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Latest commit

0e856a1 · May 20, 2021


250 lines (193 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

250 lines (193 loc) · 11.6 KB

UPGRADE FROM 5.2 to 5.3


  • Deprecated RemoteJsonManifestVersionStrategy, use JsonManifestVersionStrategy instead


  • Deprecate Helper::strlen(), use Helper::width() instead.
  • Deprecate Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration(), use Helper::removeDecoration() instead.


  • Deprecate UserLoaderInterface::loadUserByUsername() in favor of UserLoaderInterface::loadUserByIdentifier()
  • Remove UuidV*Generator classes


  • Deprecated the parents() method, use ancestors() instead


  • Changed $forms parameter type of the DataMapperInterface::mapDataToForms() method from iterable to \Traversable
  • Changed $forms parameter type of the DataMapperInterface::mapFormsToData() method from iterable to \Traversable
  • Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the DataMapper::mapDataToForms() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the DataMapper::mapFormsToData() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the CheckboxListMapper::mapDataToForms() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the CheckboxListMapper::mapFormsToData() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the RadioListMapper::mapDataToForms() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the RadioListMapper::mapFormsToData() method, pass \Traversable instead
  • Dependency on symfony/intl was removed. Install symfony/intl if you are using LocaleType, CountryType, CurrencyType, LanguageType or TimezoneType


  • Deprecate the alias and* services, use the alias and* services instead
  • Deprecate the framework.session.storage_id configuration option, use the framework.session.storage_factory_id configuration option instead
  • Deprecate the session service and the SessionInterface alias, use the \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getSession() or the new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack::getSession() methods instead
  • Deprecate the KernelTestCase::$container property, use KernelTestCase::getContainer() instead
  • Rename the container parameter profiler_listener.only_master_requests to profiler_listener.only_main_requests
  • Deprecate registering workflow services as public
  • Deprecate option --xliff-version of the translation:update command, use e.g. --format=xlf20 instead
  • Deprecate option --output-format of the translation:update command, use e.g. --format=xlf20 instead


  • Deprecate the NamespacedAttributeBag class
  • Deprecate the RequestStack::getMasterRequest() method and add getMainRequest() as replacement


  • Deprecate ArgumentInterface
  • Deprecate ArgumentMetadata::getAttribute(), use getAttributes() instead
  • Mark the class Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener as internal
  • Deprecate returning a ContainerBuilder from KernelInterface::registerContainerConfiguration()
  • Deprecate HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST and add HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST as replacement
  • Deprecate KernelEvent::isMasterRequest() and add isMainRequest() as replacement


  • Deprecated the prefetch_count parameter in the AMQP bridge, it has no effect and will be removed in Symfony 6.0
  • Deprecated the use of TLS option for Redis Bridge, use rediss:// instead of redis://


  • Remove the internal annotation from the getHeaderBody() and getHeaderParameter() methods of the Headers class.


  • Changed the return type of AbstractTransportFactory::getEndpoint() from ?string to string
  • Changed the signature of Dsn::__construct() to accept a single string $dsn argument
  • Removed the Dsn::fromString() method


  • Deprecated the SetUpTearDownTrait trait, use original methods with "void" return typehint


  • Deprecate passing a boolean as the second argument of PropertyAccessor::__construct(), pass a combination of bitwise flags instead.


  • Deprecated the Type::getCollectionKeyType() and Type::getCollectionValueType() methods, use Type::getCollectionKeyTypes() and Type::getCollectionValueTypes() instead


  • Deprecate creating instances of the Route annotation class by passing an array of parameters, use named arguments instead


  • Deprecate using UsageTrackingTokenStorage with tracking enabled without a main request. Use the untracked token storage (service ID: security.untracked_token_storage) instead, or disable usage tracking completely using UsageTrackingTokenStorage::disableUsageTracking().

  • [BC BREAK] Remove method checkIfCompletelyResolved() from PassportInterface, checking that passport badges are resolved is up to AuthenticatorManager

  • Deprecate class User, use InMemoryUser or your own implementation instead. If you are using the isAccountNonLocked(), isAccountNonExpired() or isCredentialsNonExpired() method, consider re-implementing them in your own user class, as they are not part of the InMemoryUser API

  • Deprecate class UserChecker, use InMemoryUserChecker or your own implementation instead

  • [BC break] Remove support for passing a UserInterface implementation to Passport, use the UserBadge instead.

