then we will get the result.
At line 2, MobulaOP loads the module MulElemWise
, analyzes and registers the function into mobula.func
. However the code is not compiled immediately.
At line 11 c = mobula.op.MulElemWise(a, b)
, MobulaOP will determine the template instance given the types of inputs, then compile the corresponding dynamic link libraries, finally run the custom operator and return the result.
also accepts MXNet Symbol, NumPy NDArray, and PyTorch Tensor.
MXNet Symbol:
a_sym = mx.sym.Variable('a')
b_sym = mx.sym.Variable('b')
c_sym = mobula.op.MulElemWise(a_sym, b_sym)
NumPy NDArray:
a_np = np.array([1,2,3])
b_np = np.array([4,5,6])
# NumPy doesn't record gradients, so create an operator instance to record it
op = mobula.op.MulElemWise[np.ndarray]()
c_np = op(a_np, b_np)
PyTorch Tensor:
a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], requires_grad=True)
b = torch.tensor([4, 5, 6], requires_grad=True)
c = mobula.op.MulElemWise(a, b) # c = a + b
How to use these custom operators in Gluon?
class MulElemWiseBlock(mx.gluon.nn.HybridBlock):
def hybrid_forward(self, F, a, b):
return mobula.op.MulElemWise(a, b)
The aforementioned codes can be seen at the docs directory.
I hope that MobulaOP will help you :)
Any issue and pull request is welcome.
Thank you!