- Bugfix
- fix bug in queryserver calls
- analysis-catalog support added
as default query service- Bugfix
- Default query service reverted to
Improved exception handling
as default query service- add
- Improve
methods - Bugfixes
- Speed up queryserver queries
- Bugfix
- Add phenotype_plot() method
- Added workflow service support
- Added queryserver support
- Added self link to service root endpoints if not exist
- Added covariate service. See
- Added support for fetching playlists by name in
- Added support for data.frames and tibbles in
- phenotype_connect added to replace gor_connect and phenotype_connect - these functions will be removed in later releases
- Phenotype playlists support
- Phenotype category support
- Add get_data support for Phenotypes
- Phenotype-catalog services
- Authentication headers for http requests updated
- Add support for PATCH requests
- Add support for GET queries
- Library description updated
- Removed usage of deprecated dplyr methods so we don't get warning messages.
- Updated unit tests so that they don't care about the case of result headings (GOR is case-insensitive).
- Handle JWT tokens that don't have a expiration date.
- Misc improvements.
- Persistance of query results now supported, i.e. the ability to save query results to files on the server, usually under user_data/path/to/file
- Definitions can now be merged in consecutive
calls using the replace parameter. - Support for custom host connections, regardless of the provided API key.
- Virtual relations feature implemented, allowing referencing local data frame (via upload), and maintaining GOR create statements and definitions.
- API Error messages correctly displayed
- Fixed issue with killing remote tasks (cancelling queries)
Killing queries now works as expected
Using API keys from other client-ids now works, i.e. removed hard-coding of client-id in access token request.
Submitted to github