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147 lines (104 loc) · 6.22 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (104 loc) · 6.22 KB



Default VCL

The module contains a default vcl (Varnish Configuration Language) file you can use with this module. The file does the following:

  • clean up accept-encoding
  • remove cookies for static content (based on /assets/.htaccess)
  • pass requests for admin, Security and dev requests
  • pass requests for multistep forms
  • pass requests if the login marker cookie 'sslogin' is set
  • pass request if cache header no-store is present, otherwise remove cookies
  • remove most common tracking cookies
  • remove adwords gclid parameters
  • enforces the compression of svg files
  • set default cache time for static content and pages
  • set a grace period of one day (if content is expired it is still delivered from the cache for 1 day and reloaded in the background for subsequent requests)
  • option to enforce https (needs to be uncommented to be active)
  • adds protocol (http/https) to cache key

It also saves the URL of an object to a temporary field http.x-url in vcl_backend_response and removes it again before delivering the object to the client in vcl_deliver. If you edit the file, these are the sections you shouldn't change for the module to work!

HTTP redirects

To activate the HTTPS redirect included in the default vcl file, you need to un-comment the following lines in vcl_recv:

#	if (req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto !~ "(?i)https") {
#		return (synth(750, ""));
#	}

You also need to uncomment the redirects in vcl_synth at the end of the file.

For the vcl to pick up the protocol, it needs an additional header in the response. You can add that by adding the following snippet to your .htaccess file on the origin server (the snipped also includes the redirection to HTTPS, which needs to be before the header code):

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteBase /
	# enforce https
	RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,NC,L]
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
	Header append X-Forwarded-Proto https

This header gets picked up by the vcl to determine whther


When a form page is requested and the security token is activated, SilverStripe automatically disables caching, which sets the no-store caching header in the response.

If this header is set, all cookies are stripped from the request. API config

You need to add the following to your config.yml:

  account_id: '{your account ID}'
  application_id: '{your application ID}'
  environment_name: '{your environment name}'
  proxy_name: '{your proxy name}'
  username: '{your username}'
  password: '{your password}'

Go to the API section in your application account. You'll find the details (apart from your username and password) within the API URLs displayed on that page.

Unfortunately the API doesn't allow any auth method other than username and password. You can create a seperate user for your API calls, but that user would still have the same permissions as your main account. I have requested the introduction of something similar to deploy keys. (Status 03/2016)

To configure different behaviour for different environments please use the default SS config options for [environment specific settings] ( to set the config for a specific environment only.

If one of the settings is missing for an environment, the API will not be called and a warning will be logged.

For the application_id you can configure multiple applications using a comma saparated list of application IDs (e.g. '1234,2345'). This is useful if a single SilverStripe installation is accessible via multiple domains (e.g. in a multisite setup) and the cache for each domain is maintained in a seperate application. When the cache for an object is flushed it is then flushed for all applications configured because we can't determine on what domain a certain asset is used.

SiteTree flush strategy

SiteTree objects are banned from being delivered ("flushed") onAfterPublish. You can change the strategy used for this ban:

  sitetree_flush_strategy: '{single|parents|all|smart|everything}'
  • single (default) only bans the SiteTree object currently published
  • parents bans the current page as well as all its parents
  • all bans all pages on the site
  • smart bans pages based on what has changed (see below)
  • everything bans the whole site, including pages and files

The smart strategy bans:

  • all pages if you modify the title or URL of a page
  • only the current page if you modify the contents of a page
  • the current page and all its parents if you modify a page that has a parent

flush on /dev/build

You can configure whether the whole site should be banned from delivery from cache ("flushed") on dev/build:

  flush_on_dev_build: {true|false}

Default is true and it flushes the whole site.

Front-end login

If you want the cache to be disabled for logged in users, you can add the following to your config.yml:

  login_marker_cookie: sslogin

If this is set, a session cookie called "sslogin" will be set to "1" whenever a user logs in. This cookie is checked in the default vcl included in this module and all requests passed if the cookie is set.

SSL verification

For you local development environment you can disable the verification of SSL certificates in the API call:

  verify_ssl: false

Please make sure this is set to true in production.

Async API call

You can disable async API calling by setting the following config.

  async: false

This is set to true by default to speed up the experience in the CMS when saving a page.

Varnish node locations

When you setup your account and application the varnish nodes will be set up in your "home" AWS region only by default. If you need cache nodes in other regions, please ask support to put your application on a network with nodes in those regions.