A collection of hooks, custom code, and utilitiy functions
- node_form.js:
- UI for creating subdomain aliases (remove on upgrade when we ditch subdomains)
- UI improvements for the imagefield module
- woolman_blog:
- Workflows for submitting/publishing blog articles (could potentially use Rules module instead)
- woolman_directory:
- A custom-coded "view" of civicrm contacts taylored for the needs of staff (are staff still using this? if so could we use Views module instead of custom code?)
- woolman_dupe_query:
- Uses hook_civicrm_dupeQuery to make Civi's dupe rules way smarter (this worked quite well when I wrote it but that was years ago and there are no tests)
- woolman_phonathon:
- A little custom code to augment the use of civi-webforms for fundraising calls (probably upgrading to the new version of webform_civicrm will obsolete this)
- woolman_sending_schools:
- Displays a page about High Schools our students have come from (requires a complex query, not sure if Views could handle it)
- woolman_website.module:
- Hook implementations
- Utility functions
- woolman_website_utils.inc:
- More utility functions