- Change 2020V1, 2020V2 LVGL touch I2C polling to interrupt polling, others are not currently adapted
- Added TTGOClass mutex example under multitasking <examples\BasicUnit\TouchMultitask>
- Added setting touch default monitoring report rate in touch initialization and enter monitoring mode in active state Description
- Added 2020V2 touch wakeup method, touch can be set to sleep in 2020V2, control AXP202_EXTEN can wake up touch
- Add a method to turn off touch interrupt and turn on
- Cancel AXP202 USB current limit in 2020 V2 version
- Added MAX30208 Temperature sensor example
- Added axp202&bma423 interrupt registered function
- Added TQuick and TBao example <examples/T_Bao> <examples/T_Quick>
- Added NES Emulator example <examples/NES> ,Base on https://github.com/moononournation/arduino-nofrendo
- Added ESP32Face example <examples/TFT_eSPI/ESPFace>,Base on https://github.com/luisllamasbinaburo/ESP32_Faces
- Added TFT_eSPI writeIndexedPixelsDouble,writeIndexedPixels
- Added TBao example <examples/T_Bao2>
- Adapt to 2020 new touch panel
- Added TBlock example <examples/T-Block/Epaper_Badge>
- Added TBlock example <examples/T-Block/Epaper>
- Update TBlock example <examples/T-Block/Epaper_Badge>, Compatible with three ink screens (GDEH0154D67_BL, GDEH0154D67_TP,GDEP015OC1)
- Set AXP202 LDO2's default turn-on voltage to 3.3V
- Update example description
- Added MAX30208 Temperature example <examples/Sensor/MAX30208>
- Added
display driver , Suitable for T-Block round 240x240 screen - Added DW1000 examples <examples/Shield/DW1000_BasicSender>,<examples/Shield/DW1000Ranging_ANCHOR>,<examples/Shield/DW1000Ranging_TAG>,<examples/Shield/DW1000_BasicReceiver>,<examples/Shield/DW1000_RangingAnchor>,<examples/Shield/DW1000_RangingTag>
- Added UnitTest directory, Store hardware test code
- Release TTGO_TWatch_Library V1.4.0 version
- Update lvgl to 7.7.2
- Turn on Twatch 2019 interrupt function
- Remove warnings caused by upgrading lvgl
- Added DRV2605 enable for V2
- Fix the problem that cannot be compiled in SimpleFramework
- Fix <UnitTest/ScreenRotation> coordinate residue
- Add Air530 driver for
- Add Air530Allfunction example <BasicUnit/Air530Allfunction>
- Add Air530Display example <BasicUnit/Air530Display>
- Repair warning
- Add TWatch V3 board definition
- Check the return value before setting the power output <src/drive/axp/axp202.cpp>
- Move the Air530 example in <BasicUnit/TwatcV2Special/Air530*>
- Add Twatch-V2, Twatch-V3 BMA423 different mapping
- Update BaseUnit example
- Add touch three mode test example <BasicUnit/TouchpanelMode>
- Delete Air530 example
- Add basic Twatch 2020 V2 GPS example
- Update TWATCH 2020 V2 pin definition
- Update pin definition document
- <BasicUnit/AXP20x_ADC> example compatible with T-Block