Contributions are very welcome. The following will provide some helpful guidelines.
- You will only submit contributions where you have authored 100% of the content.
- You will only submit contributions to which you have the necessary rights. This means in particular, that if you are employed you have received the necessary permissions from your employer to make the contributions.
- Whatever content you contribute will be provided under the project license(s) (see
- You will submit your contribution together with your full name and e-mail address (see below).
If you want to submit a contribution, please follow the following workflow:
- Fork the project
- Create a feature branch
- Add your contribution
- Create a Pull Request
Commit messages should be clear and fully elaborate the context and the reason of a change. Please stick to the customary format.
If your commit refers to an issue, please post-fix it with the issue number, e.g.
Issue: #123
If your Pull Request resolves an issue, please add a respective line to the end, like
Resolves #123
Furthermore, please add the following line to your Pull Request description with your full name and e-mail address:
I hereby agree to the terms of the InspectorTodo Contributor License Agreement. <FULL NAME>, <EMAIL_ADDRESS>
Please adjust your code formatter to the general style of the project, based on PEP8. Your IDE will probably provide support for it.
pip install build twine
python -m build
twine check dist/*
Upload to Test PyPi
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
Upload to PyPi
twine upload dist/*