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Contributing to OpenJFX

OpenJFX is an open source project and we love to receive contributions from our community — you! There are many ways to contribute, from improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests, or writing code which can be incorporated into OpenJFX itself.

Bug reports

If you think you have found a bug in OpenJFX, first make sure that you are testing against the latest version - your issue may already have been fixed. If not, search our issues list in the Java Bug System (JBS) in case a similar issue has already been opened. More information on where and how to report a bug can be found at

It is very helpful if you can prepare a reproduction of the bug. In other words, provide a small test case which we can run to confirm your bug. It makes it easier to find the problem and to fix it.

Provide as much information as you can. The easier it is for us to recreate your problem, the faster it is likely to be fixed.

Feature requests

If you find yourself wishing for a feature that doesn't exist in OpenJFX, you are probably not alone. There are bound to be others out there with similar needs. Many of the features that OpenJFX has today have been added because our users saw the need. Please be aware that all new feature requests, including any API changes, need prior discussion on the openjfx-dev mailing list, even if there is already an open JBS issue. See the New features / API additions section below for more information.

Contributing code and documentation changes

If you have a bug fix or new feature that you would like to contribute to OpenJFX, please talk about what you would like to do on the openjfx-dev mailing list. It may be that somebody is already working on it, or that there are particular issues that you should know about before implementing the change.

We enjoy working with contributors to get their code accepted. There are many approaches to fixing a problem and it is important to find the best approach before writing too much code.

Note that it is unlikely the project will merge refactors for the sake of refactoring. These types of pull requests have a high cost to maintainers in reviewing and testing with little to no tangible benefit. This especially includes changes generated by tools. For example, converting all generic interface instances to use the diamond operator.

Fork and clone the repository

Once you have created a bug report or confirmed its existence on JBS, you will need to fork the repository and clone it to your local machine. See the GitHub help page for help.

Before submitting a pull request

If you are a first time contributor to OpenJFX, welcome! Please do the following before you submit your first pull request:

  • Sign the Contributor Agreement

    In order for us to evaluate your contribution, you need to sign the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA). We are not asking you to give up your copyright, but to give us the right to distribute your code without restriction. By doing this you assert that the code you contribute is yours to contribute, and not third-party code that you do not own. We ask this of all contributors in order to assure our users of the origin and continuing existence of the code. You only need to sign the OCA once.

  • Read the code review policies

    Please read the entire section below on how to submit a pull request, as well as the OpenJFX Code Review Policies. If this is a feature request, please note the additional requirements and expectations in the New features / API additions section at the end of this guide.

  • File a bug in JBS for every pull request

    A unique JBS bug ID is needed for every pull request. If there isn't already a bug filed in JBS, then please file one at A developer with an active OpenJDK ID can file a bug directly in JBS.

TIP: A GitHub pull request (PR) should not be the first time we hear about your proposed change to OpenJFX. Unless clearly identified as a Draft or work-in-progress (WIP), as described in the following section, we will usually close a pull request that isn't associated with an existing bug report. Reading the policies below will help you in getting your change approved.

Submitting your changes via a pull request

Once your changes and tests are ready to submit for review:

  1. Test your changes

    Run the test suite to make sure that nothing is broken. For most code changes, you need to provide new tests covering those changes. At least one of the new tests should fail before your proposed fix and pass after your proposed fix.

  2. Rebase your changes

    Update your local repository with the most recent code from the main repository, and rebase your branch on top of the latest master branch. We prefer your initial changes to be squashed into a single commit. See the GitHub help page for help. Later, if we ask you to make changes, add them as separate commits. This makes them easier to review.

  3. Submit a pull request

    Push your local changes to your forked copy of the repository and submit a pull request. The title of the pull request must start with the 7-digit JBS bug id, followed by a colon (:), then a space, and finally the bug title as taken from JBS. This title must exactly match the JBS bug, else the Skara bot will warn about the mismatch and block integration. You should include additional details about your change in the Description of the pull request. For example, the following is a valid pull request title:

    8231326: Update README and CONTRIBUTING docs for Skara

    The Skara bot will then run jcheck on the server to verify the format of the PR title and check for whitespace errors. Once that passes, it will automatically send a Request For Review (RFR) email to the openjfx-dev mailing list. The Skara bot will also cross-link the JBS Issue and the pull request. See the Skara project page for information on jcheck and other Skara tools.

    TIP: Create a Draft pull request or prefix the pull request title with WIP: if you aren't yet ready for it to be reviewed. The Skara bot will not send an RFR email unless the PR is out of the Draft state and the title starts with a 7-digit bug ID.

    Please adhere to the general guideline that you should never force push to a publicly shared branch. Once you have opened your pull request, you should consider your branch publicly shared. Instead of force pushing you can just add incremental commits; this is generally easier on your reviewers. If you need to pick up changes from master, you can merge master into your branch. A reviewer might ask you to rebase a long-running pull request in which case force pushing is okay for that request. Note that squashing at the end of the review process should also not be done. The Skara bot will squash your commits into a single commit, and rebase it onto the target branch when the pull request is integrated. See the GitHub Help Documentation for additional help on using Git and GitHub.

  4. Code review

    All pull requests must be reviewed according to the OpenJFX Code Review Policies. It is the responsibility of the Reviewer(s) and the Committer who will integrate or sponsor the change to ensure that the code review policies are followed, and that all concerns have been addressed.

    Discussion and review of the pull request can happen either by adding a comment to the PR itself, or by replying to the mailing list "RFR" thread. The Skara bot will cross-forward between them. To approve a pull request, a reviewer must do that in the PR itself. See the following GitHub help page for help on reviewing a pull request.

    If any changes are needed, you would push additional commits to the branch from which you made the pull request.

