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OT Commissioner CLI

Use the OT Commissioner CLI to configure and manage OT Commissioner.


ot-commissioner $ ./script/
ot-commissioner $ mkdir build && cd build
build $ cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
build $ ninja -j16


OT Commissioner requires a JSON configuration file. There are two configuration templates to choose from:

Make a copy of your desired configuration file and modify it as needed for your system.

For the CCM configuration file, you need to change DomainName to the Thread domain you want to connect to. You also need to change PrivateKeyFile, CertificateFile and TrustAnchorFile to credentials you are going to use (default credentials are available in src/app/etc/commissioner/credentials for testing).

For the non-CCM configuration file, you need to set PSKc.


When started, the CLI enters an interactive mode and waits for user commands.

## Example of starting a non-CCM Commissioner.
build $ ./src/app/cli/commissioner-cli ../src/app/etc/commissioner/non-ccm-config.json


Type help to get a command list:

> help

type 'help <command>' for help of specific command.

All commands are synchronous, which means the command will not return until success, an error occurs, or a time out.

To abort a command, send signal Interrupt to OT Commissioner, which is CTRL + C for a Linux machine.


List all commands.

Commissioner token

Per the Thread 1.2 specification, COM_TOK is required for signing requests. If running in CCM mode, the Commissioner must request and set COM_TOK before connecting to a Thread network.

Request COM_TOK

### The registrar listening at [fdaa:bb::de6]::5684
> token request fdaa:bb::de6 5684


### Print the requested Token (COSE_SIGN1 signed) as a hex string.
> token print

Force set COM_TOK

## The trustAnchor is used to validate signature in the COM_TOK.
> token set ./COM_TOK.hex ./commissioner/trustAnchor.pem


To start petitioning as the active Commissioner of a Thread network:

### Petition with Border Agent at [::]:49191
> start :: 49191


Upon success, the Commissioner periodically sends keep alive messages in background. The Commissioner now is in the active state:

> active


Before exiting, use the command stop to gracefully leave the Thread network:

> stop


The command exit exits the CLI session.

Commissioner Session ID

sessionid returns the Commissioner Session ID.

Border Agent

The command borderagent provides access to Border Agent information:

> help borderagent
borderagent get locator
borderagent get meshlocaladdr

Backbone Router dataset

In a Thread CCM network, the TRI and Registrar address is managed as parameters of the Backbone Router (BBR) dataset:

> help bbrdataset
bbrdataset get trihostname
bbrdataset set trihostname <TRI-hostname>
bbrdataset get reghostname
bbrdataset set reghostname <registrar-hostname>
bbrdataset get regaddr
bbrdataset get
bbrdataset set '<bbr-dataset-in-json-string>'

### The default TRI and registrar hostname is [fdaa:bb::de6].
> bbr get trihostname

> bbr get reghostname

> bbr get regaddr

### The TRI or registrar hostname must contains a global ipv6 address
### enclosed by brackets.
> bbr set trihostname [fdaa:bb::de8]

> bbr set reghostname [fdaa:bb::de8]

Steering dataset

The Commissioner steers joining of new devices by Steering Data in the Commissioner dataset. To add a new CCM AE Joiner:

joiner enable (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-eui64>
joiner enableall (meshcop|ae|nmkp)
joiner disable (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-eui64>
joiner disableall (meshcop|ae|nmkp)
joiner getport (meshcop|ae|nmkp)
joiner setport (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-udp-port>

### The second argument of the joiner command is the type of joiner.
### It can be only ae, nmkp, or meshcop.
> joiner enable ae 0123456789abcdef

To enable joining for all Joiners:

> joiner enableall ae

Operational dataset

A command opdataset is provided to get or set active or pending operational datasets:

> help opdataset
opdataset get
opdataset get activetimestamp
opdataset get channel
opdataset set channel <page> <channel> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get channelmask
opdataset set channelmask (<page> <channel-mask>)...
opdataset get xpanid
opdataset set xpanid <extended-pan-id>
opdataset get meshlocalprefix
opdataset set meshlocalprefix <prefix> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get networkmasterkey
opdataset set networkmasterkey <network-master-key> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get networkname
opdataset set networkname <network-name>
opdataset get panid
opdataset set panid <panid> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get pskc
opdataset set pskc <PSKc>
opdataset get securitypolicy
opdataset set securitypolicy <security-policy>
opdataset get active
opdataset set active '<active-dataset-in-json-string>'
opdataset get pending
opdataset set pending '<pending-dataset-in-json-string>'

The opdataset always operates on the active operational dataset except for setting parameters that can not be directly set in an active operational dataset. Those parameters are:

  • channel
  • meshlocalprefix
  • networkmasterkey
  • panid

OT Commissioner sends a MGMT_PENDING_SET.req message to set those parameters.

Network data

### Network data is always stored in JSON format.
> help network
network save <network-data-file>
network pull

Pull network data

This command pulls down all Thread network data (active or pending dataset, commissioner dataset, BBR dataset) to local.

> network pull

This command is automatically executed when successfully connected to a Border Agent.

Save network data

This command saves all Thread network data to a JSON file.

> network save ./thread-test-network-data.json


Instruct one or more devices to announce its Operational Dataset:

> help announce
announce <channel-mask> <count> <period> <dst-addr>

Energy scan

energy scan instructs one or more devices to perform energy scanning. Use energy report to get the results.

### 'dst-addr' can be both unicast & multicast address.
> help energy
energy scan <channel-mask> <count> <period> <scan-duration> <dst-addr>
energy report [<dst-addr>]

Detect PAN ID conflicts

panid query requests one or more devices to start scanning for PAN ID conflicts. Use panid conflict to get the results.

### 'dst-addr' can be either a unicast or multicast address.
> help panid
panid query <channel-mask> <panid> <dst-addr>
panid conflict <panid>


To command a Thread device to perform MGMT reenrollment, use the reenroll command:

> reenroll fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00

Domain reset

To command a Thread device to perform MGMT domain reset, use the domainreset command:

> domainreset fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00

Network migration

To command a Thread device to perform MGMT network migration, use the migrate command:

> migrate fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 test-network-2

Multicast listener registration

> help mlr
mlr <multicast-addr> <timeout-in-seconds>

Datasets in JSON

There are advanced commands which accept or return datasets encoded in a JSON string.

The key of each JSON field in a dataset is produced by removing the prefix m of the case-sensitive dataset struct field name defined in include/commissioner/network_data.hpp. Review those dataset structures before crafting a JSON object by yourself.

Each advanced command always sends associative MGMT_*_(GET|SET).req requests.

Read/Write BBR dataset

  • bbrdataset get -- get the whole BBR dataset as a JSON string;
  • bbrdataset set '<bbr-dataset-in-json-string>'

Read/Write Commissioner dataset

  • commdataset get -- get the whole commissioner dataset as a JSON string;
  • commdataset set '<commissioner-dataset-in-json-string>'

Read/Write operational dataset

  • opdataset get active -- get the whole active operational dataset as a JSON string;
  • opdataset set active '<active-dataset-in-json-string>'
  • opdataset get pending -- get the whole pending operational dataset as a JSON string;
  • opdataset set pending '<pending-dataset-in-json-string>'