From 5bc1a6a2667868255925c9dfb068eb8453064c13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GLD-Focal-Point Labour status, 7-day reference periodresolution pertaining to the categorization of work, employment, and labor underutilization.
In essence, the ICLS-19 resolution redefines employment as work performed for others in exchange for pay or profit, excluding activities such as subsistence agriculture or self-housing construction, which were previously classified as employment. This revision necessitates a careful adjustment in coding practices for variables associated with labor status, such as the “lstatus” variable.
To ensure accurate coding, harmonizers should discern the underlying ICLS version utilized in each survey through thorough examination of questionnaire text, skip patterns, and survey reports. Consequently, harmonizers must code the “lstatus” variable in accordance with the pertinent ICLS version (and annotate the version used via the “icls_v” variable).
-It is imperative to emphasize that each survey undergoes independent harmonization as explained in section Defining the boundaries of GLD harmonization. Therefore, any disparities arising from the adoption of different employment definitions in previous surveys should not impede the harmonization process for the current survey under consideration.
+It is imperative to emphasize that each survey undergoes independent harmonization. Therefore, any disparities arising from the adoption of different employment definitions in previous surveys should not impede the harmonization process for the current survey under consideration.
+Finally, when it comes to finer distinctions of employment (where finer means less common or affecting fewer individuals), like whether people on parental leave for more than 3 months can still be counted as employed, users should follow the skip pattern of the questionnaire, unless there are strong arguments against it. The guiding principle should be the logic of the ILO Model LFS Questionnaire.
The ILO defines unemployment (as stated above) as seeking and available for a job. The potential labour force is formed by the “available potential job seekers”, who are available but not looking for a job and the “unavailable job seekers”, that is those looking but not available. The below image (Figure 17 – source here) shows the different definitions.
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Codifies whether the person is not in the labour force over the past year (lstatus_year=3, missing otherwise) but could potentially be they are i) available but not searching or ii) searching but not immediately available to work. The codes are: