qLibc is currently one of the most functionally-complete, publicly-licensed C/C++ libraries. The goal of the qLibc project is to provide a simple and powerful general purpose C/C++ library that includes all kinds of containers and general library routines. It provides a ready-made set of common container APIs with a consistent API look.
qLibc Copyright
qLibc is published under 2-clause BSD license known as Simplified BSD License. Please refer the LICENSE document included in the package for more details.
API Reference
qLibc is currently one of the most functionally-complete, publicly-licensed C/C++ libraries. The goal of the qLibc project is to provide a simple and powerful general purpose C/C++ library that includes all kinds of containers and general library routines. It provides a ready-made set of common container APIs with a consistent API look.
+qLibc Copyright
qLibc is published under 2-clause BSD license known as Simplified BSD License. Please refer the LICENSE document included in the package for more details.
All container APIs have a consistent look and feel. It basically provides a creator function which usually returns a pointer to a container structure. Also, all functions related to the container can be accessed through function pointers inside of the container or traditional style direct access APIs. For an example,
So, regardless of which container you use, you can simply put elements into a list with container->put(container, ...) or you can call them using direct API like qtreetbl_pub(container, ...).
An examples below illustrates how it looks like.
+Consistent API Look
All container APIs have a consistent look and feel. It basically provides a creator function which usually returns a pointer to a container structure. Also, all functions related to the container can be accessed through function pointers inside of the container or traditional style direct access APIs. For an example,
So, regardless of which container you use, you can simply put elements into a list with container->put(container, ...) or you can call them using direct API like qtreetbl_pub(container, ...).
Here is an identical implementation with a Linked-List-Table container. You may notice that there aren't any code changes at all, except for 1 line in the table creation. This is why qLibc encapsulates corresponding function pointers inside of the container object.
Here is an identical implementation with a Linked-List-Table container. You may notice that there aren't any code changes at all, except for 1 line in the table creation. This is why qLibc encapsulates corresponding function pointers inside of the container object.
// create a linked-list-table. THE ONLY LINE YOU NEED TO CHANGE.
diff --git a/doc/html/jquery.js b/doc/html/jquery.js
index d1e7eb9c..1dffb65b 100644
--- a/doc/html/jquery.js
+++ b/doc/html/jquery.js
@@ -1,80 +1,34 @@
- * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.7.1
- * http://jquery.com/
- *
- * Copyright 2011, John Resig
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- * http://jquery.org/license
- *
- * Includes Sizzle.js
- * http://sizzlejs.com/
- * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
- * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- *
- * Date: Mon Nov 21 21:11:03 2011 -0500
- */
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Apache-style Configuration is a configuration file syntax and format originally introduced by Apache HTTPd project. This format is powerful, flexible and human friendly. Even though this code gets distributed as a part of qLibc project, the code is written not to have any external dependencies to make this single file stands alone for better portability. It is purely written from the ground up and dedicated to the public by Seungyoung Kim.
Sample Apache-style Configuration Syntax:
# Lines that begin with the hash character "#" are considered comments.
Listen 53
Apache-style configuration file parser.
Apache-style Configuration is a configuration file syntax and format originally introduced by Apache HTTPd project. This format is powerful, flexible and human friendly. Even though this code gets distributed as a part of qLibc project, the code is written not to have any external dependencies to make this single file stands alone for better portability. It is purely written from the ground up and dedicated to the public by Seungyoung Kim.
Sample Apache-style Configuration Syntax:
# Lines that begin with the hash character "#" are considered comments.
Listen 53
Protocols UDP TCP
<Domain "qdecoder.org">
TTL 86400
MX 10 mail.qdecoder.org
<Host mail>
TXT "US Rack-13D-18 \"San Jose's\""
<Host www>
TXT 'KR Rack-48H-31 "Seoul\'s"'
TTL 3600
<Domain "ringfs.org">
<Host www>
CNAME www.qdecoder.org
// Define scope.
// QAC_SCOPE_ALL and QAC_SCOPE_ROOT are predefined.
2nd) It takes 1 argument and its type must be integer.
3rd) Callback function, confcb_debug, will be called.
3rd) Callback function, confcb_debug, will be called.
4th) This is a regular option and does not have section id.
