driver number |
458758 |
Three axis accelerometer, magnetometer and temperature sensor.
Description: Existence check.
Argument 1: unused
Argument 2: unused
Returns: Success
Description: Performs a test read/write to verify that the hardware sensor is present.
Argument 1: unused
Argument 2: unused
if presence test has started successfully,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Set Accelerometer Power Mode.
Argument 1: Accelerometer Data rate defined in manual table 20, page 25
Argument 2: Low power mode (1 on, 0 off)
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Set Accelerometer Scale and Resolution.
Argument 1: Accelerometer scale defined in manual table 27, page 27
Argument 2: High resolution (1 on, 0 off)
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Set Magnetometer Temperature Enable and Data Rate.
Argument 1: Temperature enable (1 on, 0 off)
Argument 2: Magnetometer Data rate defined in manual table 72, page 37
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Set magnetometer range.
Argument 1: Magnetometer range defined in manual table 75, page 38
Argument 2: unused
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Reads Acceleration X, Y and Z
Argument 1: unused
Argument 2: unused
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Reads the temperature
Argument 1: unused
Argument 2: unused
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
otherwise. -
Description: Reads Magnetometer X, Y and Z
Argument 1: unused
Argument 2: unused
if there is no other command in progress,BUSY
All the commands return a callback when done.
Description: Called when commands are done
Argument 1:
- Command 1: 1 present, 0 not present
- Command 6: X acceleration in m/s2 (not scaled)
- Command 7: temperature in deg C * 8
- Command 8: X magnetometer in Gauss (not scaled)
Argument 2:
- Command 6: Y acceleration in m/s2 (not scaled)
- Command 8: Y magnetometer in Gauss (not scaled)
Argument 3:
- Command 6: Z acceleration in m/s2 (not scaled)
- Command 8: Z magnetometer in Gauss (not scaled)
Unused for the LSM303DLHC driver. Will always return ENOSUPPORT