My name is Xinzi Hou (侯鑫子), pronounced as [xou35 ɕin55 tsɿ214].
I’m an current PhD student in Linguistics at LLS, Uni of York.
My research interests include: acoustic phonetics, tone and intonation of tonal languages, Chinese dialects, accented Mandarin (dialect-Mandarin interlanguage), phonetics-phonology interface, traditional Chinese linguistics.
My PhD project focuses on the pitch systems of Nanning Mandarin, an accented Mandarin in Southeastern China. I study its tonal and intonational representation, how the two systems interact, and how their interaction fits in the broader field of theories about Chinese tone-intonation relationship. I completed MA in Linguistics at University College London in 2019 and BA in Chinese Language and Literature at Beijing Normal University in 2018.
CV (updated to October 2021)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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