5th) This option can be specified in OPT_SECTION_DOMAIN and OPT_SECTION_HOST.
Option name is a unique string. Even an option is section type like <option> only name part without bracket needs to be specifed.
This field is for providing argument checking in parser level. So in user's callback routine can go simple. This provides checking of number of arguments this option can take and those argument type.
In terms of argument types. There are 4 argument types as below. And first 5 arguments can be checked individually with different types.
Option name is a unique string. Even an option is section type like <option> only name part without bracket needs to be specifed.
This field is for providing argument checking in parser level. So in user's callback routine can go simple. This provides checking of number of arguments this option can take and those argument type.
In terms of argument types. There are 4 argument types as below. And first 5 arguments can be checked individually with different types.
STR type : any type
INT type : integer type. ex) 23, -12, 0
FLOAT type : integer + floating point type. ex) 1.32, -32.5, 23, -12, 0
BOOL type : bool type ex) 1/0, true/false, on/off, yes/no
When a BOOL type is specified, the argument passed to callback will be replaced to "1" or "0" for convenience use. For example, if "On" is specified as a argument and if BOOL type checking is specified, then actual argument which will be passed to callback will have "1". So we can simply determine it like "bool enabled = atoi(data->argv[1])".
If original input argument needs to be passed to callback, specify STR type.
Here is some examples of how to specify "Arguments" field.
When a BOOL type is specified, the argument passed to callback will be replaced to "1" or "0" for convenience use. For example, if "On" is specified as a argument and if BOOL type checking is specified, then actual argument which will be passed to callback will have "1". So we can simply determine it like "bool enabled = atoi(data->argv[1])".
If original input argument needs to be passed to callback, specify STR type.
Here is some examples of how to specify "Arguments" field.
An option takes 1 argument.
QAC_TAKE_STR <= String(any) type
QAC_TAKE_INT <= Integer type
QAC_TAKE_FLOAT <= Float type
QAC_TAKE_BOOL <= Bool type
QAC_TAKE1 <= Equavalent to QAC_TAKE_STR
QAC_TAKE1 | QAC_A1_BOOL <= Equavalent to QAC_TAKE_BOOL
An option takes 2 arguments, bool and float.
An option takes any number of arguments in any type.
An option takes any number of arguments but 1st one must be bool and
2nd one must be integer and rest of them must be float.
Callback function will be called with 2 arguments. One is callback data and the other one is userdata. Userdata is the data pointer set by setuserdata().
Here is data structure. Arguments belong to the option can be accessed via argv variables like data->argv[1]. argv[0] is for the option name.
Callback function will be called with 2 arguments. One is callback data and the other one is userdata. Userdata is the data pointer set by setuserdata().
Here is data structure. Arguments belong to the option can be accessed via argv variables like data->argv[1]. argv[0] is for the option name.
struct qaconf_cbdata_s {
enum qaconf_otype otype; // option type
uint64_t section; // current section where this option is located
uint64_t sections; // ORed all parent's sectionid(s) including current sections
uint8_t level; // number of parents(level), root level is 0
qaconf_cbdata_t *parent; // upper parent link
int argc; // number arguments. always equal or greater than 1.
char **argv; // argument pointers. argv[0] is option name.
If an option is an section like <Option>, section id can be assigned. This section id can be used to limit some other option directives to be located only inside of that section. So this is your choice. If it doesn't require to check directory scope, we can just specify 0 here.
There are 2 pre-defined section id, QAC_SECTION_ALL and QAC_SECTION_ROOT. When we define user section, it has to be defined from 2(1 << 1)as below.
If an option is an section like <Option>, section id can be assigned. This section id can be used to limit some other option directives to be located only inside of that section. So this is your choice. If it doesn't require to check directory scope, we can just specify 0 here.
There are 2 pre-defined section id, QAC_SECTION_ALL and QAC_SECTION_ROOT. When we define user section, it has to be defined from 2(1 << 1)as below.
If qdb->set_fetchtype(db, true) is called, the results does not actually read into the client. Instead, each row must be retrieved individually by making calls to qdbresult->get_next(). This reads the result of a query directly from the server without storing it in local buffer, which is somewhat faster and uses much less memory than default behavior qdb->set_fetchtype(db, false).