    The code review continues until there are no unaddressed concerns, and at least the minimum number of reviewers have approved the PR -- which is one for low-impact bug fixes and two for enhancements or high-impact bug fixes.

    NOTE: A Reviewer in the project can set the minimum number of reviewers for a PR using the Skara /reviewers command. For example, /reviewers 2 is used for high-impact fixes and enhancements to indicate that two reviewers are needed, at least one of whom needs to have the Reviewer role in the project.

    NOTE: A reviewer can indicate that a PR needs a CSR by entering the /csr command. The Skara bot will then require an approved CSR before the PR can be integrated.

  5. Integrate the pull request

    Once the review has completed as described above, you can integrate the PR.

    A. Verify the commit message. The Skara tooling adds a comment with the commit message that will be used. You can add a summary to the commit message with the /summary command. You can add additional contributors with the /contributor command. Commands are issued by adding a comment to the PR that starts with a slash / character.

    B. Issue the /integrate command. If you have the "Committer" role (or higher) in the Project, then the Skara bot will merge the change with no further action on your part. If you are not a Committer, then you must get a Committer to sponsor your change. This is often one of the reviewers who reviewed your PR, but it need not be. The sponsor will issue the /sponsor command after you issue /integrate once they are satisfied that the review criteria have been met. The Skara bot will automatically resolve the JBS issue as "Fixed" so there is no need to manually resolve it.

New features / API additions

Adding a new feature to OpenJFX requires us to consider what it means to support that API forever; we take compatibility seriously. The main idea is to think in terms of "stewardship" when evolving the JavaFX API. This will require significant effort on your part. It begins before you submit a pull request for review, and continues after the new feature is integrated. With that in mind, here are the needed steps to get a new feature into JavaFX.

  1. Discuss the proposed feature on the openjfx-dev mailing list. You should start with why you think adding the API to the core of JavaFX is a good and useful addition for multiple applications (not just your own) and for the evolution of the JavaFX UI Toolkit. Part of this is to see whether the Project Leads and Reviewers are generally supportive of the idea, as well as to see whether other developers have any ideas as to whether and how it would be useful in their applications. We want to make sure that the new feature fits in with the existing API and will move the API forward in a direction we want to go. We need to ensure that the value proposition of the new feature justifies the investment, which goes well beyond the initial cost of developing it. Presuming that the feature meets the cost / benefit assessment (including opportunity cost), then discussion can proceed to the API.

  2. Discuss the API needed to provide the feature. While this can't always be completely separated from its implementation, it is the public API itself that is important to nail down and get right. While we don't currently use the formal JEP process as is done for larger JDK features, the JEP template provides some ideas to consider when proposing an API, such as a summary of the changes, goals, motivation, testing, dependencies, etc. A Draft (or WIP) pull request can be useful for illustrative purposes as long as the focus is on the public API. If there are trade-offs to be made in the implementation, or different implementation approaches that you might take, this is a good time to discuss it. Once this step is far enough along that there is general agreement as to the API, then it's time to focus on the implementation.

  3. Submit a review of your proposed implementation. As noted in the New features / API additions section of the Code Review Policies doc, we also need a CSR, which documents the API change and its approval. The CSR can be reviewed in parallel. Changes in the API that arise during the review need to be reflected in the CSR, meaning that the final review / approval of the CSR usually happens late in the review cycle. You can avoid extra work by waiting to submit the CSR until the API is agreed upon and the code review for the documentation is reasonably far along.

TIP: a pull request is not the starting point, since that skips the first two important steps and jumps right into "given this new feature, and an API definition that specifies it, please review my proposed implementation".

Coding style and testing guidelines

The following formatting rules are enforced for source code files by git jcheck, which is run by the Skara bot:

  • Use Unix-style (LF) line endings, not DOS-style (CRLF)
  • Do not use TAB characters (exception: Makefiles can have TABS)
  • No trailing spaces
  • No files with execute permission

Please also follow these formatting guidelines:

  • Java indent is 4 spaces
  • Line width is no more than 120 characters
  • The rest is left to Java coding standards
  • Avoid making changes that are unrelated to the bug you are fixing. This includes fixing minor errors such as warnings, spacing / indentation, spelling errors, etc, in code that you aren't otherwise modifying as part of your fix.
  • Disable “auto-format on save” to prevent your IDE from making unnecessary formatting changes. This makes reviews much harder as it generates unnecessary diffs. If your IDE supports formatting only modified chunks, that is fine to do.
  • Wildcard imports – for example, import java.util.*; – are forbidden and may cause the build to fail. Please attempt to configure your IDE so it doesn't generate wildcard imports. An exception to this rule is that wildcard static imports in test classes are allowed, for example, import static org.junit.Assert.*;.
  • Don't worry too much about import order. Try not to change it but don't worry about fighting your IDE to stop it from doing so.

Building and testing

JDK 11 (at a minimum) is required to build OpenJFX. You must have the JDK installed on your system with the environment variable JAVA_HOME referencing the path to Java home for your JDK installation. By default, tests use the same runtime as JAVA_HOME. Currently OpenJFX will build and run on JDK 11 through JDK 18. JDK 17 is recommended.

It is possible to develop in any major Java IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans). IDEs can automatically configure projects based on Gradle setup.

OpenJFX uses Gradle for its build. Before submitting your changes, run the test suite to make sure that nothing is broken, with:

bash ./gradlew all test

If you are changing anything that might possibly affect rendering, you should run a full test with robot enabled:

bash ./gradlew -PFULL_TEST=true -PUSE_ROBOT=true all test

If you don't build WebKit (using the -PCOMPILE_WEBKIT=true option), you are likely to get test failures when running the web tests. See the Web Testing page for information on how to address this.

Even more documentation on OpenJFX projects and its build system can be found on the OpenJFX Wiki.