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Common errors

Niklas Gutberlet edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 13 revisions

These errors have been reported over time and may have occurred for different users for various reasons. The error message may be the same for two different users, but the cause of it can be quite different. The cause often cannot be determined by the error alone.

Please get in touch with the support team when it is not clear how the error you experience could be resolved.

Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source.

This generic error can be caused by various factors, including but not limited to:

  • negative PayPal API responses (e.g. currency not supported or invalid characters)
  • potential plugin/theme conflicts
  • REST endpoint blocked
  • other web server configuration

These kinds of errors may be caused by a compatibility issue with a third-party plugin, an invalid plugin configuration, or temporary service disruptions at PayPal.

Usually, following advanced troubleshooting steps helps to isolate the cause of the problem.

Could not retrieve order.

This error typically arises when the smart button replacement on on the Checkout page malfunctions, causing the buyer to use the regular "Place order" button. PayPal Payments relies on the PayPal smart buttons for processing, so a failed order is created when the "Place order" button is used.

To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check if you can see the PayPal smart buttons on your Checkout page.
  • If yes, check if the error consistently occurs when clicking the PayPal button
  • If you see the "Place order" button, there might be an error on your site causing the problem.
  1. Identify potential causes, which may include:
  • JavaScript console errors on the Checkout page
  • Plugin/theme conflicts, such as caching or security plugins
  • Unsupported browser (e.g., outdated mobile Safari versions or IE11)
  • Disabled JavaScript in the browser (PayPal requires JavaScript to function)

If the error occurs sporadically, try using a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox.

By following these steps, you can better understand the cause of the issue and implement a suitable solution.

Please get in touch with the support team if you are unable to identify the problem.

The payee does not have a PayPal account.

This error can occur either when the API credentials are invalid, or the merchant’s PayPal account is not verified.

In some cases, disconnecting and reconnecting the account using the onboarding wizard may be sufficient to resolve the error. Other times, the merchant may need to reach out to the PayPal Merchant Support to clarify the account verification status before payments can be received.


The error DUPLICATE_INVOICE_ID error is a security feature from PayPal to prevent accidental double payments.

PayPal Payments automatically sets an "invoice prefix" and then sends the WooCommerce order numbers in the pattern "invoice prefix + ordernumber" to PayPal. When the prefix is set to cfbdg- and the order number is 123, PayPal Payments sends the invoice ID cfbdg-123 to PayPal.

Under certain circumstances, PayPal Payments may send an invoice ID that already exists at PayPal and the transaction would fail. This can happen, for example, when an older backup from the website is restored, as the most recent WooCommerce orders may not exist anymore after the restore. As soon as WooCommerce attempts to create a new order with the number 123 and the same invoice prefix, PayPal would throw this error to prevent accidental double payments because there is already a payment at PayPal with the same invoice ID.

This feature can be disabled at PayPal, though the recommendation is to keep it enabled. Please ensure that every site using PayPal Payments with your account has a unique invoice prefix.

But to disable this feature at PayPal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Business PayPal account (
  2. Go to the Payments Preferences section
  3. Under the "Block accidental payments:" section, select the option "No, allow multiple payments per invoice ID"

With this feature disabled, PayPal no longer throws an error when an invoice number that already exists in the system is submitted.

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