  • Deprecate UserInterface::getPassword() If your getPassword() method does not return null (i.e. you are using password-based authentication), you should implement PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface.


    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
    class User implements UserInterface
        // ...
        public function getPassword()
            return $this->password;


    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface;
    class User implements UserInterface, PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface
        // ...
        public function getPassword(): ?string
            return $this->password;
  • Deprecate UserInterface::getSalt() If your getSalt() method does not return null (i.e. you are using password-based authentication with an old password hash algorithm that requires user-provided salts), implement LegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface.


    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
    class User implements UserInterface
        // ...
        public function getPassword()
            return $this->password;
        public function getSalt()
            return $this->salt;


    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\LegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface;
    class User implements UserInterface, LegacyPasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface
        // ...
        public function getPassword(): ?string
            return $this->password;
        public function getSalt(): ?string
            return $this->salt;
  • Deprecate UserInterface::getUsername() in favor of UserInterface::getUserIdentifier()

  • Deprecate TokenInterface::getUsername() in favor of TokenInterface::getUserIdentifier()

  • Deprecate UserProviderInterface::loadUserByUsername() in favor of UserProviderInterface::loadUserByIdentifier()

  • Deprecate UsernameNotFoundException in favor of UserNotFoundException and getUsername()/setUsername() in favor of getUserIdentifier()/setUserIdentifier()

  • Deprecate PersistentTokenInterface::getUsername() in favor of PersistentTokenInterface::getUserIdentifier()

  • Deprecate calling PasswordUpgraderInterface::upgradePassword() with a UserInterface instance that does not implement PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface

  • Deprecate calling methods hashPassword(), isPasswordValid() and needsRehash() on UserPasswordHasherInterface with a UserInterface instance that does not implement PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface

  • Deprecate all classes in the Core\Encoder\ sub-namespace, use the PasswordHasher component instead

  • Deprecated voters that do not return a valid decision when calling the vote method

  • [BC break] Add optional array argument $badges to UserAuthenticatorInterface::authenticateUser()

  • Deprecate AuthenticationManagerInterface, AuthenticationProviderManager, AnonymousAuthenticationProvider, AuthenticationProviderInterface, DaoAuthenticationProvider, LdapBindAuthenticationProvider, PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider, RememberMeAuthenticationProvider, UserAuthenticationProvider and AuthenticationFailureEvent from security-core, use the new authenticator system instead

  • Deprecate AbstractAuthenticationListener, AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener, AnonymousAuthenticationListener, BasicAuthenticationListener, RememberMeListener, RemoteUserAuthenticationListener, UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener, UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener and X509AuthenticationListener from security-http, use the new authenticator system instead

  • Deprecate the Guard component, use the new authenticator system instead


  • [BC break] Add login_throttling.lock_factory setting defaulting to null. Set this option to lock.factory if you need precise login rate limiting with synchronous requests.
  • Deprecate UserPasswordEncoderCommand class and the corresponding user:encode-password command, use UserPasswordHashCommand and user:hash-password instead
  • Deprecate the security.encoder_factory.generic service, the security.encoder_factory and Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\EncoderFactoryInterface aliases, use security.password_hasher_factory and Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherFactoryInterface instead
  • Deprecate the security.user_password_encoder.generic service, the security.password_encoder and the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface aliases, use security.user_password_hasher, security.password_hasher and Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasherInterface instead
  • Deprecate the public security.authorization_checker and security.token_storage services to private
  • Not setting the enable_authenticator_manager config option to true is deprecated
  • Deprecate the security.authentication.provider.* services, use the new authenticator system instead
  • Deprecate the security.authentication.listener.* services, use the new authenticator system instead
  • Deprecate the Guard component integration, use the new authenticator system instead


  • Deprecate ArrayDenormalizer::setSerializer(), call setDenormalizer() instead
  • Deprecate creating instances of the annotation classes by passing an array of parameters, use named arguments instead


  • Replaced UuidV1::getTime(), UuidV6::getTime() and Ulid::getTime() by UuidV1::getDateTime(), UuidV6::getDateTime() and Ulid::getDateTime()


  • Deprecate InvalidTokenConfigurationException